ニシキギ科植物サラシア幹抽出エキスの安全性 Safety Profile of Extractive from Trunk of Salacia reticulata (Celastraceae)
サラシア幹抽出エキス (SE) の安全性を単回経口投与試験及び染色体異常試験により評価を行った. SE 5,000mg/kg投与ラットにおいて, 死亡例や臓器の肉眼的異状は観察されなかった. 一般状態の変化では, SEを投与したラットにその薬理特性に基づく下痢症状が数日間認められた. また体重に関しては, 投与翌日に対照群に対して体重増加抑制がみられた. CHL/IU細胞を用いた染色体異常試験の結果, 異常細胞の出現は確認されなかった. 以上の成績よりSEは重篤な急性毒性や変異原性をもたないと考えられる.
The safety profile of an extractive from <i>Salacia reticulata</i> (Celastraceae) trunk (SE) was examined using an oral single dose toxicity test and chromosomal aberration test. In the oral toxicity test, SD rats were given SE at a dose of 5, 000mg/kg. No deaths or abnormalities in gross pathological findings were observed during the study period. The rats given SE had diarrhea for a few days due to the pharmacological properties. Moreover, body weight gain was suppressed in both male and female rats given SE, compared to the controls, at 1 day after administration. In the chromosomal aberration test using cultured mammalian cells (CHL/IU), no cells with chromosomal aberrations were observed. These results suggest that SE has no serious acute toxicity or mutagenicity.
- 食品衛生学雑誌
食品衛生学雑誌 40(3), 198-205, 1999-06-05