なお、"Intersection of Science Fiction and Technology in Japan"は3つに分けてUPする予定で、第2段は↓です。SFプロトタイピングの話はどちらかというとこちらの動画でした。第1段は星新一賞の話がメインです。
Intersection of Science Fiction and Technology in Japan: Part2
This is the continuation of the SFS session at the Worldcon (World Science Fiction Convention) 2020, CoNZealand. This time, we will look at the reality of th...
世界SF大会で参加したパネル"Intersection of Science Fiction and Technology in Japan"の動画がSugoi Fushigi ShowのチャンネルにUPされました。僕はSFプロトタイピングの話などをしています。全編英語ですが、日本語字幕もありますので、皆さまぜひご覧頂ければ幸いです!
Intersection of Science Fiction and Technology in Japan: Part1
WorldCon (World Science Fiction Convention) 2020, a.k.a. CoNZealand was held online for the first time! SFS members held a panel discussion titled "Intersect...
The White House releases photos of President Trump working while currently being treated for COVID-19 at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center
政治 · トレンド
The White House releases photos of President Trump working while currently being treated for COVID-19 at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center
政治 · トレンド
Woman As President
The LGBTQI community is trying to redefine the term ‘Proud Boys’ by sharing posts of love