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[–] 26787925? points 16 points points (+16|-0) ago (edited ago)
What do you expect from a guy that is a Comet Ping Pong fan?
Edit to add pertinant part of article:
The appeal of such a venue is broad. Families appreciate the joint for the obvious (be warned: the sounds of restless little ones can easily outmuscle Dean Martin and Rosemary Clooney on the soundtrack), and the stargazing can be prime. Among the VIP regulars are ballet director Septime Webre and talking head Tucker Carlson, but even Donald Rumsfeld has dropped by for a pie.
[–] 26790400? ago
To all:
For irrefragable physicochemical proof that the 9/11 attacks were an inside job by deep-state elements of the US government--i.e., via the use of large quantities of thermite in the case of the collapse of the three destroyed World Trade Center towers--see pp. 75-84 of my following article:
My foregoing article concerns physicist and mathematician Prof. Frank J. Tipler's Omega Point cosmology and the Feynman-DeWitt-Weinberg quantum gravity/Standard Model Theory of Everything (TOE), which is a proof (i.e., mathematical theorem) of God's existence per the known laws of physics (viz., the Second Law of Thermodynamics, General Relativity, and Quantum Mechanics). Tipler's Omega Point cosmology has been extensively peer-reviewed and published in a number of the world's leading physics and science journals. However, it also analyzes the societal implications of said, particularly the implications of the exponential advancement of technology and hence also the coming radical life-extension technologies in light of a world dominated by a callous oligarchy.
[–] 26789368? ago
911 was censored and covered-up https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_28_Pages
[–] 26787772? points 13 points points (+13|-0) ago
LISTEN UP ... ! please
The filthy SCUM that have been controlling every western civilized country for decades/centuries are extremely cunning and conniving
They are far from stupid and employ every tactic they have at their disposal
They are experts at every lowdown deceiptful jewplicitous trick in the book - they have patiently perfected them over a very long time
Many real Humans have woken to their insane anti Human agendas, amd more must do so - spread the word
WE DO NOT NEED THESE PARASITES - they contribute NOTHING worthwhile to Human society - at all
and they do immense harm by leeching off all Human cretaive endeavours whilst performing little to no actual work / endeavour themselves
Recognise the particular professions these scum ALWAYS inhabit - not a single one is where they have to even break an honest sweat
[–] 26787215? points 12 points points (+12|-0) ago
Tucker wears a jewish kabbalah bracelet on his left wrist.
[–] 26788525? points 1 point point (+1|-0) ago
[–] 26789620? ago
Turn in the cable box. We did it in the mid nineties and never regretted it. Probably missed a lot of grief.
[–] 26788082? ago
A few years ago my girlfriend at the time gave me this red string bracelet because all celebrities wore one, but that shit turned white.
[–] 26788738? points 4 points points (+4|-0) ago (edited ago)
Here's a flowchart for news that may help you.
Is it on TV? ---> Yes ----> You can't trust them,
[–] 26788903? [S] points 2 points points (+2|-0) ago
I like it.
[–] 26788267? points 4 points points (+4|-0) ago
sean Hannity too
they will not touch 911
[–] 26788466? points 3 points points (+3|-0) ago
Rush Limbaugh three.
[–] 26787878? points 3 points points (+3|-0) ago
Controlled opposition. I'm calling that FOX goes back to News Corp. So goes back into the hands of the Murdoch family. Disney will now be owned by the US Citizens.
[–] 26790335? ago
It’s the Murdoch sons running Fox and their wives are the problem.
[–] 26787587? points 2 points points (+4|-2) ago
Maybe, he's been fed misinformation from people he still believes he can trust.
Kinda like "ALL OF US" at one point?
IDK but, given that he also said basically the same thing about the existence of UFO's just a short time ago and then was enlightened by a credible military source and promptly changed his stance (not privately, no) he looked right into the camera, admitted he was wrong, and apologized for how had treated the subject and individuals in the past whenever the subject was raised.
Don't believe it warrants your level outrage and hatred.
If you feel "betrayed" by an opinion show hosts opinion, you may have more problems than just the channel you're choosing to watch.
But by all means, demand every other human being stop watching due to your perceived betrayal, as well as demand we all just "turn off our tv's", something you obviously have not done.
[–] 26787824? points 6 points points (+6|-0) ago
[–] 26788325? points -2 points points (+0|-2) ago
[–] 26788592? points 5 points points (+5|-0) ago (edited ago)
That's all fine, but he says "there is no evidence" like a fucking libtard deboonker. He just wants to shut down the conversation and not have a debate about it. He gets OFFENDED by questioning the govt's role in something. Some old lady is in jail in Europe because she questions the holocaust. This is the same thing Tucker is doing. It's called censorship because you have something to hide. Tucker is a comped POS.
On another note, I was just wondering why the MSM would allow someone like Tucker who was exposing some of the lies at some point. The reason is, they want to give us a reason to believe the MSM. We tune out everyone else, but there is still Tucker we can count on for truth! If they shut out people telling the truth altogether, then people will turn off the TV and they can't use the media for control. Which is basically what has happened with Fox finally screwing over Trump. Now conservatives have Newsmax and OANN ... until they become comped too.
[–] 26788356? points -1 points point (+1|-2) ago
Despite the fact that Tucker's one of the few on TV that agrees with 90% of what we do, folks still want to cancel him for not getting that 10% right.
[–] 26788588? points 3 points points (+3|-0) ago
Review the meaning of gatekeeper. He could be 99% in agreement and be gate-keeping 1%.
[–] 26789860? points 1 point point (+1|-0) ago
Never understood why people liked tucker
[–] 26789879? [S] ago
Me either, but he had a huge following.
[–] 26789985? ago
True enough. I remember he even went on Infowars several times. Seemed nervous as hell when he did