入院本態性高血圧症患者におけるPenbutolol1日2回投与の降圧効果および血圧日内変動に及ぼす影響 Influences of Penbutolol b.i.d. on Hypertension and its Diurnal Variation in Inpatients with Essential Hypertension
The influence of penbutolol on hypertension and its diurnal variation wereinvestigated in 12 inpatients with essential hypertension. The study extended for 14 days. Placebo was administered b.i.d., i.e., after breakfast (8 a.m.) and dinner (5 p.m.) for the first 7 days (pretreatment period). Penbutolol 40 mg was administered in the same manner for the latter 7 days (treatment period). Blood pressure and pulse weremeasured 3 times, i.e., at arising in the morning (5 a.m.), after lunch (1 p.m.) and before going to bed (7 p.m.), daily for the 14 days. On the 7 th day of each period, these parameters were measured not only at the above 3 points of time but also at 7 a.m., 9 a.m., 11 a.m., 3 p.m. and 5 p.m..<BR>The following results were obtained:<BR>1) Blood pressure and pulse were significantly reduced in 8 and 9 patients, respectively.<BR>2) An analysis of measurements made 3 times daily showed that systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP) and pulse were significantly decreased at all given times on the 3 rd to 7 th days of the treatment. Diurnal variations of both SBP and DBP were also significantly reduced.<BR>3) An analysis of measurements made 8 times on the 7th day showed that a significantly decrease was observed in SBP at 5a.m., 11a.m., 1p.m., 3p.m. and 7p.m.; DBP at the last 5 points of time; and, pulse at all points of time. Only SBP showed a significantly reduction in diurnal variation.
- 臨床薬理
臨床薬理 13(2), 285-299, 1982
一般社団法人 日本臨床薬理学会