2. Open an account. (Customer's work)
1. Enter information for opening an account.
Be sure to enter in single-byte alphanumeric characters.
※ mark is a required item.
※ mark is a required item.
・Gender :Select from the gender selection menu.
・Nationality :Please select from the selection menu.
・Name :The registered name is reflected.
・Birthday :Please enter your birthday from the calendar.
・Postal code :Please enter one-byte numbers without hyphens.
・Detailed address :Please enter in one-byte alphanumeric characters.
・District/city/State :Enter in single-byte alphanumeric characters.
・Email :The registered email address is reflected.
・Phone :Select your mobile phone country code and enter it in half-width numbers without hyphens.
For Japan, select +81.
After entering, click the "Next" green button.
2. Enter your experience and purpose.
Not all required items.
After entering, click the "Next" green button.
3. Upload the documents required for registration.
※ mark is a required item.
Scan the document below or upload a photo file.
Uploadable file formats are jpg / pdf / gif.
One file size should be within 5MB.
◆ Type of address certificate
・ Identification
・ Upload the driver's license front and back.
・ In addition to the passport spread, please upload the address page.
◆ Type of ID
・ Business license
・ Organization code certificate
・ Tax registration certificate
・ Commercial registration certificate
・ Identification
・ Family register
・ passport
・ Officer certificate
・ Soldier certificate
・ Central continental pass permit for Hong Kong residents
・ Central continental permit for residents of Taiwan
・ International residence permit
・ Police officer certificate
・ Other certificates
◆ ID number
Please enter the number written on the ID card in one-byte alphanumeric characters.
◆ LPOA is not needed at this stage.
After inputting, click the "Submit" green button.
4. Check the input contents and read the terms carefully.
You can also check the user agreement and risk disclosure here.
◆ You can download it from here.
- M&C TERMS ANDCONDITIONS (User Agreement and Risk Disclosure)
5. Check the check box.
Please read the terms carefully and check the box only if you agree.
6. Click the "Confirm" green button.
Information is sent to M&C.
Please wait for a while, as we will check the information at M&C.
After completing the registration process, you will receive two live account opening e-mails at the registered e-mail address.