And in one of My
Writings, that Person and that Man said to Someone, Paraphrasing, “And Thank
You very Much for Reading and Reciting that. And there are Very Interesting
News articles(NA), and Articles, and Radio Shows(RS), and Television Shows(TS),
and Television Scripts(TS), and Movie Scripts(MS), Movies, and Films, and Film
Scripts(FS), and Books, and Literature, and Writings, and Jokes, and Bluffs,
and Teasing, and Kidding, and Joking, and Joshing around, and Shooting the
Breeze, and Bluffing, and Talking Just to Talk. And those so-called Real Free
Markets(F.M.). And those so-called Real Free Markets(F.M.) approaches. And
those Real so-called Hands off Approaches(H.O.A.). And Maybe those
Semi-independent Departments, Agencies, and Centers, and Centres. And Maybe
those Very Valuable and Very Lifesaving Resources, Energies, and Monies, and
for example. And for example. And for instance. And, ‘So-Called’. And Maybe
Paraphrased. And Maybe abbreviated. And Maybe Summarized. And Perhaps for
example. And Maybe for example. And Maybe for instance. And Perhaps for
instance. And Maybe, ‘So-Called’. And Perhaps, ‘So-Called’.”
About that Subject (ATS).
About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those
Subjects (NATS). At that Time (ATT). At those Times (ATT). At this Time (ATT).
At these Times (ATT). For example. Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO). A lot (AL). A
little (AL). Some. Somewhat. Much. Many. Often. Sometimes. Important. Very
Important (VI). Extremely Important. Not. Not Very (NV). Not Extremely (NE).
And for example. And for example. And for example [ ]. For example. For
example. For example [ ]. So-called (SC). And [ ]. In addition [ ]. Furthermore
[ ].
also that Wizard, That Chalice, and that Lynchpin.
Written by Brandon Ryan Katrena
And this is an Excerpt from some of My Literature, and from some of My Writings, and also Paraphrasing,——————— “And this is a Story in Large Part about Viruses. And about other Diseases as Well. And How ———in Large Part– People’s Will to Survive led Them so-called ‘to Create’ Individuals whose—-for example—–Resources, Energies, Antibodies, and Plasma, and Work———are Used to——-for example——-Help Create Medicines. And, for example, these Medicines are Needed for Our Survival. Viruses Spread and Mutate. And Many other Diseases also Spread and Mutate. And these Mutations of Viruses and other Diseases are Helped Kept in Check(and at Bay) by The Antibodies and the Plasma Created by those so-called Wizards, The Chalices and The Lynchpins. And Father God Works in Mysterious Ways. And ———yes– Father God works in Mysterious Ways. And that is Just Reality. And that is Just the Way that it is. And for example. For example.”
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). At that Time (ATT). At those Times (ATT). At this Time (ATT). At these Times (ATT). For example. Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO). A lot (AL). A little (AL). Some. Somewhat. Much. Many. Often. Sometimes. Important. Very Important (VI). Extremely Important. Not. Not Very (NV). Not Extremely (NE). For example [ ]. And [ ]. And[ ]. In addition [ ]. Furthermore [ ]. So-Called. And Maybe for example. And Maybe for instance. And Maybe, “So-Called”.
Written by Brandon Ryan Katrena
And this is an Excerpt from some of My Literature, and from some of My Writings, and also Paraphrasing,——————— “And this is a Story in Large Part about Viruses. And about other Diseases as Well. And How ———in Large Part– People’s Will to Survive led Them so-called ‘to Create’ Individuals whose—-for example—–Resources, Energies, Antibodies, and Plasma, and Work———are Used to——-for example——-Help Create Medicines. And, for example, these Medicines are Needed for Our Survival. Viruses Spread and Mutate. And Many other Diseases also Spread and Mutate. And these Mutations of Viruses and other Diseases are Helped Kept in Check(and at Bay) by The Antibodies and the Plasma Created by those so-called Wizards, The Chalices and The Lynchpins. And Father God Works in Mysterious Ways. And ———yes– Father God works in Mysterious Ways. And that is Just Reality. And that is Just the Way that it is. And for example. For example.”
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). At that Time (ATT). At those Times (ATT). At this Time (ATT). At these Times (ATT). For example. Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO). A lot (AL). A little (AL). Some. Somewhat. Much. Many. Often. Sometimes. Important. Very Important (VI). Extremely Important. Not. Not Very (NV). Not Extremely (NE). For example [ ]. And [ ]. And[ ]. In addition [ ]. Furthermore [ ]. So-Called. And Maybe for example. And Maybe for instance. And Maybe, “So-Called”.
And in Some of My Writings, and in some of My Literature,
and in some of My Jokes, That Person and that Man said, paraphrasing, “Like
Many Individuals, I have done Many Good Things. And I am Very Thankful. And sort
of Speaking and Saying this for Myself Perhaps, Very Excellent, Fine, and Good
Prolonged Long Duration. And I have also
Drank many Good Drinks, including Sodas, Juices, and Cider, etc. et cetera. And
I have ate Many Good Foods, including Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Steaks, Desserts,
Pizzas, Goose, Elk, Lamb, Duck, Yogurt, Ice Cream, Figs, et cetera. And I have
gone to Many Good Places, and as of approximately about 12/13/2016, I have been
to approximately about 10 USA States – Oregon (Coast/Rose Garden/Sports
Games/Museums/Central Oregon/Eastern Oregon/Dinners on a Boat/Music
Concerts/and Fishing/Skiing/Hiking/a Member/Actor in a School Play at (PCSchool)/Snowmobiling/on
a Helicopter Ride in Sunriver/Swimming/a Member of Sports Teams (ST)
(Basketball, Soccer, and Swimming Teams), etc. et cetera.), Washington State,
Virginia (Arlington National Cemetery), Maryland (Johns Hopkins University),
Alaska, New York (Rockettes/New York Athletic Club for Dinner/Statue of
Liberty/Brooklyn/Around the State/Town/United Nations Building Tour/Grey Line
Express Bus Tour around Manhattan/Cafes/Restaurants, et cetera), New Jersey,
Hawaii (Pearl Harbor Memorial/Honolulu/Big Island, etc.), California (Universal
Studios/Knotts Berry Farm/Sea World/Disneyland, etc.), Nevada – and
Washington, DC (Smithsonian, Vietnam Memorial, The Mall, inside the
Congressional Building, in the Balcony of Congress, and a Church Choir
Performance, etc.) and Canada (on a Road Trip with Family and Friends), and The
Belgian Embassy in DC as Part of a School Trip called, ‘Government Close Up’,
and The Region of Oceania – for Hawaii. And Maybe for example. And Maybe for instance.
And Maybe, ‘So-called’.”
that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS).
Not about those Subjects (NATS). At that Time (ATT). At those Times (ATT). At
this Time (ATT). At these Times (ATT). For example. Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO).
A lot (AL). A little (AL). Some. Somewhat. Much. Many. Often. Sometimes.
Important. Very Important (VI). Extremely Important. Not. Not Very (NV). Not
Extremely (NE). For example [ ]. And [ ]. And[ ]. In addition [ ]. Furthermore
[ ]. So-Called. And Maybe for example. And Maybe for instance. And
Maybe, “So-Called”.
And Here is another Joke that I Wrote,
entitled, “And Were those Hands Caught in That Metaphorical Cookie Jar?”:
“At a Certain Bank, The Manager said, Joking and Kidding, and paraphrasing, “Ok. I will Type in The Number approximately about, ‘1,000,000’ in My Computer, which will mean that this Bank has One Million Dollars in its account. As easy as Typing in Numbers into My Computer, and Then, Voila, Money Created by Me out of Thin Air.”
A Few Minutes Later, a Man and a Person came into The Bank, and He said to that same Manager, “I would like please to have My Interest Rate lowered on the Money that I have Borrowed.” And The Manager said, “What?!!! We Work Hard for Our Money!!!! And What, Do You think that We Just Create Money out of Thin Air by Typing Numbers on a Computer, and then Expect You to Work Hard for Your Money in Paying Us Back Money that We Just Created by Typing Numbers on a Computer?! That’s Ridiculous! And Much of what can be found in some College Classrooms, and much of what can be found throughout The Internet, is Not correct about That or about Anything Else. And do You think that We got Our Hands caught in The Cookie Jar? And Creating Money out of Thin Air by Typing Numbers on a Computer – and then Expecting You to Pay Us back through Your Hard Work and Your Labor – would be a Scam. And We don’t do that at this Bank. Or do We?”
“At a Certain Bank, The Manager said, Joking and Kidding, and paraphrasing, “Ok. I will Type in The Number approximately about, ‘1,000,000’ in My Computer, which will mean that this Bank has One Million Dollars in its account. As easy as Typing in Numbers into My Computer, and Then, Voila, Money Created by Me out of Thin Air.”
A Few Minutes Later, a Man and a Person came into The Bank, and He said to that same Manager, “I would like please to have My Interest Rate lowered on the Money that I have Borrowed.” And The Manager said, “What?!!! We Work Hard for Our Money!!!! And What, Do You think that We Just Create Money out of Thin Air by Typing Numbers on a Computer, and then Expect You to Work Hard for Your Money in Paying Us Back Money that We Just Created by Typing Numbers on a Computer?! That’s Ridiculous! And Much of what can be found in some College Classrooms, and much of what can be found throughout The Internet, is Not correct about That or about Anything Else. And do You think that We got Our Hands caught in The Cookie Jar? And Creating Money out of Thin Air by Typing Numbers on a Computer – and then Expecting You to Pay Us back through Your Hard Work and Your Labor – would be a Scam. And We don’t do that at this Bank. Or do We?”
that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS).
Not about those Subjects (NATS). At that Time (ATT). At those Times (ATT). At
this Time (ATT). At these Times (ATT). For example. Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO).
A lot (AL). A little (AL). Some. Somewhat. Much. Many. Often. Sometimes.
Important. Very Important (VI). Extremely Important. Not. Not Very (NV). Not
Extremely (NE). For example [ ]. And [ ]. And[ ]. In addition [ ]. Furthermore
[ ]. So-Called. And Maybe for example. And Maybe for instance. And
Maybe, “So-Called”.
And Here is another Joke that I wrote. And In some one of My Writings, That Man and that Person said to Someone, paraphrasing, “That wasn’t, for example, a Mosquito or an Ant. And, for example, Mosquitos and Ants do Not Really look like that.”
that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS).
Not about those Subjects (NATS). At that Time (ATT). At those Times (ATT). At
this Time (ATT). At these Times (ATT). For example. Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO).
A lot (AL). A little (AL). Some. Somewhat. Much. Many. Often. Sometimes.
Important. Very Important (VI). Extremely Important. Not. Not Very (NV). Not
Extremely (NE). For example [ ]. And [ ]. And[ ]. In addition [ ]. Furthermore
[ ]. So-Called. And Maybe for example. And Maybe for instance. And
Maybe, “So-Called”.
That Red Blue Bird Stood Up for Himself
Written by Brandon Ryan Katrena
And in some of My Writings, and in some of My Literature, and in some of My Jokes, Paraphrasing, “In a Forest, a Red Blue Bird – who for some Reason, was Not Flying – was being Extremely Chased by a Pack of Extremely Wild Dogs, and Many of The Dogs were Barking, and Many of Them were Chomping in The Air with Their Teeth. Finally, That Red Blue Bird stopped Running, and He Stood His Ground, and The Bird Let out a Loud Yell. And The Dogs, realizing that The Bird was going to Defend Himself, ran Away. And that Particular Hiker was watching this, and He said to The Bird, “How Dare You! Blue Red Bird, How Dare You Defend Yourself. And those Poor Wild Dogs, they have had such Terrible Lives. And those Wild Dogs have been Treated so Badly, and You should have thought about that before You Stood Your Ground. And those Wild Dogs have such an Undeserved Reputation: I mean, Yes, they do kill the Innocent, but You should Feel sorry for Them, and You should allow Yourself to be a Victim, and You should allow Yourself to be Victimized by Them, so that You don’t hurt those Dogs’ Feelings. And yes, Those Extremely Wild Dogs were going to Get You, which is Why they were Extremely Chasing You, and which is Why They were Barking at You, but You have No Right to Defend Yourself. And You should have become Their Lunch. And You should have become Their Meal. And You should have become Their Victim. And You have No Right to Defend Yourself, and You have No Right to Stand Your Ground. And You should have Run, and Run, and Run, until You collapsed from Exhaustion, and then, maybe, those Wild Dogs would have Compassion upon You. And You have No Father God-Given Right to Defend Yourself. What were You thinking! You Meany! You Bully! You are Mean. And You are Mean! How Dare You!” And then The Blue Red Bird flew away.”
that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS).
Not about those Subjects (NATS). At that Time (ATT). At those Times (ATT). At
this Time (ATT). At these Times (ATT). For example. Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO).
A lot (AL). A little (AL). Some. Somewhat. Much. Many. Often. Sometimes.
Important. Very Important (VI). Extremely Important. Not. Not Very (NV). Not
Extremely (NE). For example [ ]. And [ ]. And[ ]. In addition [ ]. Furthermore
[ ]. So-Called. And Maybe for example. And Maybe for instance. And
Maybe, “So-Called”.
Look Around and See for Yourself
Written by Brandon Ryan Katrena
And Here is another Joke that I wrote, and in some of My Writings, and in some of My Literature, paraphrasing, “That Man and that Person, named Bob was Joking, and He said to that Man and that Person named Thomas, Paraphrasing, “Why are You covering Your Eyes, and Extremely Bumping into things around The Apartment?” And Thomas said, while He was Bumping into things, and while – for some reason, He was covering His eyes with His Hands – “I do Not want to See what is Happening around The World! And I don’t want to Think. And I don’t want to use My Mind. And I don’t want to use My Brain. And I don’t want to Connect those Dots. And I don’t want to Use Common Sense, Knowledge, and Intellect. And everything happens Randomly, and there is No Order or Rationality. And Everyone is The Same. And Everything is also the Same. And there is No Right, and there is No Wrong. And Up is Down, and Down is Up. And, for example, Everything that I Read about or Hear about is Always 100 Percent True. And Everyone is Always Kind. And Everyone is Always Nice. And Everyone is Always Honest. And Everyone has The Same Abilities. And No one is Talented. And No one is Exceptional. And Everyone is The Same. And there are No Consequences. And there are No Ramifications. And Anything Goes. And there is No Such Thing as Cause and Effect. And everything happens by Accident. And everything is Random. And there is No Order. And there are No Patterns. And No one Plans. And No one Uses their Minds. And No one Uses their Brains. And No one uses their Intellect. And there is No Intelligent Design. And I should accept absolutely Everything at Face Value.” And Bob said to Thomas, “Put down Your Hands, and Uncover Your Eyes, Thomas.” And Thomas Uncovered His Eyes, and He said, “Now I can See. And I can now also see an Extremely Absolute Disaster that Needs to be Properly Addressed and Taken Care of.”
that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS).
Not about those Subjects (NATS). At that Time (ATT). At those Times (ATT). At
this Time (ATT). At these Times (ATT). For example. Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO).
A lot (AL). A little (AL). Some. Somewhat. Much. Many. Often. Sometimes.
Important. Very Important (VI). Extremely Important. Not. Not Very (NV). Not
Extremely (NE). For example [ ]. And [ ]. And[ ]. In addition [ ]. Furthermore
[ ]. So-Called. And Maybe for example. And Maybe for instance. And
Maybe, “So-Called”.
And in one of My
Writings, that Person and that Man said to Someone, Paraphrasing, “And Thank
You very Much for Reading and Reciting that. And there are Very Interesting
News articles(NA), and Articles, and Radio Shows(RS), and Television Shows(TS),
and Television Scripts(TS), and Movie Scripts(MS), Movies, and Films, and Film
Scripts(FS), and Books, and Literature, and Writings, and Jokes, and Bluffs,
and Teasing, and Kidding, and Joking, and Joshing around, and Shooting the
Breeze, and Bluffing, and Talking Just to Talk. And those so-called Real Free
Markets(F.M.). And those so-called Real Free Markets(F.M.) approaches. And
those Real so-called Hands off Approaches(H.O.A.). And Maybe those
Semi-independent Departments, Agencies, and Centers, and Centres. And Maybe
those Very Valuable and Very Lifesaving Resources, Energies, and Monies, and
for example. And for example. And for instance. And, ‘So-Called’. And Maybe
Paraphrased. And Maybe abbreviated. And Maybe Summarized. And Perhaps for
example. And Maybe for example. And Maybe for instance. And Perhaps for
instance. And Maybe, ‘So-Called’. And Perhaps, ‘So-Called’.”
About that Subject (ATS).
About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those
Subjects (NATS). At that Time (ATT). At those Times (ATT). At this Time (ATT).
At these Times (ATT). For example. Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO). A lot (AL). A
little (AL). Some. Somewhat. Much. Many. Often. Sometimes. Important. Very
Important (VI). Extremely Important. Not. Not Very (NV). Not Extremely (NE).
And for example. And for example. And for example [ ]. For example. For
example. For example [ ]. So-called (SC). And [ ]. In addition [ ]. Furthermore
[ ].
And in one of My
Writings, that Person and that Man said to Someone, Paraphrasing, “And Thank
You very Much for Reading and Reciting that. And there are Very Interesting
News articles(NA), and Articles, and Radio Shows(RS), and Television Shows(TS),
and Television Scripts(TS), and Movie Scripts(MS), Movies, and Films, and Film
Scripts(FS), and Books, and Literature, and Writings, and Jokes, and Bluffs,
and Teasing, and Kidding, and Joking, and Joshing around, and Shooting the
Breeze, and Bluffing, and Talking Just to Talk. And those so-called Real Free
Markets(F.M.). And those so-called Real Free Markets(F.M.) approaches. And
those Real so-called Hands off Approaches(H.O.A.). And Maybe those
Semi-independent Departments, Agencies, and Centers, and Centres. And Maybe
those Very Valuable and Very Lifesaving Resources, Energies, and Monies, and
for example. And for example. And for instance. And, ‘So-Called’. And Maybe
Paraphrased. And Maybe abbreviated. And Maybe Summarized. And Perhaps for
example. And Maybe for example. And Maybe for instance. And Perhaps for
instance. And Maybe, ‘So-Called’. And Perhaps, ‘So-Called’.”
About that Subject (ATS).
About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those
Subjects (NATS). At that Time (ATT). At those Times (ATT). At this Time (ATT).
At these Times (ATT). For example. Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO). A lot (AL). A
little (AL). Some. Somewhat. Much. Many. Often. Sometimes. Important. Very
Important (VI). Extremely Important. Not. Not Very (NV). Not Extremely (NE).
And for example. And for example. And for example [ ]. For example. For
example. For example [ ]. So-called (SC). And [ ]. In addition [ ]. Furthermore
[ ].
also that Wizard, That Chalice, and that Lynchpin.
Written by Brandon Ryan Katrena
And this is an Excerpt from some of My Literature, and from some of My Writings, and also Paraphrasing,——————— “And this is a Story in Large Part about Viruses. And about other Diseases as Well. And How ———in Large Part– People’s Will to Survive led Them so-called ‘to Create’ Individuals whose—-for example—–Resources, Energies, Antibodies, and Plasma, and Work———are Used to——-for example——-Help Create Medicines. And, for example, these Medicines are Needed for Our Survival. Viruses Spread and Mutate. And Many other Diseases also Spread and Mutate. And these Mutations of Viruses and other Diseases are Helped Kept in Check(and at Bay) by The Antibodies and the Plasma Created by those so-called Wizards, The Chalices and The Lynchpins. And Father God Works in Mysterious Ways. And ———yes– Father God works in Mysterious Ways. And that is Just Reality. And that is Just the Way that it is. And for example. For example.”
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). At that Time (ATT). At those Times (ATT). At this Time (ATT). At these Times (ATT). For example. Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO). A lot (AL). A little (AL). Some. Somewhat. Much. Many. Often. Sometimes. Important. Very Important (VI). Extremely Important. Not. Not Very (NV). Not Extremely (NE). For example [ ]. And [ ]. And[ ]. In addition [ ]. Furthermore [ ]. So-Called. And Maybe for example. And Maybe for instance. And Maybe, “So-Called”.
Written by Brandon Ryan Katrena
And this is an Excerpt from some of My Literature, and from some of My Writings, and also Paraphrasing,——————— “And this is a Story in Large Part about Viruses. And about other Diseases as Well. And How ———in Large Part– People’s Will to Survive led Them so-called ‘to Create’ Individuals whose—-for example—–Resources, Energies, Antibodies, and Plasma, and Work———are Used to——-for example——-Help Create Medicines. And, for example, these Medicines are Needed for Our Survival. Viruses Spread and Mutate. And Many other Diseases also Spread and Mutate. And these Mutations of Viruses and other Diseases are Helped Kept in Check(and at Bay) by The Antibodies and the Plasma Created by those so-called Wizards, The Chalices and The Lynchpins. And Father God Works in Mysterious Ways. And ———yes– Father God works in Mysterious Ways. And that is Just Reality. And that is Just the Way that it is. And for example. For example.”
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). At that Time (ATT). At those Times (ATT). At this Time (ATT). At these Times (ATT). For example. Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO). A lot (AL). A little (AL). Some. Somewhat. Much. Many. Often. Sometimes. Important. Very Important (VI). Extremely Important. Not. Not Very (NV). Not Extremely (NE). For example [ ]. And [ ]. And[ ]. In addition [ ]. Furthermore [ ]. So-Called. And Maybe for example. And Maybe for instance. And Maybe, “So-Called”.
And in Some of My Writings, and in some of My Literature,
and in some of My Jokes, That Person and that Man said, paraphrasing, “Like
Many Individuals, I have done Many Good Things. And I am Very Thankful. And sort
of Speaking and Saying this for Myself Perhaps, Very Excellent, Fine, and Good
Prolonged Long Duration. And I have also
Drank many Good Drinks, including Sodas, Juices, and Cider, etc. et cetera. And
I have ate Many Good Foods, including Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Steaks, Desserts,
Pizzas, Goose, Elk, Lamb, Duck, Yogurt, Ice Cream, Figs, et cetera. And I have
gone to Many Good Places, and as of approximately about 12/13/2016, I have been
to approximately about 10 USA States – Oregon (Coast/Rose Garden/Sports
Games/Museums/Central Oregon/Eastern Oregon/Dinners on a Boat/Music
Concerts/and Fishing/Skiing/Hiking/a Member/Actor in a School Play at (PCSchool)/Snowmobiling/on
a Helicopter Ride in Sunriver/Swimming/a Member of Sports Teams (ST)
(Basketball, Soccer, and Swimming Teams), etc. et cetera.), Washington State,
Virginia (Arlington National Cemetery), Maryland (Johns Hopkins University),
Alaska, New York (Rockettes/New York Athletic Club for Dinner/Statue of
Liberty/Brooklyn/Around the State/Town/United Nations Building Tour/Grey Line
Express Bus Tour around Manhattan/Cafes/Restaurants, et cetera), New Jersey,
Hawaii (Pearl Harbor Memorial/Honolulu/Big Island, etc.), California (Universal
Studios/Knotts Berry Farm/Sea World/Disneyland, etc.), Nevada – and
Washington, DC (Smithsonian, Vietnam Memorial, The Mall, inside the
Congressional Building, in the Balcony of Congress, and a Church Choir
Performance, etc.) and Canada (on a Road Trip with Family and Friends), and The
Belgian Embassy in DC as Part of a School Trip called, ‘Government Close Up’,
and The Region of Oceania – for Hawaii. And Maybe for example. And Maybe for instance.
And Maybe, ‘So-called’.”
that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS).
Not about those Subjects (NATS). At that Time (ATT). At those Times (ATT). At
this Time (ATT). At these Times (ATT). For example. Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO).
A lot (AL). A little (AL). Some. Somewhat. Much. Many. Often. Sometimes.
Important. Very Important (VI). Extremely Important. Not. Not Very (NV). Not
Extremely (NE). For example [ ]. And [ ]. And[ ]. In addition [ ]. Furthermore
[ ]. So-Called. And Maybe for example. And Maybe for instance. And
Maybe, “So-Called”.
And Here is another Joke that I Wrote,
entitled, “And Were those Hands Caught in That Metaphorical Cookie Jar?”:
“At a Certain Bank, The Manager said, Joking and Kidding, and paraphrasing, “Ok. I will Type in The Number approximately about, ‘1,000,000’ in My Computer, which will mean that this Bank has One Million Dollars in its account. As easy as Typing in Numbers into My Computer, and Then, Voila, Money Created by Me out of Thin Air.”
A Few Minutes Later, a Man and a Person came into The Bank, and He said to that same Manager, “I would like please to have My Interest Rate lowered on the Money that I have Borrowed.” And The Manager said, “What?!!! We Work Hard for Our Money!!!! And What, Do You think that We Just Create Money out of Thin Air by Typing Numbers on a Computer, and then Expect You to Work Hard for Your Money in Paying Us Back Money that We Just Created by Typing Numbers on a Computer?! That’s Ridiculous! And Much of what can be found in some College Classrooms, and much of what can be found throughout The Internet, is Not correct about That or about Anything Else. And do You think that We got Our Hands caught in The Cookie Jar? And Creating Money out of Thin Air by Typing Numbers on a Computer – and then Expecting You to Pay Us back through Your Hard Work and Your Labor – would be a Scam. And We don’t do that at this Bank. Or do We?”
“At a Certain Bank, The Manager said, Joking and Kidding, and paraphrasing, “Ok. I will Type in The Number approximately about, ‘1,000,000’ in My Computer, which will mean that this Bank has One Million Dollars in its account. As easy as Typing in Numbers into My Computer, and Then, Voila, Money Created by Me out of Thin Air.”
A Few Minutes Later, a Man and a Person came into The Bank, and He said to that same Manager, “I would like please to have My Interest Rate lowered on the Money that I have Borrowed.” And The Manager said, “What?!!! We Work Hard for Our Money!!!! And What, Do You think that We Just Create Money out of Thin Air by Typing Numbers on a Computer, and then Expect You to Work Hard for Your Money in Paying Us Back Money that We Just Created by Typing Numbers on a Computer?! That’s Ridiculous! And Much of what can be found in some College Classrooms, and much of what can be found throughout The Internet, is Not correct about That or about Anything Else. And do You think that We got Our Hands caught in The Cookie Jar? And Creating Money out of Thin Air by Typing Numbers on a Computer – and then Expecting You to Pay Us back through Your Hard Work and Your Labor – would be a Scam. And We don’t do that at this Bank. Or do We?”
that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS).
Not about those Subjects (NATS). At that Time (ATT). At those Times (ATT). At
this Time (ATT). At these Times (ATT). For example. Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO).
A lot (AL). A little (AL). Some. Somewhat. Much. Many. Often. Sometimes.
Important. Very Important (VI). Extremely Important. Not. Not Very (NV). Not
Extremely (NE). For example [ ]. And [ ]. And[ ]. In addition [ ]. Furthermore
[ ]. So-Called. And Maybe for example. And Maybe for instance. And
Maybe, “So-Called”.
And Here is another Joke that I wrote. And In some one of My Writings, That Man and that Person said to Someone, paraphrasing, “That wasn’t, for example, a Mosquito or an Ant. And, for example, Mosquitos and Ants do Not Really look like that.”
that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS).
Not about those Subjects (NATS). At that Time (ATT). At those Times (ATT). At
this Time (ATT). At these Times (ATT). For example. Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO).
A lot (AL). A little (AL). Some. Somewhat. Much. Many. Often. Sometimes.
Important. Very Important (VI). Extremely Important. Not. Not Very (NV). Not
Extremely (NE). For example [ ]. And [ ]. And[ ]. In addition [ ]. Furthermore
[ ]. So-Called. And Maybe for example. And Maybe for instance. And
Maybe, “So-Called”.
That Red Blue Bird Stood Up for Himself
Written by Brandon Ryan Katrena
And in some of My Writings, and in some of My Literature, and in some of My Jokes, Paraphrasing, “In a Forest, a Red Blue Bird – who for some Reason, was Not Flying – was being Extremely Chased by a Pack of Extremely Wild Dogs, and Many of The Dogs were Barking, and Many of Them were Chomping in The Air with Their Teeth. Finally, That Red Blue Bird stopped Running, and He Stood His Ground, and The Bird Let out a Loud Yell. And The Dogs, realizing that The Bird was going to Defend Himself, ran Away. And that Particular Hiker was watching this, and He said to The Bird, “How Dare You! Blue Red Bird, How Dare You Defend Yourself. And those Poor Wild Dogs, they have had such Terrible Lives. And those Wild Dogs have been Treated so Badly, and You should have thought about that before You Stood Your Ground. And those Wild Dogs have such an Undeserved Reputation: I mean, Yes, they do kill the Innocent, but You should Feel sorry for Them, and You should allow Yourself to be a Victim, and You should allow Yourself to be Victimized by Them, so that You don’t hurt those Dogs’ Feelings. And yes, Those Extremely Wild Dogs were going to Get You, which is Why they were Extremely Chasing You, and which is Why They were Barking at You, but You have No Right to Defend Yourself. And You should have become Their Lunch. And You should have become Their Meal. And You should have become Their Victim. And You have No Right to Defend Yourself, and You have No Right to Stand Your Ground. And You should have Run, and Run, and Run, until You collapsed from Exhaustion, and then, maybe, those Wild Dogs would have Compassion upon You. And You have No Father God-Given Right to Defend Yourself. What were You thinking! You Meany! You Bully! You are Mean. And You are Mean! How Dare You!” And then The Blue Red Bird flew away.”
that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS).
Not about those Subjects (NATS). At that Time (ATT). At those Times (ATT). At
this Time (ATT). At these Times (ATT). For example. Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO).
A lot (AL). A little (AL). Some. Somewhat. Much. Many. Often. Sometimes.
Important. Very Important (VI). Extremely Important. Not. Not Very (NV). Not
Extremely (NE). For example [ ]. And [ ]. And[ ]. In addition [ ]. Furthermore
[ ]. So-Called. And Maybe for example. And Maybe for instance. And
Maybe, “So-Called”.
Look Around and See for Yourself
Written by Brandon Ryan Katrena
And Here is another Joke that I wrote, and in some of My Writings, and in some of My Literature, paraphrasing, “That Man and that Person, named Bob was Joking, and He said to that Man and that Person named Thomas, Paraphrasing, “Why are You covering Your Eyes, and Extremely Bumping into things around The Apartment?” And Thomas said, while He was Bumping into things, and while – for some reason, He was covering His eyes with His Hands – “I do Not want to See what is Happening around The World! And I don’t want to Think. And I don’t want to use My Mind. And I don’t want to use My Brain. And I don’t want to Connect those Dots. And I don’t want to Use Common Sense, Knowledge, and Intellect. And everything happens Randomly, and there is No Order or Rationality. And Everyone is The Same. And Everything is also the Same. And there is No Right, and there is No Wrong. And Up is Down, and Down is Up. And, for example, Everything that I Read about or Hear about is Always 100 Percent True. And Everyone is Always Kind. And Everyone is Always Nice. And Everyone is Always Honest. And Everyone has The Same Abilities. And No one is Talented. And No one is Exceptional. And Everyone is The Same. And there are No Consequences. And there are No Ramifications. And Anything Goes. And there is No Such Thing as Cause and Effect. And everything happens by Accident. And everything is Random. And there is No Order. And there are No Patterns. And No one Plans. And No one Uses their Minds. And No one Uses their Brains. And No one uses their Intellect. And there is No Intelligent Design. And I should accept absolutely Everything at Face Value.” And Bob said to Thomas, “Put down Your Hands, and Uncover Your Eyes, Thomas.” And Thomas Uncovered His Eyes, and He said, “Now I can See. And I can now also see an Extremely Absolute Disaster that Needs to be Properly Addressed and Taken Care of.”
that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS).
Not about those Subjects (NATS). At that Time (ATT). At those Times (ATT). At
this Time (ATT). At these Times (ATT). For example. Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO).
A lot (AL). A little (AL). Some. Somewhat. Much. Many. Often. Sometimes.
Important. Very Important (VI). Extremely Important. Not. Not Very (NV). Not
Extremely (NE). For example [ ]. And [ ]. And[ ]. In addition [ ]. Furthermore
[ ]. So-Called. And Maybe for example. And Maybe for instance. And
Maybe, “So-Called”.
And in one of My
Writings, that Person and that Man said to Someone, Paraphrasing, “And Thank
You very Much for Reading and Reciting that. And there are Very Interesting
News articles(NA), and Articles, and Radio Shows(RS), and Television Shows(TS),
and Television Scripts(TS), and Movie Scripts(MS), Movies, and Films, and Film
Scripts(FS), and Books, and Literature, and Writings, and Jokes, and Bluffs,
and Teasing, and Kidding, and Joking, and Joshing around, and Shooting the
Breeze, and Bluffing, and Talking Just to Talk. And those so-called Real Free
Markets(F.M.). And those so-called Real Free Markets(F.M.) approaches. And
those Real so-called Hands off Approaches(H.O.A.). And Maybe those
Semi-independent Departments, Agencies, and Centers, and Centres. And Maybe
those Very Valuable and Very Lifesaving Resources, Energies, and Monies, and
for example. And for example. And for instance. And, ‘So-Called’. And Maybe
Paraphrased. And Maybe abbreviated. And Maybe Summarized. And Perhaps for
example. And Maybe for example. And Maybe for instance. And Perhaps for
instance. And Maybe, ‘So-Called’. And Perhaps, ‘So-Called’.”
About that Subject (ATS).
About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those
Subjects (NATS). At that Time (ATT). At those Times (ATT). At this Time (ATT).
At these Times (ATT). For example. Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO). A lot (AL). A
little (AL). Some. Somewhat. Much. Many. Often. Sometimes. Important. Very
Important (VI). Extremely Important. Not. Not Very (NV). Not Extremely (NE).
And for example. And for example. And for example [ ]. For example. For
example. For example [ ]. So-called (SC). And [ ]. In addition [ ]. Furthermore
[ ].
Posted 23 minutes ago
Family and Friends,
May You have a Happy Thanksgiving, and May You also have Happy Holidays.—Brandon
Posted 2 days ago
And here is Another Joke that I Wrote:
CD1983bbbbbbddddddddddddcccccccc1989bbbbbbbbbbbbbbddddddddd2019bbbbbbbbbbdddddddcccccc. And in Some of My Writings, That Person said to another Person during a Basketball Game, paraphrasing and Summarizing, “That Player also did a Great Job so-called stealing The Ball.” And That other Person sort of Yelled, “That Basketball Player is a Thief for Stealing The Ball! I’m going to Report Him to Those Police!!!!” And That Person said, “It is Legal during a Basketball Game for the Players to so-called Steal the Ball.” And That other Person replied, “Why is it Legal for them to do that? Do they have that so-called Diplomatic Immunity? If You think about it, it didn’t Really make sense for Us to allow Embassies on Our Own Territory, as that only Invited so-called Extreme Trouble. And We didn’t Need Embassies to Sneak Spies into other Countries and to do other Covert Things. And sort of Updated. And it’s also a Brand New Day, Afternoon, and Evening. And Very Excellent and Good, sort of Speaking for Myself. And Lots of Very Good Hints, Signs, and Clues and Suggestions. And also Maybe Very Excellent and Good. And Maybe Joking, and Teasing, and Bluffing. And Maybe Very appropriate, and Maybe Very Safe and Sound. And Maybe for example. And Maybe, ‘So-Called’. ”
CD1983bbbbbbddddddddddddcccccccc1989bbbbbbbbbbbbbbddddddddd2019bbbbbbbbbbdddddddcccccc. And in Some of My Writings, That Person said to another Person during a Basketball Game, paraphrasing and Summarizing, “That Player also did a Great Job so-called stealing The Ball.” And That other Person sort of Yelled, “That Basketball Player is a Thief for Stealing The Ball! I’m going to Report Him to Those Police!!!!” And That Person said, “It is Legal during a Basketball Game for the Players to so-called Steal the Ball.” And That other Person replied, “Why is it Legal for them to do that? Do they have that so-called Diplomatic Immunity? If You think about it, it didn’t Really make sense for Us to allow Embassies on Our Own Territory, as that only Invited so-called Extreme Trouble. And We didn’t Need Embassies to Sneak Spies into other Countries and to do other Covert Things. And sort of Updated. And it’s also a Brand New Day, Afternoon, and Evening. And Very Excellent and Good, sort of Speaking for Myself. And Lots of Very Good Hints, Signs, and Clues and Suggestions. And also Maybe Very Excellent and Good. And Maybe Joking, and Teasing, and Bluffing. And Maybe Very appropriate, and Maybe Very Safe and Sound. And Maybe for example. And Maybe, ‘So-Called’. ”
that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS).
Not about those Subjects (NATS). At that Time (ATT). At those Times (ATT). At
this Time (ATT). At these Times (ATT). For example. Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO).
A lot (AL). A little (AL). Some. Somewhat. Much. Many. Often. Sometimes.
Important. Very Important (VI). Extremely Important. Not. Not Very (NV). Not
Extremely (NE). For example [ ]. And [ ]. And[ ]. In addition [ ]. Furthermore
[ ]. So-Called. And Maybe So-Called. And Maybe for example. And Maybe
also for example.
also about 89,000 A. Dollars. And also about 89,000 D. M. Dollars.
Written by—————————- Brandon Ryan Katrena.
And in one of My Writings, That Person said to Someone, “And there are Many Resources. And there are Many Types of Resources. And there are Many different Resources. And there is Really only about 89,000 A. Dollars in The Whole World. And there is Really only about 89,000 D. M. Dollars in The Whole World. And there is Really only about 89,000 Dollars in Circulation. And there is Really only about 89K Dollars in The Whole World. And there is Really only about 89K Dollars in Circulation. And the Money circulates, circulates, and Circulates. And We can only Really Create about Eighty Nine Thousand Dollars. And —- for whatever Reasons—– We can only Really Create about Eighty Nine Thousand Dollars. And —- for whatever Reason—– We can only Really Create about Eighty Nine Thousand Dollars. And there are sort of some Force Limits. And there are some Limitations. And somethings are sort of Limited. And sort of the Scythe. And sort of the Sickle. And sort of the Syckle. And sort of the Hammer. And sort of the Hammers. And sort of the Drums. And sort of the Drum. And sort of the Bins. And sort of the Bin. And sort of the Harvest. And sort of the Harvests. And sort of Harvested. And sort of the Wheat. And sort of the Barley. And sort of the Fields. And sort of the Field. And sort of Nature. And sort of the Law of Nature. And sort of the Laws of Nature. And for example. For example. And Money is a Limited Resource. And some Resources are Limited. And there are Many Resources. And there are also Many different Types of Resources. And there is only so much Corn in that Field. And there are only so Many Apples in that Tree. And there is only so Much Money that is available. And sort of like Magic. And sort of Magical. And sort of Magically. And sort of the Pendulum. And sort of the Weight Scales. And sort of Pulling Your Weight. And sort of the Pulling of Weight. And sort of Pulling Your own Weight. And sort of earning Your Keep. And for example. For example. Wow. Wow. Wow. And Wow. And Wow. And Wow. And do You think that this is a Writing of Fiction? And do You think that this is Fiction? Fictional? Or Non-Fictional? And do You think that this is Non-Fiction? And do You think that this is Real? And do You think that this is Reality? And, as Someone once said, ‘The Truth can be Stranger than Fiction.’ And as Someone once said, ‘Strange yet True.’ And keep that Money circulating. And Keep that Money in Circulation. And for example. For example. And that is Just Reality. And that is Just the Way that it is. Wow. Wow. Wow. And Wow. And Wow. And wow.”
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). At that Time (ATT). At those Times (ATT). At this Time (ATT). At these Times (ATT). For example. Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO). A lot (AL). A little (AL). Some. Somewhat. Much. Many. Often. Sometimes. Important. Very Important (VI). Extremely Important. Not. Not Very (NV). Not Extremely (NE). For example [ ]. And [ ]. And[ ]. In addition [ ]. Furthermore [ ]. So-Called. And Maybe So-Called. And Maybe for example. And Maybe also for example.
Written by—————————- Brandon Ryan Katrena.
And in one of My Writings, That Person said to Someone, “And there are Many Resources. And there are Many Types of Resources. And there are Many different Resources. And there is Really only about 89,000 A. Dollars in The Whole World. And there is Really only about 89,000 D. M. Dollars in The Whole World. And there is Really only about 89,000 Dollars in Circulation. And there is Really only about 89K Dollars in The Whole World. And there is Really only about 89K Dollars in Circulation. And the Money circulates, circulates, and Circulates. And We can only Really Create about Eighty Nine Thousand Dollars. And —- for whatever Reasons—– We can only Really Create about Eighty Nine Thousand Dollars. And —- for whatever Reason—– We can only Really Create about Eighty Nine Thousand Dollars. And there are sort of some Force Limits. And there are some Limitations. And somethings are sort of Limited. And sort of the Scythe. And sort of the Sickle. And sort of the Syckle. And sort of the Hammer. And sort of the Hammers. And sort of the Drums. And sort of the Drum. And sort of the Bins. And sort of the Bin. And sort of the Harvest. And sort of the Harvests. And sort of Harvested. And sort of the Wheat. And sort of the Barley. And sort of the Fields. And sort of the Field. And sort of Nature. And sort of the Law of Nature. And sort of the Laws of Nature. And for example. For example. And Money is a Limited Resource. And some Resources are Limited. And there are Many Resources. And there are also Many different Types of Resources. And there is only so much Corn in that Field. And there are only so Many Apples in that Tree. And there is only so Much Money that is available. And sort of like Magic. And sort of Magical. And sort of Magically. And sort of the Pendulum. And sort of the Weight Scales. And sort of Pulling Your Weight. And sort of the Pulling of Weight. And sort of Pulling Your own Weight. And sort of earning Your Keep. And for example. For example. Wow. Wow. Wow. And Wow. And Wow. And Wow. And do You think that this is a Writing of Fiction? And do You think that this is Fiction? Fictional? Or Non-Fictional? And do You think that this is Non-Fiction? And do You think that this is Real? And do You think that this is Reality? And, as Someone once said, ‘The Truth can be Stranger than Fiction.’ And as Someone once said, ‘Strange yet True.’ And keep that Money circulating. And Keep that Money in Circulation. And for example. For example. And that is Just Reality. And that is Just the Way that it is. Wow. Wow. Wow. And Wow. And Wow. And wow.”
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). At that Time (ATT). At those Times (ATT). At this Time (ATT). At these Times (ATT). For example. Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO). A lot (AL). A little (AL). Some. Somewhat. Much. Many. Often. Sometimes. Important. Very Important (VI). Extremely Important. Not. Not Very (NV). Not Extremely (NE). For example [ ]. And [ ]. And[ ]. In addition [ ]. Furthermore [ ]. So-Called. And Maybe So-Called. And Maybe for example. And Maybe also for example.
also about 89,000 A. Dollars. And also about 89,000 D. M. Dollars.
Written by—————————- Brandon Ryan Katrena.
And in one of My Writings, That Person said to Someone, “And there are Many Resources. And there are Many Types of Resources. And there are Many different Resources. And there is Really only about 89,000 A. Dollars in The Whole World. And there is Really only about 89,000 D. M. Dollars in The Whole World. And there is Really only about 89,000 Dollars in Circulation. And there is Really only about 89K Dollars in The Whole World. And there is Really only about 89K Dollars in Circulation. And the Money circulates, circulates, and Circulates. And We can only Really Create about Eighty Nine Thousand Dollars. And —- for whatever Reasons—– We can only Really Create about Eighty Nine Thousand Dollars. And —- for whatever Reason—– We can only Really Create about Eighty Nine Thousand Dollars. And there are sort of some Force Limits. And there are some Limitations. And somethings are sort of Limited. And sort of the Scythe. And sort of the Sickle. And sort of the Syckle. And sort of the Hammer. And sort of the Hammers. And sort of the Drums. And sort of the Drum. And sort of the Bins. And sort of the Bin. And sort of the Harvest. And sort of the Harvests. And sort of Harvested. And sort of the Wheat. And sort of the Barley. And sort of the Fields. And sort of the Field. And sort of Nature. And sort of the Law of Nature. And sort of the Laws of Nature. And for example. For example. And Money is a Limited Resource. And some Resources are Limited. And there are Many Resources. And there are also Many different Types of Resources. And there is only so much Corn in that Field. And there are only so Many Apples in that Tree. And there is only so Much Money that is available. And sort of like Magic. And sort of Magical. And sort of Magically. And sort of the Pendulum. And sort of the Weight Scales. And sort of Pulling Your Weight. And sort of the Pulling of Weight. And sort of Pulling Your own Weight. And sort of earning Your Keep. And for example. For example. Wow. Wow. Wow. And Wow. And Wow. And Wow. And do You think that this is a Writing of Fiction? And do You think that this is Fiction? Fictional? Or Non-Fictional? And do You think that this is Non-Fiction? And do You think that this is Real? And do You think that this is Reality? And, as Someone once said, ‘The Truth can be Stranger than Fiction.’ And as Someone once said, ‘Strange yet True.’ And keep that Money circulating. And Keep that Money in Circulation. And for example. For example. And that is Just Reality. And that is Just the Way that it is. Wow. Wow. Wow. And Wow. And Wow. And wow.”
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). At that Time (ATT). At those Times (ATT). At this Time (ATT). At these Times (ATT). For example. Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO). A lot (AL). A little (AL). Some. Somewhat. Much. Many. Often. Sometimes. Important. Very Important (VI). Extremely Important. Not. Not Very (NV). Not Extremely (NE). For example [ ]. And [ ]. And[ ]. In addition [ ]. Furthermore [ ]. So-Called. And Maybe So-Called. And Maybe for example. And Maybe also for example.
Written by—————————- Brandon Ryan Katrena.
And in one of My Writings, That Person said to Someone, “And there are Many Resources. And there are Many Types of Resources. And there are Many different Resources. And there is Really only about 89,000 A. Dollars in The Whole World. And there is Really only about 89,000 D. M. Dollars in The Whole World. And there is Really only about 89,000 Dollars in Circulation. And there is Really only about 89K Dollars in The Whole World. And there is Really only about 89K Dollars in Circulation. And the Money circulates, circulates, and Circulates. And We can only Really Create about Eighty Nine Thousand Dollars. And —- for whatever Reasons—– We can only Really Create about Eighty Nine Thousand Dollars. And —- for whatever Reason—– We can only Really Create about Eighty Nine Thousand Dollars. And there are sort of some Force Limits. And there are some Limitations. And somethings are sort of Limited. And sort of the Scythe. And sort of the Sickle. And sort of the Syckle. And sort of the Hammer. And sort of the Hammers. And sort of the Drums. And sort of the Drum. And sort of the Bins. And sort of the Bin. And sort of the Harvest. And sort of the Harvests. And sort of Harvested. And sort of the Wheat. And sort of the Barley. And sort of the Fields. And sort of the Field. And sort of Nature. And sort of the Law of Nature. And sort of the Laws of Nature. And for example. For example. And Money is a Limited Resource. And some Resources are Limited. And there are Many Resources. And there are also Many different Types of Resources. And there is only so much Corn in that Field. And there are only so Many Apples in that Tree. And there is only so Much Money that is available. And sort of like Magic. And sort of Magical. And sort of Magically. And sort of the Pendulum. And sort of the Weight Scales. And sort of Pulling Your Weight. And sort of the Pulling of Weight. And sort of Pulling Your own Weight. And sort of earning Your Keep. And for example. For example. Wow. Wow. Wow. And Wow. And Wow. And Wow. And do You think that this is a Writing of Fiction? And do You think that this is Fiction? Fictional? Or Non-Fictional? And do You think that this is Non-Fiction? And do You think that this is Real? And do You think that this is Reality? And, as Someone once said, ‘The Truth can be Stranger than Fiction.’ And as Someone once said, ‘Strange yet True.’ And keep that Money circulating. And Keep that Money in Circulation. And for example. For example. And that is Just Reality. And that is Just the Way that it is. Wow. Wow. Wow. And Wow. And Wow. And wow.”
About that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS). Not about those Subjects (NATS). At that Time (ATT). At those Times (ATT). At this Time (ATT). At these Times (ATT). For example. Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO). A lot (AL). A little (AL). Some. Somewhat. Much. Many. Often. Sometimes. Important. Very Important (VI). Extremely Important. Not. Not Very (NV). Not Extremely (NE). For example [ ]. And [ ]. And[ ]. In addition [ ]. Furthermore [ ]. So-Called. And Maybe So-Called. And Maybe for example. And Maybe also for example.
And in one of My Writings, That Person said to
another Person, “And Have You Noticed, for example, that in Many Photographs
and Pictures from Many Years ago, there are about No Dogs on Leashes, and there
are about No Dogs being Walked? And have You also noticed that Some Things in
History sort of Repeat Themselves? Maybe Pretty Interesting. And Maybe Pretty
Interesting Stuff. And Maybe for example. And Maybe, ‘So-Called’.”
that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS).
Not about those Subjects (NATS). At that Time (ATT). At those Times (ATT). At
this Time (ATT). At these Times (ATT). For example. Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO).
A lot (AL). A little (AL). Some. Somewhat. Much. Many. Often. Sometimes.
Important. Very Important (VI). Extremely Important. Not. Not Very (NV). Not
Extremely (NE). For example [ ]. And [ ]. And[ ]. In addition [ ]. Furthermore
[ ]. So-Called. And Maybe So-Called. And Maybe for example. And Maybe
also for example.
And in one of My Writings, That Person said to
another Person, “And Have You Noticed, for example, that in Many Photographs
and Pictures from Many Years ago, there are about No Dogs on Leashes, and there
are about No Dogs being Walked? And have You also noticed that Some Things in
History sort of Repeat Themselves? Maybe Pretty Interesting. And Maybe Pretty
Interesting Stuff. And Maybe for example. And Maybe, ‘So-Called’.”
that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS).
Not about those Subjects (NATS). At that Time (ATT). At those Times (ATT). At
this Time (ATT). At these Times (ATT). For example. Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO).
A lot (AL). A little (AL). Some. Somewhat. Much. Many. Often. Sometimes.
Important. Very Important (VI). Extremely Important. Not. Not Very (NV). Not
Extremely (NE). For example [ ]. And [ ]. And[ ]. In addition [ ]. Furthermore
[ ]. So-Called. And Maybe So-Called. And Maybe for example. And Maybe
also for example.
And here is another Joke that I Wrote—
And in some of My Writings, that Person said to another Person, Paraphrasing
and Summarizing, “And Ok. And Okay. And for example. And Maybe for example. So
for about 80 or 90 years You had a so-called Girlfriend. And then for about 30
or 40 years Came those so-called Baby Bumps. And then for about 5 or 10 years came
those so-called Mechanical and Robotic Animals and Insects. And Maybe for
example. And Maybe for instance. And Maybe ‘So-Called’ ”.
that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS).
Not about those Subjects (NATS). At that Time (ATT). At those Times (ATT). At
this Time (ATT). At these Times (ATT). For example. Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO).
A lot (AL). A little (AL). Some. Somewhat. Much. Many. Often. Sometimes.
Important. Very Important (VI). Extremely Important. Not. Not Very (NV). Not
Extremely (NE). For example [ ]. And [ ]. And[ ]. In addition [ ]. Furthermore
[ ]. So-Called. And Maybe So-Called. And Maybe for example. And Maybe
also for example.
And here is another Joke that I Wrote—
And in some of My Writings, that Person said to another Person, Paraphrasing
and Summarizing, “And Ok. And Okay. And for example. And Maybe for example. So
for about 80 or 90 years You had a so-called Girlfriend. And then for about 30
or 40 years Came those so-called Baby Bumps. And then for about 5 or 10 years came
those so-called Mechanical and Robotic Animals and Insects. And Maybe for
example. And Maybe for instance. And Maybe ‘So-Called’ ”.
that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS).
Not about those Subjects (NATS). At that Time (ATT). At those Times (ATT). At
this Time (ATT). At these Times (ATT). For example. Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO).
A lot (AL). A little (AL). Some. Somewhat. Much. Many. Often. Sometimes.
Important. Very Important (VI). Extremely Important. Not. Not Very (NV). Not
Extremely (NE). For example [ ]. And [ ]. And[ ]. In addition [ ]. Furthermore
[ ]. So-Called. And Maybe So-Called. And Maybe for example. And Maybe
also for example.
And here is Another Joke that I Wrote:
CD1983bbbbbbddddddddddccccccc1989bbbbbbbbbbbbbbddddddddd2019bbbbbbbdddddddcccccc. And in Some of My Writings, That Person said to another Person during a Basketball Game, paraphrasing and Summarizing, “That Player also did a Great Job so-called stealing The Ball.” And That other Person sort of Yelled, “That Basketball Player is a Thief for Stealing The Ball! I’m going to Report Him to Those Police!!!!” And That Person said, “It is Legal during a Basketball Game for the Players to so-called Steal the Ball.” And That other Person replied, “Why is it Legal for them to do that? Do they have that so-called Diplomatic Immunity? If You think about it, it didn’t Really make sense for Us to allow Embassies on Our Own Territory, as that only Invited so-called Extreme Trouble. And We didn’t Need Embassies to Sneak Spies into other Countries and to do other Covert Things. And sort of Updated. And it’s also a Brand New Day, Afternoon, and Evening. And Very Excellent and Good, sort of Speaking for Myself. And Lots of Very Good Hints, Signs, and Clues and Suggestions. And also Maybe Very Excellent and Good. And Maybe Joking, and Teasing, and Bluffing. And Maybe Very appropriate, and Maybe Very Safe and Sound. And Maybe for example. And Maybe, ‘So-Called’. ”
CD1983bbbbbbddddddddddccccccc1989bbbbbbbbbbbbbbddddddddd2019bbbbbbbdddddddcccccc. And in Some of My Writings, That Person said to another Person during a Basketball Game, paraphrasing and Summarizing, “That Player also did a Great Job so-called stealing The Ball.” And That other Person sort of Yelled, “That Basketball Player is a Thief for Stealing The Ball! I’m going to Report Him to Those Police!!!!” And That Person said, “It is Legal during a Basketball Game for the Players to so-called Steal the Ball.” And That other Person replied, “Why is it Legal for them to do that? Do they have that so-called Diplomatic Immunity? If You think about it, it didn’t Really make sense for Us to allow Embassies on Our Own Territory, as that only Invited so-called Extreme Trouble. And We didn’t Need Embassies to Sneak Spies into other Countries and to do other Covert Things. And sort of Updated. And it’s also a Brand New Day, Afternoon, and Evening. And Very Excellent and Good, sort of Speaking for Myself. And Lots of Very Good Hints, Signs, and Clues and Suggestions. And also Maybe Very Excellent and Good. And Maybe Joking, and Teasing, and Bluffing. And Maybe Very appropriate, and Maybe Very Safe and Sound. And Maybe for example. And Maybe, ‘So-Called’. ”
that Subject (ATS). About those Subjects (ATS). Not about that Subject (NATS).
Not about those Subjects (NATS). At that Time (ATT). At those Times (ATT). At
this Time (ATT). At these Times (ATT). For example. Sort of (SO). Kind of (KO).
A lot (AL). A little (AL). Some. Somewhat. Much. Many. Often. Sometimes.
Important. Very Important (VI). Extremely Important. Not. Not Very (NV). Not
Extremely (NE). For example [ ]. And [ ]. And[ ]. In addition [ ]. Furthermore
[ ]. So-Called. And Maybe So-Called. And Maybe for example. And Maybe
also for example.
Posted 4 days ago