Joe cheated.
Here's Proof.
Election Truth National Timeline 2020
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A Mountain of Evidence
For the last 4 years, anti-Trump activists have sought to undermine the presidency of President Donald J. Trump. They accused the President of colluding with Russia to win the 2016 election -- allegations with very little real evidence even after concerted attempts to dig up dirt for the entirety of those 4 years.
When we wrote this, it's been 4 days after the election, and already Trump Supporters have a mountain of evidence for Joe's #VoterFraud. Statistical forensics showing that Biden's contested state numbers are unnatural, voting software glitches that always seemed to favor Joe Biden, poll-watchers not being allowed access to polls, whistleblowers from the US post service saying that there are standing orders to backdate ballots, votes for Trump not being recognized, US Supreme Court orders that go ignored, and of course #DeadPeopleVoting.
This site is only the tip of the iceberg -- literally thousands of separate reports have been made, showing a clear pattern of voter fraud.
Joe cheated. Let's not let him get away with it.
If you're new here, read through the site, starting with the section on Benford's Law, below.
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Looking for new updates? The Info Dump section contains everything we recently received.
Have a case of election fraud to report that you don't see here? Report to the Trump Campaign directly here, and also send us a copy of the report here.
Table of Contents
New: Rudy Giuliani's Overview of the Legal Evidence
Rudy discusses three affidavits filed in Michigan, one from a long-time city worker, one from a Dominion Voting Systems employee performing IT service, and one from a Republican credentialed poll watcher. These affidavits, which Rudy claims are 3 among nearly 100, detail several forms of explicit fraud taking place systematically at the TCF Center in Detroit, including:
- Poll workers instructed to count mail-in ballots without validating the postmark, the signature, or any other voter ID information;
- Poll workers instructed not to request any form of voter ID for in-person voters;
- Poll workers instructing voters to vote straight-Democrat and watching them vote;
- Poll workers accepting in-person votes from people who had already been sent absentee ballots, without requiring them to produce the unused absentee ballot;
- Poll workers running ballots through tabulators 5-10 times to count them repeatedly;
- Approximately 100,000 ballots arriving in unsealed cardboard boxes at 4:30am, after most poll watchers had gone home, which were 100% for Joe Biden, and did not even have down-ballot choices marked;
- Systematic efforts to prevent Republican poll watchers from witnessing, let alone validating, the process by which mail-in ballots were verified and counted
No unGoogled link since you need to give Rudy's YouTube channel some love:
New: "Why did Trump tweet that?" An overview of Dominion Software (clickable PDF)
Dominion Voting Systems are used in multiple states and has a history of software "glitches" that favor Democrats, including 6,000 votes being switched from Trump to Biden this year. The company also has deep Clinton Foundation, Obama, and Soros ties -- hardly a neutral party. Degoogled link here: (2nd page).
New: Hacking A Voting Machine? Super Easy, Barely an Inconvenience!
Optical scanning / tabulating machines for ballots with amazingly lax security. A pollworker can easily get admin access with a bit of jostling and button-pushing. As demonstrated here, this should raise questions about the sanctity and security of our ballot-counting methods, especially in places where Republican poll watchers were systematically being pushed 30ft away or out of the room.
New: Election Lawsuit Tracker
When discussing election-related lawsuits. the mainstream media narrative seems to focus only on the lawsuits filed by President Trump. It is less known that Joe Biden's campaign has filed 60 lawsuits just since August, 2020, in multiple US states. These lawsuits were made to change the "rules of the game" in the 2020 elections. These are last-minute changes to get rid of deadlines and security measures to the voting process. Some of these lawsuits are not yet settled, and may anull election results in some states (including PA) since ballots received after election day would be considered inadmissible under Constitutional court decisions.
The tracker is below, last updated Nov 12th, 2020. Degoogled version here: (4th page).
New: Sworn Statements Attesting Election Fraud
Michigan GOP state senators are requesting a full audit of the 2020 General Election, lists all techniques used for the #MassiveVoterFraud.
A Dominion Voting employee's sworn affidavit of her witnessing fraud for hundreds -- perhaps thousands -- of votes.
Former police captain's testimony of massive ballot harvesting scheme.
Benford's Law Irregularities in Biden-won Contested States
Benford's law states that, in natural data sets, the leading digits are always distributed in a specific, nonuniform way. While one might think that the number 1 would appear as the first digit 11 percent of the time (i.e., one of nine possible numbers), it actually appears about 30 percent of the time (Figure 1). Nine, on the other hand, is the first digit less than 5 percent of the time. The theory covers the first digit, second digit, first two digits, last digit and other combinations of digits because the theory is based on a logarithm of probability of occurrence of digits.
It is commonly used to detect fraud in large data sets by comparing leading digits to what the Benford curve (Figure 1) predicts.
Legal status: In the United States, evidence based on Benford's law has been admitted in criminal cases at the federal, state, and local levels. Evidence for the Enron case hinged on the Benford analysis of their accounting numbers (Figure 2).
Figure 1: Benford's Law
Figure 2: Enron scandal - Benford Analysis
Precedent for elections: Benford's law has been invoked as evidence of fraud in the 2009 Iranian elections. The Benford irregularity in the Iran case was shown through the below distribution graph. Note that the expected Benford distribution is in black, and the Iran distribution is grey.
The slight "unBenfordness" of the above distribution (hint: look at number 7) was enough for major international accusations of election fraud and the demonstrations of millions of Iranians across multiple cities.
US Election Fraud 2020: Now look at the US Election's "unBenfordness" and where they cluster in tight state races where Biden was declared victor (graphs for Chicago, Milwaukee, WI, and Allegheny, PA). (Source) Bonus: A comparison between Biden's Milwaukee numbers and the Enron case is also provided.
As is plain, Benford analysis show multiple issues with the US election numbers that are a lot more blatant than the Iranian election fraud case and even gives the Enron fraud case a run for its money. Biden numbers in contested states are not even close to following the Benford curve.
The usage of Benford in elections has been disputed in the past, but usually for cases like Iran where only one digit falls outside the curve. For the Milwaukee graph alone, five leading digits lie outside the predicted Benford curve.
To put it another way: If Biden didn't commit fraud, Benford's law -- which is also used to detect fraud in taxes, scientific papers, accounting, and census data everywhere in the world -- would be completely disproved.
Here is a full Twitter thread explaining the statistical anomalies of Biden's numbers under statistical analysis.
Dead Voters
The following spreadsheet contains a list of over 300 dead people who registered to vote in Detroit in the 2020 US Election. You are welcome to verify each name on this list through this public link:
Demonstration: Here are screenshots of Twitter user Fleccas showing that a 118 year old “William Bradley”registered to vote and then actually voted via absentee ballot in Wayne County, Michigan.
William Bradley died in 1984.
Here is a walkthrough showing how you can find dead voters (i.e., people born in the 1800s) directly on the Pennsylvania voter list, through Open Data Pennsylvania. (Video Source.)
Voter Fraud Caught On Tape
"What kind of election is this?" the Asian-American lady says, while she describes the irregularities that happened during her time as Ballot Observer on Nov 3rd. "This felt like a drug deal!"
On Tuesday night President Trump was leading significantly in several swing states including Georgia, North Carolina, Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. Then all of the sudden Joe Biden jumped up 200,000 votes just in Michigan and has the lead over President Trump.
The Asian American ballot observer of the Michigan election says a mysterious van full of ballots arrived at 4 AM in the morning.
Her full testimony -- translated from Mandarin -- can be seen in the video.
The Bombshell #DetroitLeaks recordings.
Multiple Detroit pollworker trainings were recorded explicitly training pollworkers on the Michigan Voter Fraud strategy:
Kick out poll watchers: Prevent the poll watchers from seeing the ballot counting through the excuse of COVID-19 social distancing, even telling trainees to call 911 if they get too close. This was explicitly mentioned as a technique to prevent observation of what the pollworkers are doing. (At one point someone made a joke that the pollwatchers would need binoculars to see)
Challenged ballots, which are supposed to be separated for later analysis, are processed as regular ballots. This is important because challenged ballots are the ones provided to individuals whose eligibility or registration status in the state cannot be confirmed. Before 2020, no challenged ballot would go into the tabulator, because a tabulated ballot is anonymous and could not be identified or challenged in the future. The trainer instructed trainees to cover ballot barcodes with Post-It tape to be able to do this.
Allow everyone with an easily forged piece of paper to vote through the aforementioned "challenged ballots", even people who are not registered in the voting database. Tens of thousands of these "new voter registration receipts" can be generated very easily
Staff polling stations with high-school age teenagers as Electronic Pollbook Inspectors. These teens wouldn't be able to stay until the early hours of the morning, so they have todrop off their laptops with someone else -- and the frauding pollworkers should be the one taking care of the laptop.
No one to call for help
Count challenged ballots, DESTROY provisional ballots.
Videos of incidents of voter fraud poured in on social media, while being censored by Silicon Valley.
We see ballots for Donald J Trump in the trash.
We see ballots with pre-filled Democrat tickers, in which the ballots seemed to be pre-filled by stamping machine, not handwritten -- indicating a massive operation.
Ballots being spoiled -- not being handled within the actual poll-counting location.
Software "Glitches" that Favor Joe Biden
A glitch in software (Dominion Democracy Suite, brochure here) used to tabulate ballots in Antrim County, Michigan caused at least 6,000 Republican votes to be counted as Democrat, according to Michigan GOP Chairwoman Laura Cox. The miscalculation, Cox said in a press conference, was first reported by a county clerk. A short investigation revealed that 47 counties in Michigan may have also suffered from a similar glitch with the same software, which could have caused some counties to rake in a higher number of Democrat votes than usual.
More here:
6,000 might not sound like much, but if we take all of the counties in Michigan that used the Dominion software and multiply it by the number of ballots that switched from Biden to Trump in just that one county, we get:
(1+47) x 6,000 = 288,000
Joe's margin in Michigan is only about 146k.
The Dominion Democracy Suite software is used in 30 states. Google it.
Ghost Voters: 353 U.S Counties had 1.8 Million More Registered Voters than Eligible Citizens
A September 2020 study revealed that 353 U.S. counties had 1.8 million more registered voters than eligible voting-age citizens. In other words, the registration rates of those counties exceeded 100% of eligible voters. The study found eight states showing state-wide registration rates exceeding 100%: Alaska, Colorado, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, Rhode Island, and Vermont.
The study collected the most recent registration data posted online by the states themselves. This data was then compared to the Census Bureau’s most recent five-year population estimates, gathered by the American Community Survey (ACS) from 2014 through 2018. ACS surveys are sent to 3.5 million addresses each month, and its five-year estimates are considered to be the most reliable estimates outside of the decennial census. (Source.)
Election Rule Changes Requested by Democrats in Pennsylvania
(Or, why a large portion of the Pennsylvania ballots might be illegal.)
Degoogled version here: (3rd page)
The timeline so far:
- Constitution says State Legislature gets to make the election rules
Key here: the standing election law in PA says that ballots had to be received by Nov 3rd to count.
- Governor in PA went to legislature to allow ballots from after election day
Around the summer, the (D) Gov of PA tried to pressure the (R) PA state legislature to change the rules, to allow ballots to be counted that were *postmarked* by Nov 3rd but not actually received until Friday.
- Legislature refused the request
The (R) legislature refused to change the state election laws, so the standing election law in PA still says they must be actually received by Nov 3rd to count.
- Governor goes to PA Supreme Court instead to get a court order
The gov requested the PA supreme court (strongly Democrat controlled) to issue a court order that ballots received late will still count, and the court gave the order.
- In principle, the court order itself is illegal, and in violation of state election law, as well as in violation of the US Constitution
But by this very same court order, the precincts in PA have been counting late-received ballots for the last few days.
- Anticipating all this, there were guidelines to segregatee ballots received after election day. Basically they needed to be counted separately, and not included in the vote totals -- as any such votes are very likely the target of legal action which might invalidate them
Precincts in PA ignored the guidance, didn't segregate the ballots received after election day, and reported the totals along with the normal votes
- US Supreme Court just issued them an order that they are LEGALLY BOUND to comply with the "guidance", they MUST segregate those votes and remove them from the counted totals
So, the legal battle will be over whether it is legal for a court order to overrule the election laws set by the state legislature. And on this front the constitution is exceptionally clear: the state legislature gets to make the state's election laws, nobody else.
- Those votes received after election day will almost certainly end up the subject of a lawsuit that goes to the US Supreme Court.
There is a good chance that it will overturn the PA supreme court's order, in which case the ballots received after Nov 3rd will need to be thrown out, as per the state's election laws.
What's worse, PA is not the only state with an ongoing election lawsuit.
Unfurl the section below if you'd like to know the details of Democrat lawsuits in multiple states. (Quite a long read! Feel free to go to the TLDR summary if you prefer to skip it.)
Democrat Lawsuits in Wisconsin, Indiana, NC, Minnesota, Michigan, PA, Iowa, Alabama
TL;DR Summary: Joe Biden's campaign has filed 60 lawsuits just since August, 2020, in multiple US states. These lawsuits were made to change the "rules of the game" in the 2020 elections. These are last-minute changes to get rid of deadlines and security measures to the voting process, and should raise questions.
Republican Poll Watchers Denied Entry to Polls (Videos)
The current media narrative: "Republicans had poll watchers from the beginning! The only thing that is in contention is how far away they were able to watch the ballots being counted."
Reality: Republicans were put 30 feet away from the counting, and ballots keep being brought away and brought in, out of view. In smaller locations with less than 30 feet of space, poll watchers were put outside the room.
Confirmation of Spoiled Ballots Illegally Handled
Hidden Camera Footage of Ballot Harvester for a House Republican Candidate Stealing Votes for Joe Biden.
GOP house candidate Mauro Garza apparently paid $5000 to a "ballot chaser" to harvest ballots throughout the county. The ballots were then used to vote for Mauro Garza himself -- and Joe Biden.
The video includes the "ballot chaser" bragging that she has personally stolen 7000 votes.
Of course, Texas didn't flip to Biden. Key question, though: Is this an isolated incident, and did similar practices flip other states?
Post Office Whistleblower
Pennsylvania USPS Whistleblower Richard Hopkins Goes Public, confirms Federal Investigators have spoken with him about Postmaster Rob Weisenbach's order to backdate ballots to November 3rd, 2020 .
Testimony: Stolen Ballots
A Pattern of Voter Fraud by Democrats
Democrat Congressman from Philadelphia charged with conspiring to violate voting rights by fraudulently stuffing the ballot boxes for specific candidates in the 2014, 2015, and 2016 primary elections, bribery of an election official, falsification of records, voting more than once in federal elections, and obstruction of justice, the U.S. Department of Justice announced Thursday. Michael “Ozzie” Myers, 77, a Philadelphia Democrat, is accused of conspiring with and bribing the former Judge of Elections for the 39th Ward, 36th Division, Domenick J. Demuro, according to the Department of Justice.
More here:
Info Dump: All Election Fraud Reports
(Click to expand)
Thread from CulturalHusbandry:
Real Election Update
(Note: Reformatted for clarity and linked to sources. Original thread here.)
(Click to unfurl)Summary: Trump-Supporting Independents, Republicans, and Democrats have the Right -- and the Evidence -- to Question Election Results.
The Democrat-controlled media is already anointing Joe Biden as #46, telling the public that it is in the media's right to announce the winners of presidential races in this country. This is incorrect. The media is unelected, and already wields too much power in the US without the ability to decide the presidency.
In 2020, a very diverse group of people came together to vote for Trump. That group included Republicans, Democrats, and Independents of all stripes. We have LGBT folks, black people, brown people, Asians. Trump supporters include people who are very left-leaning socially, pro-choicers, and refugees. This site itself was created by a group of people that include LGBT people and minorities.
The media is already trying to frame this diversity of votes through the lens of #OrangeManBad, by blaming the Trump campaign for disinformation campaigns that target these minorities, target us. But this, in itself, is gaslighting.
Minorities, Democrats, Independents, and Republicans vote for Donald J Trump because we recognize the America in him.
And none of us want to lose that America through fraud.
We call upon YOU to send to your local representatives and legistlators. Share it widely, throughout the comment sections of the internet. We have backup domains in case the #bigtech giants censor this link, so keep checking back for more details and additional information.
Joe Biden stole this election. But we can't let him steal America.
--The Editors