Arbitrarily primed polymerase chain reaction (AP-PCR) 法による<I>Salmonella enlerica</I> serovar Enteritidisの疫学的検討 Application of Arbitrarily Primed Polymerase Chain Reaction Analysis to Epidemiological Study of <I>Salmonella enterica</I> Serovar Enteritidis
1991年12月から1996年8月までに和歌山市で分離された, 10例の健康者便由来, 7例の集団食中毒例の患者便由来, 4例の散発下痢症患者便由来からそれぞれ1株, 合計21株の<I>Salmonella enterica</I> subsp.<I>enterica</I> serovar Enteritidis (<I>S.</I>Enteritidis) を用いて, Arbitrarily-primed polymerase chain reaction (AP-PCR) 法がSEの疫学的解析に応用できるか否か検討した.<BR>AP-PCR法に加え, プラスミドプロファイル, 薬剤感受性, ファージ型別についても実施した.<BR>プライマーは, 60本の12merDNA (DNA oligomer (12) set, Wako, 東京) からA-11, B-32, G42とC-45の4本を選択した.従来の3種のマーカーの組み合わせでは, 21株のSEはタイプAからEの5種類に分類されたが, AP-PCR法ではタイプIからVIの6種類に分類できた.従来の3種のマーカーの組み合わせによりタイプCと分類された株は, 供試した21株中17株 (81%) であったが, AP-PCR法によればさらにタイプIII, IV, Vの3種類に細分することができた.タイプC・IVは15事例あり全体の71%で主流を占めていた.<BR>AP-PCR法は迅速で, PCRを行っている検査室では簡単に行うことができ, 適切なプライマーを選択すれば, SEの疫学的解析に応用できる優れた方法であることが確認された.
An arbitrarily primed polymerase chain reaction (AP-PCR) DNA profile was applied to epidemiological analysis of <I>Salmonella enterica</I> subsp. <I>enterica</I> serovar Enteritidis.<BR>A total 21 strains of S. Enteritidis isolated from 21 cases (10 cases of healthy persons, 7 cases of food poisoning outbreaks and 4 sporadic diarrhea cases), during the period between December 1991 and August 1996 in Wakayama City, were used. A total of 60 arbitrary primers (DNA oligomer (12) set, Wako) were screened with 4 S. Enteritidis strains of different cases. A-11, B-32, C-42 and C-45 primers were chosen. Plasmid DNA profiles, antimicrobial susceptibility patterns and phage types were also examined.<BR>The combination of these three methods resolved the collection into five groups (A to E). And type C strains were found in 17 cases (81%) out of 21 cases. However, according to AP-PCR DNA profile, all 21 strains were classified into six groups (I to VI), and 17 type C strains were classified into three groups (III, IV and V). Type IV was predominant in Wakayama City, and type C·EIV was found in 15 cases (71%).<BR>In conclusion, we considered that AP-PCR DNA profile using appropriate primers was an effective epidemiological marker.
- 感染症学雑誌
感染症学雑誌 71(8), 745-750, 1997
一般社団法人 日本感染症学会