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The Montreal woman who ended her pregnancy at 35 weeks says the experience was so painful that she will never speak about it in public again.
Reaction to her late-term abortion provoked dozens of comments on social media, some compassionate but many vitriolic, with some going so far as to call the woman a baby killer. Why not have the baby and put it up for adoption, demanded one Facebook commentator.
The woman, who asked that her name not be used to protect her identity, told the Montreal Gazette the decision to end her pregnancy was heartbreaking.
“It was not easy. It didn’t happen just like that, for silly reasons,” she said. “We want everyone to know the baby was having serious problems and it got worse right up to the termination.”
She wants to turn the page, but says that what happened to her and her husband raises questions about access to abortion in Quebec.
Requests for late-term abortions are rare in Canada, performed when the fetus is gravely or fatally impaired or the woman’s life is at risk. Less than one per cent of abortions take place after 20 weeks of gestation.
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