Is there any command get all the properties of a file including its encoding format (this piece of information is really important to me) on Windows ? I'm looking for something similar to stat in Linux

I'd prefer using a command that can be used in command-prompt or a batch script although I know its possible with Powershell.

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You can use WMIC feature to do that.

For example :

F:>> wmic datafile where Name="anyfile.txt"

to get all information about anyfile.txt. You can use CMD and powershell too to using WMIC. And you can use GET parameter to get a specified information.

For Example:

F:>> wmic datafile where Name="F:\\ekojs.txt" get Description,Path,Status,Version

EDIT : Try using this before to check the WMIC functionality :

F:>> wmic datafile /?

To get a help how to using it.

Command :

wmic datafile where Name="F:\\ekojs.txt" get Description,Name,FileType >> eko_wmic.txt

Output in eko_wmic.txt:

Description   FileType       Name          
f:\ekojs.txt  Text Document  f:\ekojs.txt  

Hope this'll help you out..

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To build on the previous answer. You can use wmic datafile to get info about a file, but you have to provide the full path and double-up your slashes like so

wmic datafile where Name="F:\\anyfile.txt"

This gives an unreadable mess in the console, as you'll see:

what a great way to render data, wmic

However if you pipe this into a text file, it's pretty legible

wmic datafile where Name="F:\\anyfile.txt" >> fileprops.txt

enter image description here

Fortunately, wmic can format the info as a list, and then it is actually pretty useful.

wmic datafile where Name="F:\\anyfile.txt" list /format:list

enter image description here

You can then provide these properties only for a simplified view, note that you must remove the list keyword.

>wmic datafile where Name="G:\\ipcamera.log" get Hidden,FileSize,Name  /format:list


A little piece of trivia, wmic was the foundation for what eventually became PowerShell!

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  • The wmic list display is quite useful; I used to use that same command but without the list part. For info on folders/directories, use wmic FSDIR where Name="C:\\path\\to\\folder" list /format:list. Online docs: ss64.com/nt/wmic.html – Rublacava 1 min ago

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