Welcome to St. Elizabeth School

Dear SES Students and Parents,

Peace in the Lord!

I hope all of you had an awesome summer break and were able to recharge, relax, and now ready to start a new school year. 

It is my great pleasure to welcome you to St. Elizabeth School. As I begin my first school year as Principal, I am energized and deeply committed to making a positive difference in the lives of your children. I am so delighted that you are part of our amazing learning community. 


St. Elizabeth school is staffed with faith-centered, energetic, caring, and qualified teachers who encourage and support all our students. Our faculty and staff are ready to start a great year of adventures in learning in this most challenging times. We encourage family involvement and hopes to build educational partnerships with you. By working together, we can help each child achieve an excellent education in a safe and positive environment. 


During this time of pandemic, there are continues concerns and questions as to how the schools will reopen the new school year. Here at St. Elizabeth school, the safety and well-being of our students, faculty and staff are our top priority. Our hardworking and dedicated faculty and staff have created a Safety Educational Plan as our guide to ensure our safety as we engage our students in In-person with an option of online instruction. Our guidelines and protocols have been created by using the DHS guidelines and recommendations from Hawaii Catholic Schools, DOH and CDC. This guidelines and protocols will be strictly observed as we consider what is best for our school and community. The success of our commitment to the well-being and safety of our School Ohana depend confidently on your cooperation and support. I encourage all St. Elizabeth School Ohana to adhere to these guidelines and protocols. 


Thank you to all who have helped prepare for the new school year especially to my dedicated and very supportive teachers and staff. I am in great awe of your commitment to ensure that St. Elizabeth School remains a faith-centered, caring and successful Ohana.  My door is always open and I welcome your input. Please feel free to call or email me to discuss any concerns you might have throughout the school year.


I look forward to working with you as a team to help each student at SES meet their goals and have a safe and successful school year.


May God’s abundant blessings be with your family always. 


In Jesus and Mary,


Sister Maria Oliva Fuentes,O.P.


Sr. Olive, Principal

Thank you for visiting our site. If you need any assistance please feel free to visit our office, email us at snagasawa@steliz-hi.org, or call us at 808-488-5322

St. Elizabeth School is integral to the mission of the Catholic Church. We proclaim the Good News as we encounter the living God who, in Jesus Christ, reveals His transforming love, compassion and truth.


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