I have never done this before, and will NEVER do this again, but I need some divine support.
My oldest son and his fiancé have decided to come to visit after being 'estranged' for the last 7 months. He is a newly minted Lawyer, and she is a young Doctor. He went to the same school Nick Sandman now goes. I call it "Little Berkley". If you don't recall they made headlines a few weeks ago when some soyboy alumni and a professor acted like lil-bitches about it.
Anyway ... they got all butthurt after I spanked them both on the 'Masks Don't Work' argument, and FAUXVID is really only dangerous to the elderly and those with co-morbidities. That was in April. Then riots broke out. They both took to social media and did the whole BLM and 'support the protestor bail fund' bullshit, then embarked on their digital social media Whiteness apology tour. I was mortified. Oh did I mention ... they are as white as sour cream. Pasty white. Its almost scary. "Get out into the fucking sunlight" I tell him. "You look like that dude from the movie Powder".
So, I did a 30 year stint in the Army. I'm all for you being yourself and having your own opinion. I support 1A, 2A, 3-10A. But when you apologize for your race??? Oh FUK NO!!!, He was raised to NEVER judge the quality of a human by their race, religion, or geography. That shit sent me into a whole other dimension of pissed off. Then they totally went full fucktard when they started advertising for the BLM bail fund.
I can't deal with it. Smug fucking know it all NPCs with ZERO actual life experience. They get their opinion from the dumb dumb box tuned to Chicom News Network and MSDNC. They hate Trump, but can't tell anyone why ... other than "He's a liar" (I laid down a $100 bill last Christmas and said "it's yours if you can prove to me 2 things he has lied about". Still have the Benjamin in my office. I may frame it.)
Yeah, so they are coming today. I sure because it's my 50th bday next week.
Please GOD help me be at least cordial.
I doubt it.
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[–] 25940610? point 20 points points (+21|-1) ago
If you truly want to help them keep your cool. When you challenge someones belief you are challenging their identity. They don't see it that way but that is how people think. What you believe is part of who you are and when someone directly attacks a belief they are attacking that person. So, no direct fire!
Plant seeds. Let them figure it out.
Use the the Socratic method!
Don't use the Socratic method until you understand how to use it.
Good luck
[–] 25941136? points 6 points points (+6|-0) ago
This is sage advice. Don’t push them away. It’s so easy to do. They’ve been filled with NPC programming that is going to massively influence their attitude and if you provide the foil of the bogeyman that they’ve been primed for, they’re going to be deeply tempted to unload all that programming on you - probably damaging your relationship forever.
Here’s what you want: you want them to have kids. Then you can have a second try of raising some based children by working on the grandkids. You ended up with a shitlib on your first go; sucks, but you can’t beat that out of someone, they need to climb out of it themselves.
This means ignoring their idiot liberalisms for now, save maybe for asking some innocent open ended questions. For example, you can ask them if they feel safe in their city, etc.
It will not be easy, but I’ll tell you this: having a kid pushes most shitlibs a bit to the right because they all of a sudden have to care about a whole lot of things they didn’t care about before. Don’t be surprised if that comes with an attitude change.
Facilitate them having a good relationship. Make them realize you’re going to be a good grandpa and offer them tons of support. Don’t push them too hard or you’ll push them away.
[–] 25941121? ago
Socratic method can (kind of) be summed up as "question everything". Ask if whatever they state is true, and how they know it's true. Even your statements can be rephrased as "I wonder..." psuedo-questions.
Hang in there, anon. Deep breaths help. You can do this.
[–] 25940890? points 12 points points (+12|-0) ago
Answer the door naked with a rainbow flag as a cape, a didlo in one hand, & a bong in the other
With SJW written on your chest, then ask to take em out for lunch
[–] 25941129? [S] points 4 points points (+4|-0) ago
upvote for creativity
[–] 25941297? points 3 points points (+3|-0) ago
Jehovah witness & the census people avoid my house like the plauge
[–] 25941936? ago
Provide your son and his fiancée my below free article and ask them what their thoughts are about it (it's even available in print form from SSRN, although I make no money from that). And per your request, I will pray for you (and them).
My foregoing article concerns physicist and mathematician Prof. Frank J. Tipler's Omega Point cosmology and the Feynman-DeWitt-Weinberg quantum gravity/Standard Model Theory of Everything (TOE), which is a proof (i.e., mathematical theorem) of God's existence per the known laws of physics (viz., the Second Law of Thermodynamics, General Relativity, and Quantum Mechanics). Tipler's Omega Point cosmology has been extensively peer-reviewed and published in a number of the world's leading physics and science journals. However, it also analyzes the societal implications of said, particularly the implications of the exponential advancement of technology and hence also the coming radical life-extension technologies in light of a world dominated by a callous oligarchy.
[–] 25940728? points 11 points points (+11|-0) ago (edited ago)
Your son was sent by God to be a teacher to you.
The lesson offered is equanimity.
You are invited to peaceably hold space for this retard as he proceeds through his awakening process.
Anger doesn't work. You can not defeat this enemy by open conflict. But what does help is to turn your attention inward and practice emotional maturity no matter what he says.
Never react. When something stupid is said, always take a moment to pause, get centered, and then respond. Sometimes a good response is just a smile, or nothing at all.
Good luck my friend!
[–] 25940772? points 3 points points (+3|-0) ago
Good advice^^^
[–] 25941934? ago
On what do you base that? I can assure you that you will have a very hard time finding a scriptural principle to support it. Even though we learn many things from our children, there are two separate issues in a parent/child bond. One is relational and the other is positional. Position is inherited, relation is built. This is a fundamental truth. You see it in God the Father and God the Son; Jesus did what he heard his Father saying. It is true in our position as children with a heavenly Father; we inherit the same salvation but the joys of our rewards are based on the relationship we choose to build with God. And it is equally true in human parents and children; the flow is such that God ordained children should honor parental position.
Everything else you said is spot-on (assuming the reader knows that equanimity means 'even-tempered' and not 'equal'). But there's a walloping big difference between "shit happening" and "God sending." Based on what the OP wrote, this looks more like a "satan provoked" thing than a "God sent" thing. The son is not the teacher. God is the Teacher. The son becomes an object lesson for the Great Teacher. God does not "send" out the deranged to "teach" their parents; God is not a sadist like that.
[–] 25941344? ago (edited ago)
Memes on fridge. New ones twice a day. Memes respond to things they say. Nothing but civility elsewhere.
[–] 25940576? point 9 points points (+10|-1) ago (edited ago)
I understand what you are saying. However, all this is a blink of an eye in the scheme of your life and the relationship you have with your son. You and he ARE going to change in the future, it's inevitable, we all change.
Try to remember that, as he is visiting, you are still important to him. We may be called upon to depend on our nuclear families soon, try to make all doors accessible.
[–] 25940972? points 4 points points (+4|-0) ago
Be who you are but wear a dress and tell them you are transitioning. Have your wife do your makeup. Cry if they make fun of you
[–] 25941080? points 8 points points (+8|-0) ago
Heh... I actually got through to my daughter once. She giggled because I had something that resembled a purse. I reminded her that I can put on a dress and say I identify as female and instantly I'm a courageous hero and she is required to praise me and accept me by the media and everyone in her young circles and I can follow women into the ladies room. She stopped giggling immediately!
[–] 25941267? [S] points 1 point point (+1|-0) ago
You sir, are a psychological ninja.
[–] 25941012? [S] ago
hahaha ... l love it
[–] 25940632? points 4 points points (+4|-0) ago
I work with a bunch of libs, and I just try to remind myself that they're brainwashed and for the most part they mean well. Yesterday when they were talking about the greatness of RBG I mostly just kept my mouth shut.
[–] 25941240? points 4 points points (+4|-0) ago
I'm torn on this. I feel that we have mostly kept our mouths shut for too long. The past 6 months I've refused to keep my mouth shut and I've seen people do the same that were normally silent.
[–] 25941118? points 2 points points (+2|-0) ago
The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Many "good people trying to do good things" have resulted in the absolute degeneracy and chaos of today.
Doesnt matter if you think you are doing good if you are actually just a puppet dog bitch of satan
[–] 25941038? points 1 point point (+1|-0) ago
Yeah, the young ones are victims, unwitting cult members. Love and truth will eventually bring them around.
[–] 25941312? [S] ago
this is 100%. It IS a cult and they are dupped into it.
He needs 3 months in Ramadi or Baghdad in July.
[–] 25941198? points 3 points points (+3|-0) ago
Don't drink today! lol
[–] 25941331? [S] ago
Too late hahahaha
[–] 25941094? points 3 points points (+3|-0) ago
My older brother and his wife are the same way. May you have more mercy than me, cuz the only place for them in my life is the top of the liquidation list on the day things fire up. Traitors first. Never suffer a traitor in your midst, no matter who they are. Sacrifices must be made
[–] 25941220? points 1 point points (+4|-3) ago
That's garbage...
Here in the U.S. they may disagree but you still tell them to, "get in the car, stupid! " we don't leave family behind because they disagree...
[–] 25941299? points 2 points points (+2|-0) ago
And then after the third little nigglit you have to run over to escape the horde, they are attacking you from within the car, they grab the wheel and crash your ass, then the hordes rips you all out of the car, welcome to being raped to death. Allow a traitor in, be killed from the inside
[–] 25941455? point -1 points points (+0|-1) ago
You sound like you suck nigger dicks for a living. Go back to reddit, cuck.
[–] 25941748? ago
Shoot to kill the moment they ever show up. If you absolutely have to show mercy to your brother, blow his wife's fucking head off first and let him run. Then shoot him in the back.
[–] 25941160? ago
[–] 25941273? points 1 point point (+1|-0) ago
Its just the reality of situation.
Say things fire off, shit hits the fan, my faggot brother brings his family to my place to survive (big surprise, they live in the city, i live in the country) cuz ive been well prepared for years now and they are busy "preparing for the next school year"(teachers, of course) and wearing masks in their own house. So they manage to escape the city and come to me. If i let them in as a part of MY community, imagine the day a pack of feral orc niggers walks up to the wall demanding food for their hungry little nigglits. You think these faggots are gonna be on my side when i immediately set the niggers on fire and start pelting them with rocks cuz i dont wanna waste the ammo? Guarantee any piece of shit that has EVER been a libtard, no matter whether they "reconcile" or not, is gonna be an internal security risk. While i fight off the hordes of niggers to keep these faggots safe on my land fed with my food, they will be opening the back door and leaving care packages outside for the niggers, and one day they'll let them in, and then we all die. Guaran FUCKING tee it.