抵抗性イエバエ防除に関する実地実験 Field tests for the control of resistant houseflies
Diazinon, およびDDTに対して抵抗性の発達したイエバエの棲息する茨城県稲敷都美浦村根火部落において1963年9月24日より10月31日に至る期間, DDT, DDT+Dihydronor cyclopenta dienyl isothiocyanate (5 : 1), ならびに, Baytexの残留噴霧, 発生源散布をおこなつたところ, 次のような結果をえた.1. DDT単味剤散布地区では, イエバエの効果が顕著でなかつたが, 協力剤Dihydronor cyclopenta dienyl isothiocyanateの配合されたDDTを散布した地区では散布後イエバエの減少効果が認められた.2. Baytex散布地区におけるイエバエの減少効果も明らかに認められた.
Using DDT added by a synergist and Baytex a series of control tests against diazinon and DDT resistant houseflies were carried out during September 24 to October 31, 1963, in Nebi area of Miho Village, Ibaraki Prefecture. Residual and larvicidal treatments with DDT alone and a mixture containing Dihydronor cyclopenta dienyl isothiocyanate as a synergist, at 2.5 gram per square metre, were made to cover all the ceilings and the breeding sites. Considerable decrease of fly-population was recognized in the case of DDT containing synergist. Residual sprays and larvicidal treatments of Baytex emulsion, at 0.25 gram in active ingredients per square metre, gave satisfactory control effect through the period of the experiment.
- 衛生動物
衛生動物 15(1), 50-52, 1964