Split Second Promo-Car Cheats
作者: Souf'sGaming
This Guide is about how to unlock all the Promo-Cars for Split/Second!

Dieser Guide zeigt dir, wie man die Promo-Karren für Split/Second freischaltet.

Tutorial in English

For the PC version of Split/Second enter the keys shown (L=left arrow key, U=up arrow key, R = right arrow key & D=down arrow key) at the "Press Enter To Start" message. You need to be quick and a beep indicates the code was accepted. The cars show up for SEASON and QUICKPLAY.

Corbretti Slipstream - LDURRLDD
Corbretti Vortex GX (Game Branded Car) - LDRLUUDD
Hanzo Bayonet MX (Micromania) - LDLDRDDR
Ryback Coyote AMX (Automoto TFI Car) - RRLRRDDL
Ryback Mohawk XDX (Disney XD Car) - ULRRLLRR
Hanzo Indux GSX - RULUDDLR
Ryback Brawler GSX (GameStop Car)- LURLDLDR
Hanzo FX350 CX (Computer Spiele Car)- UDUUDULU
Corbretti Slipstream XL, Ryback Mohawk XL, Ryback Bandit XL - LLDLLRUD

Warning! They will disappear when you close the game and start it again.(at least they disappear for me)(You have to put in the code every time.)
Tutorial in Deutsch

Für die PC Version von Split/Screen muss man die dargestellten Tasten (L= Pfeiltaste Links, U= Pfeiltaste Oben, R = Pfeiltaste Rechts & D= Pfeiltaste Unten) im ''Drücke Enter um zu spielen'' Menu eingeben. Man muss schnell sein damit ein beep-Sound abgespielt wird der zeigt,dass der Code richtig wahr. Die Autos kann man im Season- und Quickplay- Modus fahren.

Corbretti Slipstream - LDURRLDD
Corbretti Vortex GX (Game Branded Car) - LDRLUUDD
Hanzo Bayonet MX (Micromania) - LDLDRDDR
Ryback Coyote AMX (Automoto TFI Car) - RRLRRDDL
Ryback Mohawk XDX (Disney XD Car) - ULRRLLRR
Hanzo Indux GSX - RULUDDLR
Ryback Brawler GSX (GameStop Car)- LURLDLDR
Hanzo FX350 CX (Computer Spiele Car)- UDUUDULU
Corbretti Slipstream XL, Ryback Mohawk XL, Ryback Bandit XL - LLDLLRUD

WARNUNG! Die Autos werden nach dem Beenden des Spiels und Neustartens nicht mehr da sein. (Code nochmals immer wieder eingeben.)
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11 件のコメント
Souf'sGaming  [作成者] 7月4日 3時13分 
I have to agree with that one my man
Xavier H.G. 7月4日 3時09分 
no problem, is never too late to share info, other people can find it usefull ;)
Souf'sGaming  [作成者] 7月4日 3時02分 
bro i made that guide 3 years ago i dont remember shit, and also didnt play the game for what feels like an eternity
Xavier H.G. 7月4日 0時07分 
Still missing some codes from 3 retailers:

Ryback Titan WMX ???????? (Walmart)

Ryback Bandit FSX ???????? (Future Shop)
Ryback Mohawk FSX ???????? (Future Shop)
Cobretti Slipstream FSX ???????? (Future Shop)

Cobretti Iridium BBX ???????? (Best Buy)
Cobretti 455 GT BBX ???????? (Best Buy)
Ryback Tornado BBX ???????? (Best Buy)
Xavier H.G. 7月4日 0時03分 
I just discovered that you have to add another "D" to the last code to make it work
To unlock 3 XL cars ← ← ↓ ← ← → ↑ ↓ ↓ ENJOY!
By the way do you know what retailer gave this cars?
Souf'sGaming  [作成者] 2018年2月21日 4時55分 
@SPnowy i know they took the last car out of the game. And i think the corbrettis and Hanzos have better then starter stats...
SPnowyPL 2018年2月21日 3時45分 
last code not works for me :( .
But becose of most of those cars got stats of starting cars i think I wont be sad
AAAAAAAA 2017年9月9日 13時14分 
oh, thats just a typo
AAAAAAAA 2017年9月9日 13時10分 
hanzo indux? i dont remember this name anywhere, i play split second for 5 years and i dont know that car name, lemme know if this is a typo or not
Souf'sGaming  [作成者] 2017年8月10日 7時09分 