(English announcement can be found in the latter half of this notice.)


日時 2014年2月7日(金)16:20~17:50
会場 広島大学東広島キャンパス工学部110講義室


解説 広島大学大学院工学研究院  教授 松村幸彦

講演 広島大学大学院先端物質科学研究科 准教授 岡村好子

講演 広島大学大学院工学研究科 D2 Obie FAROBIE
本研究では、触媒を添加せずにメチルターシアリーブチルエーテル(MTBE)の超臨界中でキャノーラ油からのバイオディーゼル生産のための新規なアプローチを報告します。キャノーラ油は、脂肪酸メチルエステル(FAME)とターシアリーブトキシグリセリン(GTBE)を生成するためにMTBEと反応させたが、グリセリンは得られませんでした。 0.95 のFAME収率が10MPaの圧力下、40:1の油に対するMTBEのモル比で、400℃で12分の短い反応時間で得られました。反応速度は一次関数で表せ、活性化エネルギーと前指数因子は反応速度定数の温度依存性から計算しました。

講演 広島大学大学院工学研究科 M2 佐々並和真
バイオディーゼル燃料は、アルコールと植物油や動物性脂肪の化学反応によって生成され、ディーゼルエンジンを稼働させる燃料の代替液体燃料として注目されています。本研究ではコスト削減や環境への配慮からスパイラル反応器を用いてバイオディーゼル生成の反応特性を確認することを目的とします。本実験では圧力20 MPa, 滞留時間20 min, 温度を270~400 ℃まで変化させ、バッチ式反応器との比較を行っています。

司会 広島大学大学院工学研究院  助教 神名麻智

The 17th Hiroshima University Biomass Evening Seminar was held.

Biomass Project Research Center, Hiroshima University, and HOSTY Association are co-organizing the Hiroshima University Biomass Evening Seminar. This seminar covers topics from the fundamentals of biomass to the latest information so that it can contribute the activities on biomass in this district.

Date & Time: Fri.Feb.7,2014 16:20-17:50
Place: Engineering 110 Lecture Room, Higashi-Hiroshima Campus, Hiroshima University


Commentary: Yukihiko MATSUMURA
Professor, Institute of Engineering, Hiroshima University

Lecture: Yoshiko OKAMURA
Associate Professor,Graduate School of Advanced Sciences of Matter,Hiroshima University
“Metal affinity of photosynthetic bacteria and its application”
Photosynthetic bacteria showed heavy metal tolerance at high concentration and metal up-take activities. To clarify the abilities and the molecular mechanisms of metal oxidation/reduction will open the way to the technology for environmental applications or new materials.

Lecture: Lecture: Obie FAROBIE
D2 Student,Graduate School of Engineering,Hiroshima University
“New Approach of Catalyst-Free Biodiesel Production in Supercritical tert-Butyl Methyl Ether (MTBE)”
This study reports on a novel approach for biodiesel production from canola oil in supercritical tert-butyl methyl ether (MTBE) without the addition of catalyst. Canola oil reacted with MTBE to generate fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) and glycerol tert-butyl ether (GTBE). No glycerol was obtained. FAME yield of 0.95 was obtained in the short reaction time of 12 min at 400°C with molar ratio of MTBE to oil of 40:1 under the pressure of 10 MPa. The kinetics of the reaction was first order, and the activation energies and pre-exponential factors were calculated from the temperature dependence of the reaction rate constants.
Keywords: biomass, biodiesel, canola oil, supercritical condition, tert-butyl methyl ether

Lecture: Kazuma SASANAMI
    M2 Student, Graduate School of Engineering,Hiroshima University
“Biodiesel production using spiral reactor”
Biodiesel, fuel comprised of mono-alkyl esters of long chain fatty acids derived from vegetable oils or animal fats, has emerged as one of the most potential renewable energy to replace current petrol-derived diesel. It had been proved in the previous study that biodiesel production in supercritical conditions has many advantages, namely no need of catalyst, short reaction time, high conversion, easier separation and purification steps, and no side reaction saponification. However, this process still requires a high production cost. It is expected that this research will overcome this problem since spiral reactor has highly efficient space and it can be used as a heat exchanger to heat up the input feedstock and cool down the output product, thus could lower the production cost.
In this study, biodiesel production from canola using spiral reactor is proposed. Canola oil reacted with ethanol to produce fatty acid ethyl esters and glycerol. Temperature of the experiment is from 270 °C to 400°C, molar ratio of ethanol to oil of 40:1, in 20 min with the pressure of 20 MPa.

Chair: Machi KANNA
Assistant Professor, Institute of Engineering, Hiroshima University

 松村幸彦教授                      岡村好子准教授

 Obie FAROBIE様                    佐々並和真様