固定されたツイートChooning@chooning_app·9月17日Chooning was launched on September 16, 2020 Thank you to all my colleagues and the many test users. Our project is about to begin. Change music life together!ChooningSpread your love through music.chooning.app12このスレッドを表示
Chooning@chooning_app·10月10日Chooningは2020年9月16日にローンチされました たくさんのテストユーザーのみなさま、ご協力ありがとうございます。私たちのプロジェクトはまだ始まったばかりです。新しい音楽の楽しみ方を一緒につくっていきましょう!Chooning音楽愛で、世界を満たそう。chooning.app12このスレッドを表示
Chooning@chooning_app·10月10日Every day, you discover new music on Spotify. Bring your favorite songs you find on Spotify to Chooning Take the time to write down your thoughts about the songs and share them with your friends Chooning will enrich the time for music lovers. #chooning https://chooning.app2
Chooning@chooning_app·10月10日Chooningは、Spotifyで聴いた楽曲について感想や思い出を投稿できるiOSアプリです。英語・日本語に対応しています。あなたの大好きな音楽への思いを書き起こし、音楽と共にみんなに伝えましょう #chooning https://chooning.app/ja/2412
Chooning@chooning_app·9月17日We see this instant music consumption as a problem and created Chooning instead of going back to records and tapes. Try Chooning to tune your connection with music. We hope you will love music more with Chooning1このスレッドを表示
Chooning@chooning_app·9月17日Spotify has given us instant access to a huge number of songs at an amazingly low price But at the same time, we seem to be losing our deep connection to each song.12このスレッドを表示
Chooning@chooning_app·9月17日Every day, you discover new music on Spotify. Bring your favorite songs you find on Spotify to Chooning Take the time to write down your thoughts about the songs and share them with your friends (You need a Spotify account to use Chooning. Free plan okay.)2