
  • 豊島のこと


  • teshima island

    Food, Art, Scenery. You can’t explore all the things just by foot. Rent a bike to get the best out of your time in Teshima. If you stay more than 2 nights, we recommend people to go on daytrips to nearby island such as Naoshima and Inujima. We can help you plan your trip so don’t hesitate to ask.

  • 温暖な豊島では四季折々の豊かな食が楽しめます。島を歩けば、棚田、オリーブ畑などフォトジェニックな風景が目に映ります。レモン、あまなつ、いちじく、いちご、びわなどの果物も豊富で、これらはmammaの客室の名前に使っています。鯛、たこ、天日塩、海苔などの瀬戸内の海の幸も日常的に食べられています。mammaの食卓では、これらの豊島の幸をいただく喜びをシェアしたいと考えています。



  • food

    You can enjoy many kinds of food during different seasons in our temperate island of Teshima. You can see a lot of photogenic scenery such as rice paddies and olive gardens all over the island. Our rooms in mamma are named after the fruits that can be eaten in the island such as lemon, amanatsu (sweet summer orange), fig, strawberry, and loquats. Seafood such as sea bream, octopus, sun-dried salt, and seafood are on a daily basis in the Seto Inland Sea. At the dining table to mamma we would like to the guests to enjoy the diverse food culture of the island.

  • アート

    日々、世界中からアートを目的に旅行者が訪れています。豊島美術館(アーティスト・内藤礼、建築家・西沢立衛)では、一日を通して「泉」が誕生する作品「母型」を鑑賞できます。自然と融合した美術館は、季節の移り変わりや時間の流れとともに変化を楽しめます。 直島や犬島を始め、周辺の島々のアート鑑賞と共に楽しむもよし、ゆったりと豊島を堪能するのもよし。 ガイドブックに載っていないあなただけのコースを発見してみてください。




  • art

    Everyday people from all over the world come visit to see the artwork. Inside the Teshima Art Musiem, you can enjoy the ever changing artworks by artist, Rei Naito and architect, Ryue Nishizawa called “Izumi” (The pond) being formed inside the another artwork “Bokei”. The museum is fused with the nature so you can enjoy changes in different seasons or even different times during the day. You can enjoy the different artworks in the nearby islands such as Naoshima and Inujima or having a relaxing day in Teshima. Discover your own unique itinerary that is not listed on the guidebook.

  • 風景


  • scenery

    Teshima is a temperate island floating in the Seto Inland Sea. On a sunny day, rent a car and go to the observatory at Danzan (339.8m), the highest point of the island and enjoy a breathtaking 360 degrees panoramic view. There are 3 main areas of the island, the gateway for tourists of Ieura, Karato, and Kou. Each area has their own unique characteristic so it is worth a visit to go to all the areas.

    • photo galleryby kyoko kataoka


      Pictures of different sceneries of Teshima photographed by Kyoko Kataoka.

  • Photo Credit / 片岡杏子