2507 アジア創造設計プロジェクトにおける自動追尾型荷物キャリアのプロトタイピング 2507 Prototyping of automatic tracking luggage carrier in Asia Creative Design Project



This paper proposes an educational project on new product-service development and an application result. The educational project is designed to educate both of management skill and design engineering skill to make a success of the product-service development. In order to provide the integrated education between management and engineering, Yamaguchi university and UNIVERSI TITEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA (UTM) are collaborated each other and provided both of lecture and exercise. Content of educational project includes: 1) identifying needs, 2) concept generation, 3) scenario-based design, 4) functional design, 5) prototyping using actual mechatronics product, 6) business planning, and 7) contest by presentation and demonstration. A design result showed in this paper prototyping of automatic tracking luggage carrier in Asia Creative Design Project. A bag carrier, that sensed and follow user's walkpath by power assisted electric motor and sensor is designed. Several scenarios and concept sketches are showed. Using detailed layout and geometry design result, strength is validated by FEM analysis. An actual effectiveness is evaluated based on prototyping physical whole model.


  • 設計工学・システム部門講演会講演論文集

    設計工学・システム部門講演会講演論文集 2013.23(0), _2507-1_-_2507-10_, 2013

    一般社団法人 日本機械学会
