>all the people that genuinely care about x in their cult? But maybe this is what they want. Ultimate distillation. Stop pretending. You are all solo fans, and the only way you care about him is as self insert placeholder for your own fantasies with y. At least admit it.
I wonder if all those c*f who are openly saying they won’t watch it because it’s het rom (when they watched g*h with no problem) or making fun of him and the cast for their acting and overall not supporting it while hyping a random livestreaming, realize that this will alienate>
The groups she was part of (as a spectator) are not and were not anti-Yibo. They were like a entertainment magazine, full of good and bad articles about every celeb. X*Z and Yibo's included.
And in March when she deleted her account, the groups were very much biased
WB, Douban, BLBL were all full of unprecedented hate towards him. It is only now that the first two have become less unfair.
So bc she must have deleted her account then bc as someone who was close to X*Z the online environment must have been especially unbearable
It is not that strange for a manager to be on entertainment forums. It is her job to be aware of what the gossip and news is
This Douban account was, according to the managers own words, deactivated in March. Why March you ask? Bc March was the peak of the vitriol against X*Z
So it is a proven fact that X*Z and his staff's info is vulnerable at best and stolen at worst.
That's what happened. X*Z's manager's phone number got 'leaked' and people traced it to a Douban account which was active in several entertainment forums
story that X*Z was flying to Shanghai to be with Yibo for his bday)
X*Z's side, already having suffered unbearably bc of this CP, immediately came out to refute these rumours and deny any connection to Yibo
X*Z and his staff had their private info including phone numbers leaked and used maliciously multiple times. Most notably was around Aug 5 of this year when some unscrupulous people used stolen info to actually book flights to Shanghai for X*Z (This was to please CPFs with the
Now about the Douban allegations.
What is Douban? It is a site/app where you can rate things in media (shows/movies etc) and also join groups that discuss entertainment news.
To make an account, you can register with your phone number or other socmed accounts
Consequently X*Z's lawyer posted as well. The implication was that these were not empty threats and justice would happen and evil-doers will be brought into line.
But X*Z's reputation once again suffered damage. Some impressionable netizens did believe these lies
The original author of "Fallen" also spoke up and said that she was in no way connected to X*Z studio and that she was going to sue people spreading rumours.
X*Z's manager also clarified that she has nothing to do with "Fallen" and that X*Z's side would sue as well
You only need an email and a system generated/friend gifted invite. So antis could not have found X*Z's manger's non-existent AO3 account by using her leaked personal information.
It was nothing but lies to smear someone innocent
Going on nothing except similar English names, antis bought a Hot Search to smear X*Z's team and X*Z himself. (We assume that they bought the hot search to suppress the burgeoning Wang Fugui issue but it had the opposite effect)
AO3 accounts in no way require phone numbers
The original author is young & a student at university. She changed their online name after March. She used to write fanfic for Guardian in 2018 and wrote BJYX after that. Now she's presumably writing for another fandom
X*Z's manager, on the other hand, is a 40yr old woman
X*Z's manager's chosen English name for herself is "Melody" It is not a rare or uncommon and we can assume that many "Melody" as English name people exist in Chi*na
So antis took her name and connected it with the name of the author of Fallen "迪迪出逃记" similar to Melody
- of being active on Douban groups that slandered Yibo
Let's deal with the first allegation: Only someone incredibly mindless would believe that X*Z would do this to himself.
Chi*nese people sometimes have English names for themselves, especially the diaspora. It's a trend.
About the allegations levelled on X*Z's manager. (I actually didn't want to speak about this but because MTJJs are actively spreading misinfo, I decided that I should)
What is she blamed of:
- writing the fic "Fallen" alleging that 2*2*7 was an inside job orchestrated by X*Z
Wang Fugui also clarified that he was in no way related to Wang Hailin (Context: the email Wang Fugui used turned up on Wang Hailin's website) He even said that his real surname was not even Wang.
Very odd that a X*Z anti would be so protective over YH and WH :)
These receipts inadvertently exposed his own lies because KXZ (which they had a receipt of) only took on X*Z in January 2020
After this, his lies are still ongoing. From pretending he was hacked to leaking X*Z supposed future schedules and guiding 2*2*7s to boycott him
First, Wang Fugui, scrambling for motives to whitewash his involvement in 2*2*7, pretended that he used to be a X*Z fan and left tte fandom in Oct/Nov 2019. He sought to prove this by showing receipts of the X*Z endorsements he'd bought
they have nothing to hide
After this farce, Wang Fugui did a number of things to disconnect himself from YH despite taking a protective and soft stance towards that company, as noted by several passersby
1) X*Z already has a criminal case against his antis and the capital funding them
2) Wang Fugui has used info allegedly sourced from YH and the implications are serious. In this case, YH suing him would clear their own name and reputation. But of course, that's only valid if
was spared. No lawsuit has been filed against him. MTJJs, dishonourable as they are, have twisted netizens asking YH to sue Wang Fugui as X*F*Xs begging other companies to sue X*Z's antis
This is a malicious distortion of real events and facts
Update/Summary of recent events: Wang Fugui got on the HS and Yuehua was forced to make a statement about him. The statement was vague at best, threatening netizens of lawsuits if they continuing spreading rumours. Wang Fugui, the one actually using YH's name and info
Another 2*2*7 KOL that posted about XZ’s name scribbled on a relic war plane (after blurring out WYB’s name, of course) and later turned out to be a WYB fan. There was a black hot search on W*ibo about it
After gorging on their candies and acting oblivious of everything, they came out in full force today to lecture others on fandom behavior. Means they were wide awake/aware of everything, but chose to remain silent, WHY?? I thought you love them both equally. #bjyx#BJYXSZD𓆉
4. Rather they were busy eating candies and providing transcripts and translations of those candies. Are you agreeing with the accusation that he did his own violent cyber bullying? Has he filed a criminal investigation against himself? Why were you silent?
3. Go to their accounts and CC's, you will get your answers. A prominent one among them provided links to youtube videos that gave one-sided accounts of everything and never bothered to clarify or update on the issue. What is their motive? #BJYXSZD𓆉#bjyx
2. In feb/March they claimed they knew the author, spoke for her and created massive sob stories for her and shouted for 'creative freedom'. Yesterday, they were all silent, what happened to their personal infos about the said author. Why have they not come out to say who was it?
1. Yesterday some big events happened and made me see some people with no conscience, empathy or sympathy. They pretended to suffer from amnesia and perhaps were hoping we did too. How could they forget what they did in Feb and March? #bjyx#BJYXSZD𓆉
People curious about 227 and what happened with Xiao Zhan in March can go through these links for non-emotional analysis and fully factual breakdown
People curious about 227 and what happened with Xiao Zhan in March can go through these links for non-emotional analysis and fully factual breakdown
There's a lot of misinfo being spread around + videos from that period that are emotional and contain information that has been proven false by now.
I hope everyone can be rational and see the facts for what they are. Refuse to be brainwashed while making up your mind
Fu Gui claims that he/she quit XZ’s fandom after the nanjing concert in Nov19. Then brings out screenshots of KXZ he/she supposedly bought when still a fan as proof. However XZ’s KXZ endorsement was only announced in Jan20?!
Everyone in Ch*ina knows what a corrupt and evil company YH is and yet MTJJs want to fool gullible intl fans by blaming X*Z. Who has been suffering for 9 months and who has been raking in money is there for all to see. Stop insulting our intelligence.
Very telling that MTJJs don't want YH to sue Wang Fugui. If your Yibo is suffering so much, then help clarify no? They're scared bc Wang Fugui is just the tip of the iceberg
MTJJs know everything and intentionally play blind. House of cards is destined to fall though :)
MTJJs spreading the fake lies of 2*2*7 KOL Wang Fugui. The fact that he only pretended to be X*Z*F today after being caught and embroiled in controversy. Kudos to MTJJs for supporting YH and all their employees though
Maybe they can get promoted to Fan Operations dept too
Comments from an ex WYB fan:
"I'm laughing to death. My comment being deleted made me want to say even more. This song of you, employed fans demanded us to use multiple accounts to buy it to make you look good. I used 30 accounts, do you think that you have that many fans?"
A reminder that 2*2*7 was an organized criminal act of unprecedented scale and, even though nothing can undo the damage inflicted upon its victims, the perpetrators deserve to be punished according to the law.
tw // death, suicide, bullying, violence
Interesting that when it is just X*Z being targeted then CPFs say he's paying for his fans' mistakes and threaten/lecture X*F*X but when it's both of them on the hot search, there's suddenly a third party who's targeting both of them.
The hypocrisy
YH is know to have a fan operations department where they control and recruit professional fans
Note the wording of their statement as well where they say 关于我司职粉 "王富贵" "About our professional fan Wang Fugui" In the same statement they refuse to clarify whether the info spread by WF was true and if it was stolen then whether they are going to sue or not
Note the wording of their statement as well where they say 关于我司职粉 "王富贵" "About our professional fan Wang Fugui" In the same statement they refuse to clarify whether the info spread by WF was true and if it was stolen then whether they are going to sue or not
CPFs please stop pretending that Yibo and X*Z and the amount of hate they receive is anywhere on the same level. Yibo's career has flourished like no others this year. Have a conscience or at least, stop belittling X*Z's suffering
They have no bottom line and are desperate now because all their lies are exposed. The law is tightening it's noose around them. We just have to wait and watch
Reminder that antis and YH are adept at stealing private info and using it for ulterior motives. During Yibo's bday, they used X*Z's personal information (stolen of course) to book flights to Shanghai. X*Z side was forced to come out and refute these rumours
A big 2*2*7 KOL 王富贵 recently got exposed as a staff that works for YH, possibly a part of Yibo's internal team. They accidentally leaked YH internal commercial data online (that only YH staff has access too) and exposed themselves as YH's core staff
After engaging in criminal acts and behaviors for 9 months, suddenly these people realized existing laws are amended under which all of them will be implicated legally. So, in a desperate attempt to wash themselves they want to push their victim as the perpetrator of their crimes