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Dr. Bjorn Lomborg researches the smartest ways to help the world. He is one of TIME Magazine's 100 most influential people in the world, one of the 75 most influential people of the 21st century according to Esquire magazine, and one of the 50 people who could save the planet according to the UK Guardian. Lomborg has repeatedly been named one of Foreign Policy's Top 100 Global Thinkers
Promises to Keep - Crafting Better Development Goals
The November/December 2014 issue of Foreign Affairs features a 9 page article by Bjorn Lomborg. The article entitled “Promises to Keep Crafting Better Development Goals”, highlights the work of the Post-2015 Consensus project and the valuable knowledge the project is injecting into the post-2015 debate. Click at the link below to read the entire article on Foreign Affairs.
Lomborg presents to the Open Working Group at the UN
Bjorn Lomborg presented at the Sixth Session of the General Assembly Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals at the United Nations on 13 December 2013. He addressed the need for smart targets in the setting of the Post-2015 development goals that will replace the Millennium Development Goals. Watch the entire video at the link below. Dr. Lomborg's address begins at 20 minutes.
Lomborg at Gates Notes
Bjorn Lomborg is featured in two videos on Gates Notes, the blog of Bill Gates. In these pieces, Lomborg addresses the issue of energy poverty and argues that the world's poor need better access to cheap fuels, including fossil fuels. Gates states that "...we should be investing dramatically more money in R&D to make fossil fuels cleaner and make clean energy cheaper than any fossil fuel." Find the videos and commentary from Bill Gates at the link below.