
Use our free proxy to surf anonymously online, unblock any website & secure your internet.


Personal data disclosing your real identity: your IP address,  2600:1900:2000:17::d  is exposed, which points directly to your location in  US . You are browsing with  Chrome 80.0.3987.0 (Linux) , monitor resolution  800x600px ,  2-cores CPU .

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Proxy Settings:

Encrypt URLs Allow Cookies Remove Javascript Remove Objects

More Info:

A Web proxy provides a quick and easy way to change your IP address while surfing the Internet. UNBLOCKED.CYOU is portable as it does not require the installation of additional software or modification to computer networking settings. Use it like a search engine, except that you enter a website address instead of a search query, and UNBLOCKED.CYOU return webpages rather than search results. The sites you visit through the proxy see an IP address belonging to the proxy rather than your IP address.

Server Location:

Recommended: Recommended locations are based on your geographic location combined with data from connection success rates, customer usage, and speed.

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