welcome to tilde.club
Questions? See the official FAQ.
UPDATE: March 2020:
Things at tilde.club are going well, Thank you to all our new and existing users. Lets make 2020 a great one for ~club and the wider tildeverse!
so what's new?
- We have reached 1985 users! and many more signing up daily. Welcome everyone.
- Users can now utilize more to make their pages unique, such as PHP.
- ~club now has a Mastodon page you can follow us at https://tilde.zone/@tildeclub
- Users can now setup Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) to use for SSH logins instead of only public key auth More Info
UPDATE: September 2019:
tilde.club is back!! as of september 20th, we're now accepting signups and operating as normal!
your new admins are: ~deepend and ~benharri. if you need anything, reach out via email (root AT tilde DOT club) or on irc.
so what's new?
- ~club is joining the tildeverse, a collective of like-minded tilde communities with a shared irc network
- we now have a mailing list and a full-fledged mailserver. new users are automatically subscribed to the list with their @tilde.club address.
- we're on a new vm with more ram and disk space to grow. check the expected ssh hostkey at the bottom of the page.
- to keep up with updates, stop by irc (via webchat or at your shell by running "chat"), check the mailing list, or follow our projects on our github org
- most of the info from previous wiki iterations are now consolidated on our new wiki
- we have a new donation page set up on liberapay
tilde.club is not a social network it is one tiny totally standard unix computer that people respectfully use together in their shared quest to build awesome web pages
If you would like a list of RECENTLY CHANGED PAGES you can see that too
tilde.club gold star supporters
Tilde.Club is supported by a global community of good people. We don't rank people by the amount they give, only by the fact that they gave. Here's who has donated! When you're on the server, THANK THEM.
- 9/3/2020 | ~northernlights
- 8/16/2020 | ~dctrud
- 7/15/2020 | ~necrotechno
- 7/10/2020 | ~snowdusk
- 5/31/2020 | ~melyanna
- 4/21/2020 | ~cano
- 11/9/2019 | ~sneak
- 10/5/2014 | ~beau
- 10/5/2014 | ~skk
- 10/5/2014 | ~joeld
- 10/5/2014 | ~john
- 10/5/2014 | ~brendn
- 10/5/2014 | ~droob
- 10/5/2014 | ~delfuego
- 10/5/2014 | ~jonathan
- 10/5/2014 | ~coldmode
- 10/5/2014 | ~jemal
- 10/5/2014 | ~jonbell
- 10/5/2014 | ~_
- 10/5/2014 | ~dvd
- 10/5/2014 | ~whitneymcn
- 10/5/2014 | ~jimray
- 10/5/2014 | ~schussat
- 10/5/2014 | ~macdiva
- 10/3/2014 | ~extraface
- 10/3/2014 | ~joshuag
- 10/3/2014 | ~zarate
- 10/3/2014 | ~englishm
- 10/3/2014 | ~danbri
here are the home pages of our users
this list does not include people who haven't changed their page yet
if you're not seeing yourself listed here, change your page from the default.
- ~4mvrs
- ~Anne
- ~Linkletter
- ~Monk
- ~Smitheroons
- ~SusanElizabeth
- ~_
- ~_nathan
- ~a
- ~a1phab3t
- ~a2
- ~aaamajklp
- ~aakash
- ~aalaap
- ~aaron
- ~abdi
- ~abillionsuns
- ~abirkill
- ~abl
- ~abutler
- ~acearcher
- ~achance
- ~aconlin
- ~activitystory
- ~acz
- ~adam
- ~adamjspooner
- ~adamroberts
- ~adamveld12
- ~aditya
- ~admoman
- ~adueppen
- ~af
- ~agent
- ~agray
- ~aha
- ~ahhrrr
- ~ahmed
- ~ahmet
- ~ahtierney
- ~aintpaper
- ~aivanise
- ~aj_may
- ~aking
- ~akkartik
- ~al
- ~al3x
- ~alan
- ~alazarte
- ~alex
- ~alexandria
- ~alexl
- ~alextes
- ~alexw
- ~alf
- ~algol
- ~alias5100
- ~allisontmccann
- ~almaren
- ~alt3
- ~altern8
- ~althebug
- ~altzig
- ~alun
- ~amerine
- ~amh
- ~amphrony
- ~ampy
- ~analog
- ~anarcho
- ~anatoly
- ~anb
- ~andre
- ~andre4ik3
- ~andresoares
- ~andrew
- ~andrewhd
- ~andrewvc
- ~andyj
- ~angel
- ~angelux
- ~aniruddh
- ~annathecrow
- ~annika
- ~anth
- ~antharia
- ~anthonydpaul
- ~antic
- ~anton
- ~ape
- ~apostl3pol
- ~appleshampoo
- ~applestrudelman
- ~aquilax
- ~arch
- ~argonaut
- ~arkanosis
- ~arlojamesbarnes
- ~arminiusreturns
- ~arnor
- ~aronchick
- ~arp
- ~artem
- ~artlung
- ~artyr3
- ~ascii
- ~ash
- ~ashley
- ~ask6155
- ~askyentist
- ~aslade
- ~astern
- ~astro
- ~asvvvad
- ~atanas
- ~atdx
- ~atebyagrue
- ~athomson
- ~atomotic
- ~attaboy
- ~aubergene
- ~audiodude
- ~austin
- ~automaticpancake
- ~avatars
- ~az
- ~b01g
- ~b4kah4kka
- ~babbuh
- ~backwardm
- ~bacterio
- ~bandali
- ~barnold
- ~bc
- ~bcc
- ~bdeshi
- ~bdpuk
- ~bdy
- ~beau
- ~beep
- ~ben
- ~benaiah
- ~bencotton
- ~benharri
- ~benjamin
- ~benl
- ~benny
- ~benr
- ~benry
- ~bensherman
- ~berkeleyblue
- ~bernie
- ~bhawks
- ~bhudgeons
- ~biggerfisch
- ~billder
- ~billy
- ~billygoat
- ~bitbrian
- ~bitdepth
- ~bizarroville
- ~bj
- ~bjrn
- ~bjstein
- ~bkhl
- ~bl
- ~blach
- ~blackjack
- ~blackwood
- ~blake
- ~blank00
- ~blaz
- ~blongden
- ~bloogsy
- ~blueapollo
- ~bluequark
- ~bluesilver
- ~bms
- ~bobdc
- ~boccaccio
- ~bon
- ~bonaldi
- ~boogah
- ~boostairs
- ~boostventilator
- ~boz
- ~bradchoate
- ~bradley
- ~bradsucks
- ~brandizzi
- ~brendn
- ~brennen
- ~brettski
- ~brfidler
- ~brian
- ~brianbest
- ~brianvan
- ~brocktice
- ~brooke
- ~brooklyn
- ~broom
- ~brownpau
- ~brunomlopes
- ~brunoph
- ~bsd
- ~bsless
- ~bsutich
- ~bug138
- ~bunnbuns
- ~bunnyhero
- ~bupkes
- ~burke
- ~burritojustice
- ~buster
- ~butts
- ~buttstuf
- ~butty
- ~buzz
- ~bvh
- ~bw
- ~bwalker
- ~bwilderd
- ~caffo
- ~cale
- ~camille
- ~cammikebrown
- ~canary
- ~cano
- ~cantoni
- ~capn
- ~capnmariam
- ~caranatar
- ~carbis
- ~carella
- ~carloratm
- ~caro
- ~cary
- ~casey
- ~cat
- ~catbird
- ~cats
- ~cavalierking
- ~cblgh
- ~cbracco
- ~cena
- ~chaals
- ~chaffity
- ~char
- ~charliepark
- ~chars
- ~chatsubo
- ~chaztoo
- ~chelozzz
- ~chockenberry
- ~choire
- ~chridal
- ~chris
- ~chrisatthestudy
- ~chriscunningham
- ~chrisko
- ~chriskostelec
- ~chrismessina
- ~chrismeurer
- ~chrisnovello
- ~christan
- ~christian
- ~chuckgreenman
- ~chungtech
- ~chunter
- ~chuyeow
- ~ciderbat
- ~ckalegi
- ~ckk
- ~ckn
- ~ckoerner
- ~claus
- ~clickblipclick
- ~clockwerks
- ~cmccabe
- ~cmoylan
- ~codazzo
- ~codemac
- ~cohesivescoops
- ~coldmode
- ~cole
- ~collypops
- ~computershirts
- ~conman
- ~conorlburns
- ~constantdisappointment
- ~cooldan69
- ~cortex
- ~cory
- ~cosarara
- ~cotto
- ~cpdis
- ~cpio
- ~crazybutable
- ~creature
- ~crisp
- ~crsven
- ~crystaldave
- ~csf
- ~cshier
- ~ctrlaltchris
- ~cuncoder
- ~cxd
- ~cybergoblin
- ~cyberis
- ~cypher
- ~cyrus
- ~d4ve
- ~daaave
- ~dadarepublic
- ~dafes
- ~dakota
- ~damaru
- ~damian
- ~damionx7
- ~dammitcoetzee
- ~dan
- ~dan22
- ~danbri
- ~dancohen
- ~dangerouscow
- ~daniel
- ~danielbachhuber
- ~danielzarick
- ~danootz
- ~dansbandit
- ~dansinker
- ~danxoneil
- ~dariye
- ~darklajid
- ~darkpony
- ~darkskies
- ~daszh
- ~data
- ~databear
- ~dave
- ~davea
- ~daveio
- ~david
- ~davidhfe
- ~db
- ~dbaker
- ~dbergey
- ~dc00
- ~dctrud
- ~ddb
- ~deadbits
- ~deadlybrad
- ~deepend
- ~dejawu
- ~delfuego
- ~demoxenos
- ~den
- ~derek
- ~derrick
- ~descendo
- ~desireco
- ~desktop
- ~df
- ~dfa
- ~dgaff
- ~dgold
- ~dgy
- ~dhgwilliam
- ~dhm
- ~dick
- ~diglitch
- ~dima
- ~dingleberry
- ~dingose
- ~dini
- ~dionys
- ~disa
- ~djhsu
- ~djr
- ~dme
- ~dmi3
- ~dnrvs
- ~docgreen
- ~dog
- ~dokuja
- ~dolnack
- ~donohoe
- ~doogle
- ~douglaswolk
- ~downey
- ~dpemulis
- ~dphiffer
- ~dps
- ~drdan
- ~drew
- ~dreww
- ~drh
- ~drifter
- ~drofmij
- ~droob
- ~drrobot
- ~drsbaitso
- ~drunkengrass
- ~ds
- ~dsims
- ~dst
- ~dsturnbull
- ~duke
- ~duncan
- ~duncanmak
- ~dusansimic
- ~dustin
- ~dvd
- ~dvtate
- ~dwd
- ~dwm
- ~dyh21
- ~dylan
- ~dylanr
- ~eaton
- ~ebsd
- ~eby
- ~echovideo
- ~ecsaln
- ~ed
- ~edev
- ~edmorais
- ~edsu
- ~eggandburger
- ~einzelganger
- ~ejw
- ~ekmpls
- ~el
- ~elb
- ~elman
- ~elseano
- ~em
- ~emacs
- ~emb
- ~emergencydoc
- ~emerson
- ~emily
- ~emma
- ~emme
- ~emol
- ~emv
- ~enamel
- ~endling
- ~endoftime
- ~endorphant
- ~endquote
- ~englishm
- ~enju
- ~entoreor
- ~epickitty
- ~eqb
- ~eric
- ~ericprice
- ~erispare
- ~erm
- ~esch
- ~esd
- ~etalon
- ~etnbrd
- ~euc
- ~eugene
- ~evan
- ~everyplace
- ~ewoks
- ~exr
- ~extarkya
- ~extraface
- ~extrasolar
- ~eye
- ~ezra
- ~fabianmoronzirfas
- ~fabianmu
- ~fabius
- ~faehnrich
- ~faff
- ~failfast
- ~fanis
- ~fansipans
- ~faq
- ~fatbird
- ~feldman
- ~fenris
- ~fenton
- ~fernandaruiz
- ~fferland
- ~fimbrethil
- ~fionn
- ~fireland
- ~fishbyte
- ~fishfinger
- ~fitkoh
- ~fitnr
- ~flog
- ~floraline
- ~flow
- ~floyd
- ~flozi
- ~fluffy
- ~fmaturan
- ~fncll
- ~fnord
- ~fnordperfect
- ~ford
- ~forero
- ~fosslinux
- ~foxe
- ~foxtailrainbow
- ~fpants
- ~fractalverse
- ~frank
- ~frankieocean
- ~frctl
- ~fred
- ~fredzo
- ~freespeech
- ~freetux
- ~frijole
- ~frm
- ~frodosackins
- ~ftrain
- ~fugaz
- ~furilo
- ~futuraprime
- ~futurefabric
- ~fuzzy
- ~gRegorLove
- ~gaa
- ~gabe
- ~gabriel
- ~gadhra
- ~galv
- ~garrettc
- ~garrettsux
- ~gasconheart
- ~gauntlet
- ~gavin
- ~gbmor
- ~gc
- ~gedankenstuecke
- ~geekbot
- ~geforce
- ~gen
- ~generalminion
- ~gerwitz
- ~ggoodale
- ~ghalfacree
- ~ghost
- ~gikiski
- ~gilest
- ~gingertek
- ~gipp
- ~gka
- ~gko
- ~glennf
- ~globz
- ~glove
- ~glx
- ~gmw
- ~gnu3ra
- ~gnunix
- ~goldfarb
- ~goldman
- ~goltz
- ~gombos
- ~gomer
- ~gothicc
- ~grace
- ~grant
- ~grantmiiller
- ~gravitationalwave
- ~greatislander
- ~greg
- ~gregab
- ~gregg
- ~gregorg
- ~gremax
- ~grh
- ~gribbly
- ~griff0n
- ~gruber
- ~gschueler
- ~gsf
- ~guan
- ~guest
- ~guictx
- ~gunnar
- ~gup
- ~guy
- ~gwillen
- ~gymkata
- ~hako
- ~halloleo
- ~hanney
- ~hanoii
- ~hans
- ~hapax
- ~hardmous
- ~harper
- ~harrisj
- ~harrison
- ~harry
- ~harvy2004
- ~haslo
- ~hbhighland
- ~hchamp
- ~heather
- ~hecanjog
- ~hekla
- ~hellbox
- ~hessenud
- ~hexangel616
- ~hexen
- ~hexten
- ~heyitsal
- ~heyitsolivia
- ~heyts
- ~himedlooff
- ~hiraeth
- ~hitler
- ~hokies9402
- ~horseblood
- ~hoss
- ~hoteldon
- ~house
- ~hsiao
- ~hughes
- ~hugo
- ~hugolopolus
- ~hungryroy
- ~hunterirving
- ~hyiltiz
- ~hypron
- ~iamcarrico
- ~iamkimiam
- ~ian
- ~iandees
- ~iank
- ~iansealy
- ~ianzd
- ~ibjhb
- ~icepuma
- ~idisposable
- ~ido
- ~if
- ~igowen
- ~igu
- ~ikari
- ~ikesmith
- ~ilhooq
- ~illmat
- ~ilu
- ~imaginarycity
- ~imarg
- ~imsky
- ~imt
- ~inchingfwd
- ~inck
- ~indvst
- ~infuerno
- ~inky
- ~inquiry
- ~ioannis
- ~iolfree
- ~ipkcle
- ~ironicsans
- ~isaac
- ~issackelly
- ~ivey
- ~ix
- ~izaak
- ~izzaboo
- ~jac98
- ~jackson
- ~jacqui
- ~jagger
- ~jahimword
- ~jahm
- ~jake
- ~jamesgoca
- ~jamief
- ~jamiew
- ~jan
- ~jaredhal
- ~jason
- ~jaut
- ~javi
- ~javier
- ~jaygoldman
- ~jazzychad
- ~jbaty
- ~jbeaumont
- ~jbfink
- ~jbkcc
- ~jbob
- ~jbrewer
- ~jburke
- ~jc1984
- ~jcd
- ~jcg
- ~jcjordyn120
- ~jcmeloni
- ~jd
- ~jdeibele
- ~jdherg
- ~jdoss
- ~jdp
- ~jdsimcoe
- ~jeauxlb
- ~jecxjo
- ~jeff
- ~jeffbonhag
- ~jeffrom
- ~jeffsj
- ~jefurii
- ~jemal
- ~jennydeluxe
- ~jeremy
- ~jessamyn
- ~jesse
- ~jetforme
- ~jethro
- ~jgarber
- ~jiashu
- ~jimmoy
- ~jimray
- ~jimtla
- ~jjb
- ~jjesse
- ~jkachel
- ~jkottke
- ~jlucktay
- ~jmatt
- ~jmc
- ~joao
- ~joaogui
- ~joe
- ~joegermuska
- ~joeld
- ~joelj
- ~joemcmahon
- ~joeri
- ~joethedough
- ~joey
- ~john
- ~johnb
- ~jon
- ~jonagnar
- ~jonah
- ~jonathan
- ~jonbell
- ~jonesbp
- ~jordan
- ~jormis
- ~josecarlos
- ~josh
- ~joshm
- ~joshsucher
- ~josht
- ~joshua
- ~joshuag
- ~jotka
- ~jpsa
- ~jpurnell
- ~jpv128
- ~jr
- ~jrm4
- ~jsharp
- ~jspreis
- ~jss
- ~jsv
- ~jta
- ~jtf
- ~juddy
- ~judith
- ~jukeboxgraduate
- ~julia
- ~julian
- ~julienbidoret
- ~juliette
- ~jusdepatate
- ~justin
- ~jvanderveen
- ~jwarn
- ~jwdomb
- ~jwh
- ~jwherrman
- ~jwilcoxson
- ~jwolman
- ~jy4m
- ~jzb
- ~k7pjp
- ~ka13b
- ~kacy
- ~kai
- ~kaia
- ~kaitlyn
- ~kaiton
- ~kake
- ~kalium
- ~kalmmarx
- ~kamicavi
- ~karanlyons
- ~kari
- ~karlsilver
- ~kaulfield
- ~kazoo
- ~kcfaul
- ~keane
- ~kefala
- ~keir
- ~keka
- ~keledy
- ~ken
- ~kenkeiter
- ~kennardsmith
- ~keno
- ~kenpeltzer
- ~kentbrew
- ~kerryrm
- ~kes
- ~ketouem
- ~keune
- ~kevit
- ~keybored
- ~khul
- ~ki
- ~kian
- ~kiith
- ~kiiwii
- ~kingkool68
- ~kitchen
- ~kiwi
- ~kiwichat
- ~kjell
- ~kjh
- ~kleinmatic
- ~klossykodekamp
- ~klvebunc
- ~kmuncie
- ~knights
- ~knkski
- ~kody
- ~komali2
- ~konerak
- ~konnexus
- ~koogunmo
- ~korynunn
- ~koyu
- ~kpanic
- ~kr3ypt0n
- ~kraptv
- ~krg
- ~kronick
- ~krowbar
- ~krynsky
- ~kryp70graf
- ~kscz
- ~kswedberg
- ~ktamas
- ~kwf
- ~kyle
- ~kylie
- ~kynan
- ~laerm
- ~lamb
- ~lamech
- ~laura
- ~laura_june
- ~laurendorman
- ~lava
- ~laze
- ~ldodds
- ~leandrojmp
- ~lediva
- ~leftium
- ~leif
- ~lel
- ~leo
- ~leom
- ~leonardo
- ~lewiscowper
- ~lfx
- ~libby
- ~librehat
- ~liebach
- ~linsky
- ~lis_pendens
- ~litlnemo
- ~livlab
- ~liz
- ~llyyr
- ~localghost
- ~lofo
- ~login
- ~lol
- ~lordnibble
- ~lorna
- ~lostcat
- ~loveallthis
- ~lp0
- ~lp1
- ~lschumm
- ~luana
- ~lucattelli
- ~ludions
- ~luiz
- ~lujan
- ~lukewarmcat
- ~lumb
- ~lunacide
- ~luthwyhn
- ~lvturner
- ~lw
- ~lzl
- ~m4rk3r
- ~m6deep
- ~mace
- ~macroexpand
- ~madduck
- ~maff
- ~magnus
- ~mah
- ~mahoney
- ~majidhameed
- ~mali
- ~malte
- ~mandaputtra
- ~manila
- ~marc
- ~marcbeninca
- ~marce
- ~marcus
- ~maria
- ~mark
- ~marks
- ~marshmallow
- ~marsred
- ~martijn
- ~martin
- ~mary
- ~maryisbusy
- ~maryr
- ~masipah
- ~masta
- ~mat
- ~mathes
- ~mathowie
- ~matrix
- ~matt
- ~mattashton
- ~mattbot
- ~mattbraga
- ~mattechi
- ~matthew
- ~matthewbaldwin
- ~matthewmcvickar
- ~matthewn
- ~mattl
- ~mattlevine
- ~mattschn
- ~matyus
- ~max
- ~maxhallinan
- ~maxii
- ~maxlamboz
- ~maxsteve
- ~maz
- ~mbucher
- ~mcculloughsean
- ~mcl
- ~mcnesium
- ~mcphat
- ~mcurve
- ~mcutillo
- ~mdtz
- ~meandave
- ~mechanical_fish
- ~megnut
- ~mejackreed
- ~melkman
- ~melyanna
- ~metazool
- ~metrocake
- ~meyer
- ~mgad
- ~mgatland
- ~mhb
- ~mhd
- ~mhep
- ~mia
- ~micah
- ~miccaman
- ~michael
- ~michaelcoyote
- ~michaeljmariano
- ~michel
- ~michi
- ~micro
- ~miguel
- ~mike
- ~mikinho
- ~mikkqu
- ~mikofigs
- ~mindbyte
- ~minks
- ~mises
- ~misha
- ~missmobtown
- ~mize
- ~mjh
- ~mjs
- ~mklein
- ~ml
- ~mlangsman
- ~mlukowicz
- ~mn4v
- ~mnw
- ~mo
- ~moderation
- ~modubs11
- ~montchr
- ~moondog8
- ~moonie
- ~moritz
- ~morley
- ~mostafaberg
- ~mot
- ~mpnordland
- ~mrchucho
- ~mrgeek
- ~mrpants
- ~mrtn
- ~ms
- ~msmol
- ~mspe
- ~mummey
- ~mundanedream
- ~murat
- ~mvogt
- ~mweepigeon
- ~my
- ~mymime320test
- ~myobie
- ~myquael
- ~mz721
- ~n0ah
- ~nan0id
- ~napdemon
- ~naveen
- ~naveguese
- ~nchalkley2
- ~ndrs
- ~neal
- ~nebb
- ~necrotechno
- ~negatendo
- ~neildaemond
- ~neils
- ~neko
- ~nela
- ~nelson
- ~neonace
- ~nescio
- ~neverzen
- ~newbold
- ~ngentot
- ~ngp
- ~nick
- ~nickd
- ~nickheer
- ~nicks
- ~niko
- ~nikolay
- ~nilsmielke
- ~nilsonneto
- ~ning
- ~ninjaa
- ~niq
- ~nk
- ~nm0i
- ~noah
- ~nomadsteve
- ~nonce
- ~northernlights
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