Private Type TSaveInfo
NewAppliesTo As Range '再設定させるセル範囲
Delete As Boolean 'True:削除対象
End Type
'[概要] アクティブシートの条件付き書式を統合する
'[引数] なし
'[戻値] なし
Public Sub MergeFormatConditions()
Call MergeSameFormatConditions(ActiveSheet)
End Sub
'[概要] ワークシート内の条件付き書式を統合する
'[引数] 対象のワークシート
'[戻値] なし
Private Sub MergeSameFormatConditions(ByRef objWorksheet As Worksheet)
Dim FConditions As FormatConditions
Set FConditions = objWorksheet.Cells.FormatConditions
If FConditions.Count = 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If
ReDim SaveArray(1 To FConditions.Count) As TSaveInfo
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
For i = FConditions.Count To 1 Step -1
For j = 1 To i - 1
If IsSameFormatCondition(FConditions(i), FConditions(j)) Then
If SaveArray(j).NewAppliesTo Is Nothing Then
Set SaveArray(j).NewAppliesTo = Application.Union(FConditions(i).AppliesTo, FConditions(j).AppliesTo)
Set SaveArray(j).NewAppliesTo = Application.Union(FConditions(i).AppliesTo, SaveArray(j).NewAppliesTo)
End If
SaveArray(i).Delete = True
End If
For i = FConditions.Count To 1 Step -1
If SaveArray(i).Delete = True Then
Call FConditions(i).Delete
If Not (SaveArray(i).NewAppliesTo Is Nothing) Then
Call FConditions(i).ModifyAppliesToRange(SaveArray(i).NewAppliesTo)
End If
End If
'A1,A2,A3 → A1:A3 のように領域を整理
Dim objWk As Range
Set FConditions = objWorksheet.Cells.FormatConditions
For i = FConditions.Count To 1 Step -1
With FConditions(i)
If .AppliesTo.Areas.Count > 1 Then
Set objWk = .AppliesTo
'A1,A2,A3 → A1:A3 のように領域を整理
Set objWk = Application.Intersect(objWk, objWk)
'領域が左上から並ぶようにソートする 例:E:F,B:B → B:B,E:F
Set objWk = SortAreas(objWk)
Call .ModifyAppliesToRange(objWk)
End If
End With
End Sub
'[概要] 条件および書式が一致するか判定
'[引数] 比較対象のFormatConditionオブジェクト
'[戻値] True:一致
Private Function IsSameFormatCondition(ByRef F1 As Object, ByRef F2 As Object) As Boolean
IsSameFormatCondition = False
If Not (TypeOf F1 Is FormatCondition) Then
Exit Function
End If
If Not (TypeOf F2 Is FormatCondition) Then
Exit Function
End If
' Select Case F1.Type
' 'セルの値、数式、文字列、期間 のみ判定対象とする → FormatConditionはすべて対象にする
' Case xlCellValue, xlExpression, xlTextString, xlTimePeriod
' Case Else
' Exit Function
' End Select
If IsSameCondition(F1, F2) Then
IsSameFormatCondition = IsSameFormat(F1, F2)
End If
End Function
'[概要] 条件が一致するか判定
'[引数] 比較対象のFormatConditionオブジェクト
'[戻値] True:一致
Private Function IsSameCondition(ByRef F1 As FormatCondition, ByRef F2 As FormatCondition) As Boolean
Dim Operator(1 To 2) As String '次の値に等しい、次の値の間etc
Dim TextOperator(1 To 2) As String 'Type=xlTextStringの時、次の値を含む、次の値で始まるetc
Dim Text(1 To 2) As String 'Type=xlTextStringの時の文字列
Dim Formula1_R1C1(1 To 2) As String '数式をR1C1タイプで設定
Dim Formula2_R1C1(1 To 2) As String '数式をR1C1タイプで設定
On Error Resume Next
With F1
Operator(1) = .Operator
TextOperator(1) = .TextOperator
Text(1) = .Text
Formula1_R1C1(1) = Application.ConvertFormula(.Formula1, xlA1, xlR1C1, , GetTopLeftCell(.AppliesTo))
Formula2_R1C1(1) = Application.ConvertFormula(.Formula2, xlA1, xlR1C1, , GetTopLeftCell(.AppliesTo))
End With
With F2
Operator(2) = .Operator
TextOperator(2) = .TextOperator
Text(2) = .Text
Formula1_R1C1(2) = Application.ConvertFormula(.Formula1, xlA1, xlR1C1, , GetTopLeftCell(.AppliesTo))
Formula2_R1C1(2) = Application.ConvertFormula(.Formula2, xlA1, xlR1C1, , GetTopLeftCell(.AppliesTo))
End With
On Error GoTo 0
IsSameCondition = (F1.Type = F2.Type) _
And (Operator(1) = Operator(2)) _
And (TextOperator(1) = TextOperator(2)) _
And (Text(1) = Text(2)) _
And (Formula1_R1C1(1) = Formula1_R1C1(2)) _
And (Formula2_R1C1(1) = Formula2_R1C1(2))
End Function
'[概要] 書式が一致するか判定
'[引数] 比較対象のFormatConditionオブジェクト
'[戻値] True:一致
Private Function IsSameFormat(ByRef F1 As FormatCondition, ByRef F2 As FormatCondition) As Boolean
Dim FontBold(1 To 2) As String 'フォント太字
Dim FontColor(1 To 2) As String 'フォント色
Dim InteriorColor(1 To 2) As String '塗りつぶし色
Dim NumberFormat(1 To 2) As String '値の表示形式 例:#,##0
On Error Resume Next
With F1
FontBold(1) = .Font.Bold
FontColor(1) = .Font.Color
InteriorColor(1) = .Interior.Color
NumberFormat(1) = .NumberFormat
End With
With F2
FontBold(2) = .Font.Bold
FontColor(2) = .Font.Color
InteriorColor(2) = .Interior.Color
NumberFormat(2) = .NumberFormat
End With
On Error GoTo 0
IsSameFormat = (FontBold(1) = FontBold(2)) _
And (FontColor(1) = FontColor(2)) _
And (InteriorColor(1) = InteriorColor(2)) _
And (NumberFormat(1) = NumberFormat(2))
End Function
'[概要] 一番左上のセルを取得する
'[引数] 条件付き書式の適用範囲
'[戻値] 一番左上のセル
Private Function GetTopLeftCell(ByRef objRange As Range) As Range
Dim objArea As Range
Dim lngRow As Long
Dim lngCol As Long
lngRow = Rows.Count
lngCol = Columns.Count
For Each objArea In objRange.Areas
With objArea.Cells(1) '領域ごとの一番左上のセル
lngRow = WorksheetFunction.Min(lngRow, .Row)
lngCol = WorksheetFunction.Min(lngCol, .Column)
End With
Set GetTopLeftCell = objRange.Worksheet.Cells(lngRow, lngCol)
End Function
'[概要] 領域が左上から並ぶようにソートする 例:E:F,B:B → B:B,E:F
'[引数] 条件付き書式の適用範囲
'[戻値] ソート後の適用範囲
Private Function SortAreas(ByRef objRange As Range) As Range
ReDim SortArray(1 To objRange.Areas.Count) As Currency
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
For i = 1 To objRange.Areas.Count
With objRange.Areas(i)
SortArray(i) = CCur(Format(.Column, "00000") & _
Format(.Row, "0000000") & _
Format(i, "0000"))
End With
Dim Swap As Currency
For i = objRange.Areas.Count To 1 Step -1
For j = 1 To i - 1
If SortArray(j) > SortArray(j + 1) Then
Swap = SortArray(j)
SortArray(j) = SortArray(j + 1)
SortArray(j + 1) = Swap
End If
Next j
Next i
j = Right(SortArray(1), 4) 'Index=下4桁
Set SortAreas = objRange.Areas(j)
For i = 2 To UBound(SortArray)
j = Right(SortArray(i), 4) 'Index=下4桁
Set SortAreas = Application.Union(SortAreas, objRange.Areas(j))
End Function
'[概要] Debug用のセル関数
'[引数] objCell:条件付き書式の設定されたセル、n:FormatConditionsの何番目?
' InfoNo:個別の情報を表示したい時、s(i)のIndexを設定
'[戻値] 例:Type:1 Operator:4 TextOperator:# Text:# Formula1:=0 Formula2:# Formula1:=0 Formula2:# AppliesTo:A1:A20
Public Function GetFConditionInfo(objCell As Range, ByVal n As Long, Optional ByVal InfoNo As Long = 0) As String
Dim objFCondition As Object
Set objFCondition = objCell.FormatConditions(n)
Dim s(1 To 12)
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To UBound(s)
s(i) = "#" 'エラーの時
On Error Resume Next
With objFCondition
s(1) = .Type
s(2) = .Priority
s(3) = TypeName(objFCondition)
s(4) = .Operator
s(5) = .TextOperator
s(6) = .Text
s(7) = .Formula1
s(8) = .Formula2
s(9) = Application.ConvertFormula(.Formula1, xlA1, xlR1C1, , GetTopLeftCell(.AppliesTo))
s(10) = Application.ConvertFormula(.Formula2, xlA1, xlR1C1, , GetTopLeftCell(.AppliesTo))
s(11) = .AppliesTo.AddressLocal(False, False)
s(12) = GetTopLeftCell(.AppliesTo).AddressLocal(False, False)
End With
On Error GoTo 0
If InfoNo > 0 Then
GetFConditionInfo = s(InfoNo)
Dim strMsg As String
strMsg = "Type:{1} Priority:{2} TypeName:{3} Operator:{4} TextOperator:{5} Text:{6} Formula1:{7} Formula2:{8} Formula1:{9} Formula2:{10} AppliesTo:{11} TopLeftCell:{12}"
For i = 1 To UBound(s)
strMsg = Replace(strMsg, "{" & i & "}", s(i))
GetFConditionInfo = strMsg
End If
End Function
・値の表示形式 例:#,##0 など