UK Community Leaders Express Dissent & Educate All on Common Law Protections: “We Do NOT Consent to Another Lockdown”

Report | Ramola D | Nov 12, 2020

In a breakthrough conversation last week, a group of UK community leaders came together to speak candidly about the false data and fraudulent edicts behind new lockdowns in the UK and elsewhere in Europe, Australia, and the US and explore immediate solutions to the tyranny of failed government corporations immersed in the long-standing fraud of the Legal-fiction or all-caps-name designation of the Incorporated Person/Strawman/Slave by means of which all of humanity has been enslaved to the repellently fraudulent Crown Corporation and its octopus overrider, the Roman Empire.

Declare Yourself Alive, Use Common Law, Split from Statutory Codes & Unlawful Orders Handed Out By Defrauding “Fiction” Government Corporations

Covering the subject of corporations, governments, the COVID lockdown overreach, data manipulation and COVID fraud, the panel also examined how to use common law to declare yourself alive, remove yourself from the false jurisdiction of government corporations, and stand in your own power as the sovereign living human being you are, despite and in face of all the fraudulent edicts on masks, vaccines, tests, and lockdowns still being rolled out by criminals in high office.

This panel featured David Adelman, author of School–No Place for Children: A Wake Up Call and co-founder of Elephant; Bibi Bacchus, Professor at New Earth University and UCC Expert; John Smith, convener of the first Common Law court in the UK who assists people with common law matters; Michael Ough, retired policeman from London Metropolitan Police & Defense, who helps people with statutory codes and laws; Michelle Young, advocate for UK mothers and creator of the Michelle Young Foundation to help those suffering injustice at hands of the family courts and insolvency courts.

As a Living Being, No Corporate Edicts Apply to You

The consensus from this conversation is: Under common law, when one declares oneself alive as a living man or woman, the corporate edicts and mask/vaccine/lockdown edicts do not apply.

As a sovereign human being you can choose to de-register your vehicle, your child from schools, your name from the Legal Fiction of the all-caps-name on the birth certificate, and yourself and family from the jurisdiction of all government corporations currently committing crimes in the name of Covid.

John Smith assures us that Common Law applies in all countries, including Greece where the World Bank is imposing restrictions on the people.

Anyone worldwide can register as alive online at the Common Law Court — when you register there, notice of your being alive (and not the dead legal fiction) is being generated as a notice to the fraudulent corporations seeking to use adhesion contracts to tie you fraudulently to that dead-legal-fiction name.

Can it be as simple as that? And apparently it is.

This goes back to that whole “Primary Trespass” of the Birth Certificate Fraud, where your parents unknowingly signed you off to the state via registering you as a dead entity, with an ALL-CAPS-NAME, thereby incorporating your name as a corporation, later securitized as a bond and traded on the stock market–a Machiavellian form of enslavement no-one knew about, consented to, or accepted–by the Crown Corporation which owns all government corporations apparently. There is much information on this online, including in many of Bibi Bacchus’s videos, including this one:

People Need to Step Out of Tacit Consent and Say NO to the Primary Birth Certificate Fraud, NO to the Lockdowns and NO to all Fraudulent Mandates

What Bibi Bacchus and Michael Ough and David Adelman all recommend is that what people have to do is stand up, understand this legal fiction/birth certificate fraud, and say NO: NO to this birth certificate fraud (declare yourself alive), NO to the lockdowns, NO to businesses being closed, NO to forced testing, NO to mandates on masks, NO to vaccines or mandates of any kind.

Stop Wearing Masks and Stand Up for Anyone Attacked Wrongfully by Police or Anyone for Not Wearing Masks

Bibi says: People need to support each other. On public transportation, people need to en masse support each other. Speak up and stand up for others who refuse to wear masks.

Masks have been shown to be unhealthy, unsafe, ineffective and have recently caused deaths and fainting of children.

COVID Psy Op Needs to Stop Right Now: Children Are Dying From the Masks, Children Are Committing Suicide

Much false information is being circulated on COVID by the corporations playing government and media: a huge psy op is being conducted on populations, essentially Psychological Warfare.

Information on COVID Lockdown/Mask/Vaccine Protests Worldwide is Being Suppressed By Mainstream Media

Even police tyranny and the media suppression of protests worldwide with the media spectacle of “leaders” in masks and at microphones daily reporting false data on the “rise in cases” is engineered spectacle and psychological warfare. Protests continue in many parts of the world, including an enormous protest recently in Liepzig, Germany, and a rally in Manchester, UK.

Liepzig rally, Nov 7, 2020/RT
Manchester, UK rally, Nov 9, 2020/The Sun

Misled (& Misleading) Governments & Police Attack Citizens Openly While People Converge in High Numbers in Sydney, Berlin, London, Boston, Dublin, Edinburgh, Geneva, Athens, Montreal, Melbourne to Protest Lockdowns, Lies, Fascist Government Action, Masks, & Vaccine Mandates

Yes It’s a Psy Op: COVID Virus Does Not Exist, There is NO Pandemic: Globalist Govt Corporations Are Trying to Rush Us All to Great Reset Agenda 2030 & Humans 2.0 via Transhumanizing Vaccines & Consent to Bio-Surveillance Bio-Enslavement

People are waking up worldwide to the Psy Op being run on all of us, while globalists and technocrats seek to capture and enslave humanity in a perpetual cycle of ignorance, enslavement, and capitulation to invasive bio surveillance, sterilization of their progeny, and transhumanizing of all via synthetic bioengineering and genetic modification promised by the COVID vaccines being rushed into existence at various pharmaceutical companies.

Concerned citizens have established by way of FOI requests that no SARS-COV-2 virus actually exists or has been isolated.

BREAKING: Gemma O’Doherty Reports that UK Dept of Health Concedes SARS-COV-2 Virus Not Isolated, “No Information,” Meaning, It’s Not a Real Pandemic

If you have not heard of Humans 2.0 yet, please watch Dr. Carrie Madej explain it:

Stand Up For Your Own Basic Human Rights in Face of Psychological Warfare in Name of COVID and Public Health

All on the panel agreed that people need to see beyond the psychological warfare of fraudulent edicts to wear the masks and stay indoors and “socially distance” while submitting to tests, quarantines, camps, vaccines being run in the name of public Health by failed and criminal government corporations and exercise their basic human rights: to breathe, to speak, to assemble, to trade freely, to make a livelihood.

There is nothing stopping us.

Non-Compliance is Your Human Right as a Sovereign Living Being: You Are Not Owned by Any Corporation

Non-compliance and removal from the enslavement jurisdiction of legal-fiction-fraud-running corporations can be done by anyone, is a peaceful action, and an action of self-defense and caring for humanity.

One of the most important subjects discussed on the panel was the subject of whistleblowing by military and police, raised by Michelle Young and addressed by John Smith, who promises that the Common Law Court stands to protect all whistleblowers in anonymity and encourages military and police whistleblowers to come forward and share information needed for all in this headlong fight we are collectively in to save humanity.

This is indeed the end-game, and the time to stand up is now. Nobody need comply with harmful mandates and edicts to submit to fake COVID tests and surrender to transhumanizing vaccines in order to “return to normalcy.”

We return to normalcy by standing up for our basic human rights and saying NO to the Psy Op, the lockdowns, the tests, the vaccines, the “Great Reset, ” period.


John Smith/Common Law Court

Reach John Smith if you wish to whistleblow anonymously, as member of military/police/govt:

David Adelman/The Elephant Group

Web Site for Notices of Obligation and Treason at Common Law

Info for the educated on COVID Global Fraud:

UK Column

Lockdown Sceptics

British Constitution Group:

Stop World Control


BREAKING: Major Investigative Report by Association of French Reserve Army Officers Finds COVID-19 “Pandemic” to Have a Hidden Agenda for Global Totalitarianism, Nanotech Chipping of All, 5G Irradiation, & Genocide

CONFIRMED: COVID-19 Plandemic a Known, Live “Training and Simulation Exercise” under WHO, Treasonously Agreed to by 196 Countries

Berlin Police Agree the Masks Are a Sham, Real Enemy is Bill Gates & COVID’s Transhumanist, Sterilizing Control Agenda

Newswatch 4 with Seven and Ramola D, covering the protests in August and September, and pinpointing the billionaire criminals behind these attacks on humanity:

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