Taking advantage of the long weekend to revamp some of the resource sections. This is a page about archaeology and cultural heritage laws in Southeast Asia. I’l think I’ve got every country covered, but let me know if I’ve missed something.
A Map of #Java: chiefly from surveys made during rhe British Administration. London: Black, Parbury & Allen, 1817, with handwritten placenames in #Javanese script. From collection #kitlv
Spot the beautiful Javanese manuscript in Pegon (Arabic) script -
Letterform Archive
New in the Online Archive: Global Writing Systems. Our latest update includes items featuring Cyrillic, Hebrew, Indic, Japanese, Pegon, and Persian scripts.
Did you know there are three Lontar Manuscripts at the University of Sydney library?
Truly grateful to have the opportunity to introduce one of these treasures to new students for Welcome Week.
Sydney Uni Library
Discover: Lontar Manuscript
Rare Books and Special Collections Cataloguing Assistant, Theresia Sandjaja gives a talk on Lontar Manuscript, describing how these intriguing palm leaf manuscripts are created.
It amazes me how under-appreciated Indonesian books are - this is the fourth most populous country on earth, with a unique book and literary culture that goes back to antiquity.
1. Batak pustaha, circa 1850
2. VOC printing, 1668-9
3. Printing on silk, 1674
4. Dictionary, 1706-8
The Art of the Qur’an in Mindanao (Annabel Teh Gallop) | SOAS...
The Art of the Qur’an in Mindanao (Annabel Teh Gallop) was given at the Mindanao: Cartographies of History, Identity and Representation Conference at Philipp...
And now a super-thread on the winding & complicated (pun intended) history of the tuǧra, a textual feature often defined as a 'calligraphic emblem' for 'Turkic' rulers, though that definition doesn't capture the whole story. Let's start with a 'classic' Ottoman tuǧra: 1/?
One of the little blessings (one must remain optimistic these days) that came out of the quarantine period was that I had quite a bit of time to do some data entry work to create a historical map of photo studios in Malaysia and Singapore.
"Pangeran Anum seeks the assistance of the King of England in vanquishing the Dutch in Jayakatera, and if the Dutch in Jayakatera are defeated the English may take their place"
A lovely set of 17th-century diplomatic letters published by
Situs baru yang sangat menarik yang mendaftarkan pelbagai sumber untuk penelitian sejarah dunia Melayu Nusantara:
ไซม่อน سايمون 西蒙サイモン சைமன்
Put together a research guide on researching colonial history of the Malay World like a Millennial! Check it out!
A truly wonderful and innovative resource guide to research materials on the #Malay world, from the Cultural Centre of Universiti Malaya - congratulations, Simon Soon!
Follow a manuscript on its fascinating journey with Storymap - somebody please do this for a Malay manuscript!
BL Asian and African
An exciting visual presentation of Jenny Norton-Wright’s recent post on the Mughal musical miscellany Or.2361 is available here at https://uploads.knightlab.com/storymapjs/38614ede8d5ac2e3b111d3b0c76423cc/the-creation-of-or-2361/index.html…
Please be informed that the Arabic-Script Manuscripts in Africa conference will not be held in 2020 because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The organizers and their partners will share an update on the future of the event in due course. #ASMIACONFERENCE
Arabic-Script Manuscripts in Africa (ASMIA)
يرجى العلم أن مؤتمر المخطوطات بالحرف العربي في أفريقيا لن يعقد في عام 2020 بسبب جائحة COVID-19. سيشارك المنظمون وشركاؤهم تحديثًا حول مستقبل الحدث في الوقت المناسب. #ASMIACONFERENCE
Fantastic visual. Also, useful for pondering the power of Spanish empire - consider the massive presence of the Chinese in the Philippines, and the absence of temples.
Jack Meng-Tat Chia 謝明達
Check out this fascinating article on Chinese temple networks in Southeast Asia
#EidAdhaMubarak Before Ibrahim/Abraham could sacrifice his son, God provided a lamb instead. Illustration from a 16th century Safavid Persian manuscript of Qisas al-anbiya 'Stories of the prophets' (BL Add Ms 18576. Read more about this manuscript here: https://bl.uk/collection-items/stories-of-the-prophets…
‘The cow belonging to Teuku Keuchik Pupu slaughtered for the feast of the Hajj cost 5.5 rial, with 1 rial from Panglima Mud, from Kechik Amin 1 rial, from Pu Mud Kasim Teuku Blang 1 rial, from Puy Mud Husain 1 rial, from myself 1 rial, from Panglima Mud Hasan Panglima Buru 2 mas’
Bermula lembu yang disembelih pada hari raya Haji pada empunya Teuku Keuchik Pupu itu tengah enam rial mula2 pada Panglima Mud satu rial dan pada Kechik Amin satu rial dan Pu Mud Kasim Teuku Blang satu rial ...
Selamat Hari Raya Haji Id al-Adha! This image is from a 19th-c. Acehnese manuscript, BL Or 16773, f. 167r, for the subscription costs of a cow to be slaughtered for Hari Raya Haji. Gambar ini catatan dari naskah Aceh abad ke-19 tentang pembagian ongkos lembu untuk dikurbankan:
Best wishes for Eid al-Adha. Detail drawn after Khamsa of Nizami, illustration by Sultan Ali al-Bavardi, 1446-7, Herat. Topkapi Saray Library, Istanbul, H.786; fol. 239b. Typeface Shilia, Ultra-Light Compressed, https://linotype.com/878063/shilia-family.html…
The Centre for Islamic Archaeology, based in the Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies (IAIS), University of Exeter, is excited to announce its first Global Islamic Archaeology Showcase. This is a free online event on 26 Sept 2020:
On July 17, a very nice example of Qing proof-printing was sold on auction at Jiade in Beijing. The book appears to be a small, privately published collection of memorials restricting the opium trade 1/
New online! 11 collections of Sufi Islamic manuscripts digitised in Indonesia (https://eap.bl.uk/project/EAP352).
18th-20th century.
Languages include:
- Arabic
- Malay
- Minangkabau
- Javanese
- Dutch