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Last updated on: 2020-12-05 06:40:53 ET

Estimates generated using only confirmed cases and testing data from The COVID Tracking Project. For county infection estimates, we use county case data from Johns Hopkins CSSE. For this project, we are nowcasting (what has happened/is happening) rather than forecasting (what will happen). See Youyang's blog for recommendations of forecasting models. See our methodology writeup here. You can download the raw estimates here.

Note #1: Due to the inherent lag in the reporting of cases, we do not have estimates of infections for the last 14 days.
Note #2: Because not all infected individuals are infectious, we recommend dividing the "currently infected” estimate by 2-4 to get a sense of the number of "currently infectious" individuals.
Note #3: These are merely estimates and are by no means definitive. Please be sure to also consult other sources, such as published reports and serology studies.

Related forecasts: US | South Dakota || All South Dakota counties

Total confirmed cases: 84,398
Total deaths: 1,064

Population: 884,659
Mar 2020Apr 2020May 2020Jun 2020Jul 2020Aug 2020Sep 2020Oct 2020Nov 2020Dec 20200100020003000400050006000700080009000020k40k60k80k100k120k0100k200k300k400k500k
South DakotaCurrently Infected: 6.5% | Total Infected: 37.0% (As of Nov 20)Newly infectedCurrently infectedTotal infectedNewly InfectedCurrently InfectedTotal Infected
Mar 2020Apr 2020May 2020Jun 2020Jul 2020Aug 2020Sep 2020Oct 2020Nov 2020Dec 202000.511.522.53010203040500510152025
South DakotaRt: 0.98 (As of Nov 20) | Adjusted Positivity Rate: 20.2% (As of Dec 4)R_tPositivity rate (%)Prevalence ratioReproduction Number (R_t)Adjusted Positivity Rate (cases / tests)Prevalence Ratio (infections / cases)
Mar 2020Apr 2020May 2020Jun 2020Jul 2020Aug 2020Sep 2020Oct 2020Nov 2020Dec 20200200400600800100012001400010k20k30k40k50k60k70k80k051015202502004006008001000
South DakotaNew Cases: 874 | New Deaths: 25 (7-day avgs as of Dec 4)Daily confirmed casesTotal confirmed casesDaily deathsTotal deathsDaily Confirmed casesTotal Confirmed casesDaily DeathsTotal Deaths
Mar 2020Apr 2020May 2020Jun 2020Jul 2020Aug 2020Sep 2020Oct 2020Nov 2020Dec 20200100020003000400050006000050k100k150k200k250k300k350k0100200300400500600
South DakotaNew Tests (7-day avg): 4,319 | Currently Hospitalized: 516 (As of Dec 4)Daily testsTotal testsCurrently hospitalizedDaily TestsTotal TestsCurrently Hospitalized