There is no place for racism, bigotry, inequality or discrimination at Purina, or anywhere. We are committed to standing tall and standing together in the pursuit of change.
Get your personalized pet food recommendation via Dani and the pet breed identification engine.
We shape the future of Health and Wellbeing for pets & people through three simple pursuits.
We are connecting pets and people. We are building strong communities. We are shaping a better world.
We are exceeding safety standards. We are committing to quality. We are leading the industry.
We are discovering new possibilities. We are making nutritional breakthroughs. We are advancing the lives of pets.
Whether you have a dog, cat or both, our experts are here with all the information and tips you need. We use our Purina experts to cover topics like dog and cat health, nutrition, behavior, training and more.
When you’re stuck inside, having pets can make the time a lot more enjoyable—but can also present some challenges. Purina’s pet behaviorists share tips to keep you and your pet happy when you’re stuck inside.
Spending extended periods of time indoors can be tedious and overwhelming for everyone, including pets. Taking time to come up with some creative enrichment activities for dogs and cats can help keep things interesting.
Caring for a family pet is a great way to develop responsibility in kids. There are many rewarding ways to engage kids in pet care, and now is a perfect time to guide them, with these tips from Purina pet behavior experts.
Sign up today! From training tips to special offers, get the tools you need to keep your pet happy and healthy.