高圧鋳造材の研究-2- A Study on the High Pressure Casting (II)
The mechanical properties and casting structure of Al and Al alloys, casted under high pressure, were studied. The resuIts are as follows;-- (1) The effeds of casting pressure are more remerkable in ductility than in strength, and more sensible against the poly-phase alloys in comparison with the single phase metals. (2) The particularity of high pressure castings on their mechanical properties almost depend to the changes in structure of alloys by pressure. (3) The effects of pressure to the casting structure are the changes in shape and solubility of the secondary phase in alloys. (4) For the alloys in which the solubility of the secondary phase increases by pressure, the remerkable improvements of mechanical properties are expected with the application of high pressure casting methode.
- 富山大学工学部紀要
富山大学工学部紀要 8(1・2), ????, 1957-03