預かり保育に関する研究--利用の理由と利用後の子どもの様子 A Study of Daycare Outside Kindergarten Hours : Parents' Needs and Children's Attitudes
Ninty-eight parents in Kindergarten attached this university completed a questionnare, which examined the times and the reasons they used the daycare outside hours, and the attitudes which their children showed after the care and so on. Major findings were as follows : (1) the care is useful for the parents with a variety of needs, (2) some reasons were significantly related to the times, (3) old children want to play similarly at home as at the daycare, (4) young children want to make up to their mothers after the daycare. Implications of this kind of research for the future system in early childhood education were discussed.
- 大阪樟蔭女子大学学芸学部論集
大阪樟蔭女子大学学芸学部論集 (39), 177-184, 2002-03