He who shall not be named tried to do a copyright drive by a couple of times to take down this episode.
The True Story Behind the Magnitsky Act with @antiputinismus@historic_lyhttps://soundcloud.com/historic_ly/ep-22-the-true-story-behind?utm_source=soundcloud&utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=twitter…
This was life for the poor. They often shrugged their shoulders.
The main issue with Nazi propaganda and the reason it worked
A) Buying up all outlets and carpet bombing the airways
B) Prolierization of formal profession kept middle class afraid.
C) it redirected fault.
Some of them ate children!
Like the vampire "conspiracy theory" when there is that much power differential between a serf and a noble, they will be able to get away with absolutely anything.
So elite society doing evil things is a natural and expected outcome of a hierarchical society.
Georgia is the first state where we have fully updated vote history data, and it shows the Black share of the electorate falling to its lowest level since 2006
Because 99% of other crap was also substituting conspiracy theories for class analysis.. most of them didn't do the holocaust.
They just died down after a few years.
Nazis did stuff. But this stuff is not unique to Nazis!
A Dumpster Fire
返信先: @historic_lyさん
But it’s true that Nazis were substituting class analysis with conspiracy theories. I don’t see how this headline is really all that outrageous.
I also want to ban all genocide scholars.
They say the most idiotic things, often without merit, because they don't get headlines unless they make the most outrageous Nazi comparisons