2A2-G27 救急搬送時における出血源位置抽出のための体幹適応型RTエコーデバイスBASIS-1の開発 2A2-G27 Development of Adaptable RT Echo-Device Extracting the Position of a Bleeding Source for Emergency Care in Transit : BASIS-1
We report adaptable RT echo device: BASIS, which can extract the position of a bleeding source in ambulance transportation. We devised a mechanism that could decrease degrees of freedom to control ultrasonic probe on body trunk by using belts and free joints. In addition, BASIS can control the posture: pitching, rolling and position: two directions translational movements of the ultrasonic probe. Moreover, even if patient's body type is different, BASIS touches the base to the body surface. As a result of the measurement of blood velocity, the possibility that BASIS could extract the position of a bleeding source in non-invasive was suggested.
- ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集
ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2010(0), _2A2-G27_1-_2A2-G27_2, 2010
一般社団法人 日本機械学会