Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, and even Muslims earn higher than most Hindus, this is shocking. Meanwhile Sacchar committee said Muslims doing worse than SCs is so weird.
If you see carefully all "minorities" are doing better than most Hindus.
Non-Brahmin UC Hindus are the richest community in India when it comes to average income.
Brahmins are the second richest and earn 2X as much as an average SC does.…
Is that seriously the best you could come up with?
Shouldn't you be worried about your brethren being swamped out by settlers in Kashmir and Tarim Basin again btw?
If you bothered to read the article, you'd understand.
But then again, I don't expect the likes of you to even understand basic Malay in first place.
A kadrun will remain a kadrun...
زین العابدین
I love how these subcon gaNgU littarally live in the imaginationated temple all over the world
yeS FranCe wAs a hiNdu cOunTry tOO vE diScoVereD a ShiVlinGa lasT weeK in a dark tunnel of Paris which is invisible to laymen, only the gangu can watch it with their super powers…
While dhimmis think about their pockets, Iran dolts out money for missionary work across the globe to increase their influence.
Mukut Bihari Sharma
返信先: @porbotialoraさん
rss n bjp means barbaadi..this is what i hv been seeing n experiencing since 2014..i hv no reason to say that this is good 4 human being..we should promote humanity n not any religion...but we are a very rigid ppl..we do what we like or profit is ..this makes us a weak demo n eco
Hinduism grows rapidly when the dominant Hindu class of the specific area is composed of natives. Another example would be Russia where around 7 lakh native Hindus exist
Hinduism grew from 2k followers in Ghana in 2000 to 15k by 2009 and probably 50k now
HSS, which is an affiliate of RSS is building a 5th Dham in Cambodia and has already acquired 500 acres of land for the project.
They are trying to promote Hinduism to Khmers.
Btw, you can find Hindu Khmers in Champa while the rest identify as Buddhist.
And ofcourse, it will be a ricebag...
Meanwhile, Hinduism is growing rapidly in Ghana. Their numbers grew from 2k in 2000 to 15k by 2009 and have likely crossed 50k by now.
Also, these aren't Indian immigrants but local Hindus.
Most of this immigration is happening in the provinces of Pattani, Yala and Narathiwat that comprised the formed Pattani Sultanate.
Unlike these 3 provinces plagued by insurgency, Songkhla and Satun (despite being Muslim majority) don't have insurgency.
Thai Buddhists are being settled into the Southern Muslim majority region by the government.
"Religion and Nationalism in Southeast Asia" - Joseph Chinyong Liow
Thailand is doing the same thing lol.
They are transporting hoards of poor Lao from the North into the Malay majority South to swamp out the Muslim majority.
Perhaps the only instance of pagans doing it to monotheists?…
Share of Muslims has fallen from 58% in 2010 to 42% now as some Uyghurs are converting to Buddhism as well.
Immigration has increased after 2016 by a big margin.
I've heard that the share of Uyghurs in the Tarim Basin has fallen to 70% now as Buddhists from Tibet are also being brought in along with Han immigrants.
I've heard that the share of Uyghurs in the Tarim Basin has fallen to 70% now as Buddhists from Tibet are also being brought in along with Han immigrants.
You mean the mosques that are built over demolished temples?
Most of the Muslim pilgrimage sites there literally stand on top of Hindu and Buddhist shrines.
Vij Razdan
Ladies and gentlemen, please allow me to introduce #Kashmir to you. The way it was and the way it should be going forward.
A temple and a mosque side by side and the temple taken care of by local KM in our absence.
The governor of Bali, Wayan Koster defends the complex rituals in Bali by saying they aren't wasteful but help preserve arts and culture of the island.
Hedgehogs are a sacred animal in the Avesta. The ancient Zoroastrians believed that Ahura Mazda created hedgehogs to combat infestations of ants. In ancient Iran, people kept hedgehogs as pets because the hedgehog ate ants, spiders, and other insects.
Can't believe some people think there are more Muslims in India than Pakistan despite Pakistanis having a much higher TFR than even Bihari Muslims lol.
An graduate Pakistani woman has more children than an illiterate Bangladeshi woman.
These people will try to flee back to India in a couple of years citing persecution.
Most of the Mohajirs of Sindh are Shias iirc.
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Sea of people at Anti-Shia protest jolts Pakistan's Karachi
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