後頭骨陥没骨折の犬の1手術例 A Surgical Case of Dipressed Fracture of Occipital Bone in Dog
MRI and CT examinations were performed on a dog with central nervous system signs and a diagnosis of occipital depressed skull fracture was made. The boney fragments were removed surgically. During the surgery the fracture was found to be extending into the left atlanto-occipital joint, however neither repair nor arthrodesis of the joint were possible. The fragments were removed and the exposed cerebellum was closed using temporal muscle fascia. The patient lives normal life without any symptom or sequela now at a year post surgery.
- 獣医麻酔外科学雑誌 = Japanese journal of veterinary anesthesia & surgery
獣医麻酔外科学雑誌 = Japanese journal of veterinary anesthesia & surgery 43(3), 55-58, 2012-10-30