職名 准教授
氏名 ふじわら たけし
藤原 武志
生年月 1969.5.22.
所属 部局 医学系研究科
学科・専攻 生命医科学専攻
講座 基礎医学系講座
E-mail ts-fujiwara@doc.medic. (末尾に mie-u.ac.jp を補ってください)
学歴 1999年 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科 博士課程 修了
1995年 大阪大学大学院理学研究科 博士前期課程 修了
1993年 大阪大学理学部 生物学科 卒業
学位 1999.03 博士(医学) 大阪大学
1995.03 修士(理学) 大阪大学
1993.03 学士 大阪大学
職歴 2013.11~現在 国立大学法人三重大学大学院医学系研究科 准教授
2015.04~2015.07 公立大学法人三重県立看護大学 非常勤講師
2013.04~2013.10 国立大学法人大阪大学大学院生命機能研究科 特任研究員
2013.04~2013.07 学校法人・専門学校 大阪医専 非常勤講師
2013.04~2013.04 国立大学法人大阪大学大学院生命機能研究科 招へい准教授
2009.01~2013.03 国立大学法人大阪大学大学院医学系研究科 生化学・分子生物学講座 生化学分野 特任准教授(常勤)
2005.04~2008.12 株式会社 カン研究所 主幹研究員
2002.05~2005.03 ダナ・ファーバー癌研究所、ハーバード大学医学校(米国) 博士研究員
1999.10~2002.04 バンダービルト大学医学部(米国) 博士研究員
1999.04~1999.09 戦略的創造研究推進事業(高井生体時系プロジェクト) 博士研究員 
1996.04~1999.03 日本学術振興会(大阪大学大学院医学系研究科) 特別研究員(DC1) 
主な業績等 NGL‐3‐induced presynaptic differentiation of hippocampal neurons in an afadin‐dependent, nectin‐1‐independent manner. 共著 2017.08 Genes to Cells 22 (8) 742-755.

Multiple roles of afadin in the ultrastructural morphogenesis of mouse hippocampal mossy fiber synapses. 共著 2017.08 Journal of Comparative Neurology 525 (12) 2719-2734.

Roles of afadin in the formation of the cellular architecture of the mouse hippocampus and dentate gyrus. 共著 2017.03 Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience 79 34-44.

Localization of nectin-2δ at perivascular astrocytic endfoot processes and degeneration of astrocytes and neurons in nectin-2 knockout mouse brain. 共著 2016.10 Brain Research 1649 90-101.

Dynamic change of polarity in primary cultured spheroids of human colorectal adenocarcinoma and its role in metastasis. 共著 2016.04 The American Journal of Pathology 186 (4) 899-911.

Regulatory role of the cell adhesion molecule nectin‐1 in GABA ergic inhibitory synaptic transmission in the CA 3 region of mouse hippocampus. 共著 2016.01 Genes to Cells 21 (1) 88-98.

Cooperative Roles of Nectins with Cadherins in Physiological and Pathological Processes. 共著 2016 The Cadherin Superfamily, Springer, Tokyo 115-156.

Real‐time histological imaging of kidneys stained with food dyes using multiphoton microscopy. 共著 2015.10 Microscopy Research and Technique 78 (10) 847-858.

Nectin-1 spots regulate the branching of olfactory mitral cell dendrites. 共著 2015.09 Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience 68 143-150.

Nectin‐1 spots as a novel adhesion apparatus that tethers mitral cell lateral dendrites in a dendritic meshwork structure of the developing mouse olfactory bulb. 共著 2015.08 Journal of Comparative Neurology 523 (12) 1824-1839.

Method and medicine for treating or preventing disease or condition related to glutamic acid toxicity. 単著(Fujiwara Takeshi) 2014.04

Development of bis-unsaturated ester aldehydes as amino-glue probes: sequential double azaelectrocyclization as a promising strategy for bioconjugation. 共著 2013.11 Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 11 (42) 7326-7333.

A compound CP-31398 suppresses excitotoxicity-induced neurodegeneration. 共著(corresponding author) 2013.10 Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 440 (3) 359-363. Epub 2013.08.26.

Inhibition of p53 transactivation functionally interacts with microtubule stabilization to suppress excitotoxicity-induced axon degeneration. 共著(corresponding author) 2012.10 Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 427 (1) 100-106. Epub 2012.09.13.

Cooperative effect of p150Glued and microtubule stabilization to suppress excitotoxicity-induced axon degeneration. 共著(corresponding author) 2012.07 Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 424 (1) 82-88. Epub 2012.06.21.

Dynein and dynactin components modulate neurodegeneration induced by excitotoxicity. 共著(corresponding author) 2012.07 Journal of Neurochemistry 122 (1) 162-174. Epub 2012.04.19.

Cell surface biotinylation by azaelectrocyclization: easy-handling and versatile approach for living cell labeling. 共著 2012.03 Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry 20 (6) 1865-1868. Epub 2011.12.30.

Hyaluronan–CD44 pathway regulates orientation of mitotic spindle in normal epithelial cells. 共著(corresponding author) 2008.07 Genes to Cells 13 (7) 759-770. Epub 2008.05.30.

Cytokinesis failure generating tetraploids promotes tumorigenesis in p53-null cells. 共著 2005.10 Nature 437 (7061) 1043-1047.

Distinct requirements for extra-embryonic and embryonic bone morphogenetic protein 4 in the formation of the node and primitive streak and coordination of left-right asymmetry in the mouse. 共著 2002.10 Development 129 (20) 4685-4696.

Bone morphogenetic protein 4 in the extraembryonic mesoderm is required for allantois development and the localization and survival of primordial germ cells in the mouse. 共著 2001.11 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 98 (24) 13739-13744. Epub 2001.11.13.

Dynamic localization and function of Bni1p at the sites of directed growth in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. 共著 2001.02 Molecular and Cellular Biology 21 (3) 827-839.

Rho small G-protein-dependent binding of mDia to an Src homology 3 domain-containing IRSp53/BAIAP2. 共著 2000.05 Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 271 (3) 626-629.

Bni1p regulates microtubule-dependent nuclear migration through the actin cytoskeleton in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. 共著 1999.12 Molecular and Cellular Biology 19 (12) 8016-8027.

An FH domain-containing Bnr1p is a multifunctional protein interacting with a variety of cytoskeletal proteins in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. 共著 1999.11 Oncogene 18 (50) 7046-7054.

Shs1p: a novel member of septin that interacts with spa2p, involved in polarized growth in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. 共著 1998.10 Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 251 (3) 732-736.

Rho1p-Bni1p-Spa2p interactions: implication in localization of Bni1p at the bud site and regulation of the actin cytoskeleton in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. 共著 1998.05 Molecular Biology of the Cell 9 (5) 1221-1233.

Membrane localization, topology, and mutual stabilization of the rnfABC gene products in Rhodobacter capsulatus and implications for a new family of energy-coupling NADH Oxidoreductases. 共著 1997.05 Biochemistry 36 (18) 5509-5521.

Bni1p implicated in cytoskeletal control is a putative target of Rho1p small GTP binding protein in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. 共著 1996.11 EMBO Journal 15 (22) 6060-6068.

A downstream target of RHO1 small GTP-binding protein is PKC1, a homolog of protein kinase C, which leads to activation of the MAP kinase cascade in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. 共著 1995.12 EMBO Journal 14 (23) 5931-5938.

Nucleotide sequence and genetic analysis of the region essential for functional expression of the gene for Ferredoxin I, fdxN, in Rhodobacter capsulatus: sharing of one upstream activator sequence in opposite directions by two operons related to nitrogen fixation. 共著 1993.03 Plant and Cell Physiology 34 (2) 185-199.

低分子量G蛋白質と細胞の接着・運動 共著 1999.09 Biotherapy 13 (9) 909-921.