諸種疾患における血清糖蛋白に関する研究 Studies on the Serum Glycoprotein Levels in Various Diseases.



1. The method of the anthrone reaction by Graff and his associates was used to determine serum polysaccharide levels in various diseases.The author modfied a part of this method and obtained results similar to other methods.2. The parallel increase of protein-bound-polysaccharide and mucoprotein was observed in cases of malignant neoplasm, metastatic neoplasm of liver, collagen disease, uraemia and bacterial or non-bacterial infection.3. Increase of protein-bound-polysaccharide and decrease of mucoprotein were observed in cases of hepatic diseases.4. Though serum mucoprotein decreased in lipoid nephrosis, decrease of protein-bound-polysaccharide was not found.5. Ratio of serum protein-bound-polysaccharide and mucoprotein was low in cases of acute inflammations and uraemia, and was high in cases of chronic inflammations, hepatic disease, lipoid nephrosis and diabates mellitus.6. The parallel increase of serum mucoprotein and polysaccharide content of mucoprotein fraction were observed in various diseases, but its ratio became higher, more or less, in cases of hepatic diseases and diabates mellitus.7. Clinically and experimentally, changes of serum glycoprotein levels in collagen diseases and in malignant neoplasm by many drugs, especially by adrenocorticosteroids and "anti-neoplasm-substances" were studied. Levels of serum glycoprotein became generally lower according to their rate of recovery from their conditions.


  • 順天堂医学

    順天堂医学 4(6), 368-382, 1958



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