Harris County Clerk@HarrisVotes·4時間Hellooo! Here is the vote total for 11 a.m.: 23,300. Voting Centers are open today until 7 p.m. Find one at http://HarrisVotes.com/Locations. #HarrisVotes #HouNewsGIF339150
David Kromelow@dkrom59返信先: @HarrisVotesさんC'mon guys!! This is WAY behind your historic pace午後4:17 · 2020年10月17日·Twitter Web App2 件のいいね
Saki Mr. Rogers FAN!!!!!@Vivian25879573·3時間返信先: @dkrom59さん, @HarrisVotesさんEasy man , Harris has done amazing , we expect to do this everyday2
LPearson@LPearsonTX·2時間返信先: @dkrom59さん, @HarrisVotesさんSat AM. Prob less demand for early AM voting vs. weekday. And with the great job / extended locations and times, folks may feel comfortable taking the weekend at home with their families, since they still have 2 more weeks of EV.1