But is this really an L like I’ve seen people post their own gruesome self harm and doing lines of god knows what the dad is obviously a willing participant and doesn’t own the account himself
Oh and another thing https://twitter.com/neolib_fanfic/status/1321872631994458113…
Tfw not taking the Iranian cat boy maid twink out to dinner then turning him into dinner if you know what I mean ayyyyyyyyy can I get an ayyyyyyyyyyyy WOOO WOOO WOOO WOOO
Kinda feel bad that you had to watch me basically have a manic episode but this is what happens when you have no good way of getting proper mental health services
I got locked out of my account
It still might get banned idk and honestly don’t care I might take a break from this account for awhile I’ll inform my close friends of my contact info and I’ll take a hiatus