
Tangerine? Is it the fact that Tangerine is among the least popular choices of color for the iMac, or just the fact that its ugly that Apple chose it to be half the color options for the iBook? Very strange indeed although Steve Jobs' choices have proven fairly on track so far. :-)
While many had hoped the iBook would be priced a little cheaper than US$1600, when you consider the feature set, it is a great price indeed. There are no comparable Wintel laptops with anywhere near the power of a 300 MHz G3 in that price range. The iBook will be a huge success. Not "could" be, "will" be.

Dave Hamilton and John F. Braun, macobserver.com


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Ellen Feiss Switch Apple Commercial

The legendary Apple Switch-spot with the student Ellen Feiss, who reported that her father's Windows PC crashed while she was writing a paper.

Some people who saw the spot thought that the girl was stoned, the spot was spread en masse all over the internet - and so Ellen Feiss became famous.

I was writing a paper on the PC, and it was, like, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, and then, like, half of my paper was gone. And I was, like ? heh. It devoured my paper. It was a really good paper. And then I had to do it again and I had to do it fast so it wasn't as good. It's kind of a bummer

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