[–] 25941495? points 6 points (+6|-0) ago  (edited ago)

Not 'theft'. SLAVERY. When you're forced to work to support the importation of the foreigners that will replace and eventually genocide you, you are a SLAVE and nothing else.

[–] 25941188? points 6 points (+6|-0) ago 

Taxation is extortion. If there was no threat of force or loss, we wouldn't voluntarily pay a penny.

[–] 25942262? ago 

They conned people into automatic withholding at some point, which is probably the biggest reason people still pay in.

Drives me insane hearing people say "I'm getting back $xx,xxx this year, that's why I always have them withhold extra.", like they're getting over on the system.

But they're really just floating the extortion racket an interest free loan and cutting their own cashflow throughout the year, as the federal reserve note devalues like clockwork.

[–] 25940870? points 2 points (+2|-0) ago 

And who owns that private corporation, I wonder.

[–] 25942223? points 1 point (+1|-0) ago 

Theft is an understatement. It's fraud, extortion and illegal according to common law.

[–] 25942415? ago 

I agree that taxation is theft. Indeed, it is slavery, as it is a claim of ownership over at least a part of people's labor. Further, government is a species of rape: i.e., "The act of seizing and carrying away by force; violent seizure; robbery." (See Noah Porter [Ed.], Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language [Springfield, Mass.: G. & C. Merriam Company, 1913].)

For much more on the science of liberty, see my following post:

  • LexEtLibertas (James Redford), "Recommended Reading Concerning Political and Economic Theory", Liberty Forest: Ron Paul Forums, July 12, 2020, www.ronpaulforums.com/showthread.php?547821-Recommended-Reading-Concerning-Political-and-Economic-Theory , web.archive.org/web/20200807203134/www.ronpaulforums.com/showthread.php?547821-Recommended-Reading-Concerning-Political-and-Economic-Theory , archive.is/wMwFi , megalodon.jp/2020-0807-0215-20/www.ronpaulforums.com/showthread.php?547821-Recommended-Reading-Concerning-Political-and-Economic-Theory , www.freezepage.com/1602352135JWYFRUESOC .

[–] 25942222? ago 

Two people were paid to downvote this post.

[–] 25940872? ago 

Right winger here. Even I admit that government is necessary, because man is evil.

Such government should be minimal, and its tax funding, which is necessarily coercive, should also be minimal.

[–] 25941200? points 3 points (+3|-0) ago 

Tariffs to access our markets, but not taxing the people.

[–] 25941893? ago 

Exactly. The Navy/Coast Guard should be funded by the people using our oceans for financial gain. If you want you boat filled with millions of dollars of trade goods to have safe sailing around the planet: PAY FOR IT.

The US Navy and US Coast Guard is considerably cheaper than paying a PMC to guard your vessels from pirates and countries like Iran. It's like paying insurance.

[–] 25941839? ago 

I agree. But know that some city council is still going to try to tax your belly button lint.

[–] 25941907? ago 

Man is not evil, they're conditioned and brainwashed by the demons of the Bible who run media, academia and banking.

[–] 25941928? ago 

Man has free will, which is good. Man misuses free will to choose evil, which is evil.

[–] 25941885? ago 

This is my argument against libertarianism. Humans don't work or think that way. Looks and sounds good on paper but in practice? Not so much. Without some sort of government, strong men and cartels will take over power through force. The thing is, getting everyone on the same sheet of music mentally is impossible. Governments are indeed a necessary evil, unfortunately.

[–] 25942330? points 1 point (+1|-0) ago 

The only difference between a government and a cartel/mafia is the former has the larger monopoly. Other than that, functionally they are the same. They are hierarchies that claim jurisdiction over a population, and demand payment for protection enforced by the threat of violence. If you live and do business in a cartel-controlled area then that cartel is a necessary evil protecting you from other cartels.

Now, I agree that humans innately create these types of hierarchies, and this cannot be avoided. But the best ones maximize liberty from within by protecting natural rights.

[–] 25942141? ago 

Politics abhors a vaccuum.

[–] 25941016? ago 

you're right although it doesn't have anything to do with the monetary system - the Federal Reserve - which is decidedly unconstitutional. likewise, its evil offspring "income tax" is also not constitutional.

here's plenty of ways the gov can assess taxes, tariffs, fees without targeting individual wages.

[–] 25941053? points 2 points (+2|-0) ago  (edited ago)

As Rick Rule states: "In democracy, elections are advanced sales on stolen property."