#COVIDー19 : les contre-vérités de « Hold-up », documentaire à succès qui prétend dévoiler la face cachée de l’épidémie. Le film s’affranchit en réalité des faits à de multiples reprises.
マケインが注目されてるけど、ブッシュ(父)も二期目挑戦の際の敗北宣言で"we respect the majesty of the democratic system"とか"Now I ask that we stand behind our new President and regardless of our differences, all Americans share the same purpose"と言ってる。https://c-span.org/video/?34051-1/george-h-w-bush-concession-speech…
While I may be the first woman in this office, I will not be the last—because every little girl watching tonight sees that this is a country of possibilities.
Joe Biden will be the 46th president of the United States, CNN projects, after a victory in Pennsylvania puts the Scranton-born Democrat over 270 https://cnn.it/3eCQoqW#CNNElection