Managed to disable block breaking particles!(self.Minecraft)
submitted 9 months ago by CherryNexus to /r/Minecraft
So, in many videos on YouTube i started to notice that some people, when breaking blocks, don't have the "block break" animation or particles, what gave a very clean look when watching the gameplay, so i started wondering how was that possible and how could i get it too.
At first some people told me to get Optifine and just turn the particles to the minimum, but that didn't work, since those aren't actually particles... (Well, they are but we'll get to that later).
So i found 2 solutions that probably many people also have found about but i wanted it to share it since it could be a big quality improvement in the eyes of some people.
The first solution, and worst one, was to install badlion client and turn those particles off!... And also have to deal with all their ads and players doing the default dance, which I'd say, i didn't quite enjoy.
While the second solution, and the one that simply requires some texture pack fixes, would be the following: put a fully transparent PNG image in the textures>blocks folder, named "nothing" per example. After that, change all the block models that have: ("particle": "block/[Particle Name]",) in the models folder by simply rewriting the "Particle Name" to the "nothing" file we just got in the blocks folder. So, by doing that, whenever you break a block, the particles are still there, but invisible since they are now our "nothing" PNG image.
By doing that we can rely just on a texture pack and not by installing a whole mod just to reach this goal!
The only problem would be having to rewrite hundreds of block models but software like Notepad++ can make it much easier.
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