1.Blender→C4D想定 この前のマテリアル割り当てのFaceSetから割り当てるバージョン
import c4d from c4d import storage def main(): if not op:return path = storage.LoadDialog(title = 'File') if not path:return path = unicode(path, 'UTF-8') data_file = open(path, 'r') data = data_file.read() data_file.close() data = data.split('\n') for c in range(len(data)/3): Mat = doc.SearchMaterial(unicode(data[3*c+1], 'shift-jis')) tag = c4d.BaseTag(c4d.Ttexture) tag[c4d.TEXTURETAG_PROJECTION] = c4d.TEXTURETAG_PROJECTION_UVW tag[c4d.TEXTURETAG_MATERIAL] = Mat name = unicode(data[3*c+2], 'shift-jis') t = op.GetFirstTag() selection = None cname = name.encode('utf-8') tnameList = [] tnameFindexList = [] while t: tname = t.GetName() findIndex = tname.rfind(cname) if findIndex!=-1: tnameList.append(t) tnameFindexList.append(findIndex) t = t.GetNext() if len(tnameFindexList)>0: if len(tnameFindexList)>1: targetindex = tnameFindexList.index(min(tnameFindexList)) selection = tnameFindexList[targetindex] else: selection = tnameFindexList[0] tag[c4d.TEXTURETAG_RESTRICTION] = selection.GetName() op.InsertTag(tag, t) if __name__=='__main__': main()
2.C4D→Houdini想定 FaceSet用にポリゴン選択範囲をリネームする
import c4d from c4d import storage def main(): if not op:return path = storage.LoadDialog(title = 'File') if not path:return path = unicode(path, 'UTF-8') data_file = open(path, 'r') data = data_file.read() data_file.close() data = data.split('\n') for c in range(len(data)/3): print c name = unicode(data[3*c], 'shift-jis') newname = unicode(data[3*c+1], 'shift-jis') t = op.GetFirstTag() selection = None cname = name.encode('utf-8') tList=[] tnameFindexList=[] print cname while t: tname = t.GetName() findIndex = tname.rfind(cname) if findIndex!=-1: tList.append(t) tnameFindexList.append(findIndex) t = t.GetNext() if len(tList)>0: if len(tList)>1: targetindex = tnameFindexList.index(min(tnameFindexList)) selection = tList[targetindex] else: selection = tList[0] selection.SetName(newname) if __name__=='__main__': main()
3.C4D→Houdini_RedShift想定 マテリアル情報をCsv形式で出す
import c4d from c4d import storage import csv def main(): path = storage.SaveDialog(title = 'File') if not path:return path = unicode(path, 'UTF-8') f = open(path + '.csv', 'ab') csvWriter = csv.writer(f) val = 0 rowList = [] mats = doc.GetActiveMaterials() for a in xrange(len(mats)): rowList.append([]) matname = mats[a].GetName() df_tex = mats[a][c4d.MATERIAL_COLOR_SHADER] df_tex_path = df_tex[c4d.BITMAPSHADER_FILENAME] if df_tex else "none" spc_tex = mats[a][c4d.MATERIAL_SPECULAR_SHADER] spc_tex_path = spc_tex[c4d.BITMAPSHADER_FILENAME] if spc_tex else "none" bmp_tex = mats[a][c4d.MATERIAL_BUMP_SHADER] bmp_tex_path = bmp_tex[c4d.BITMAPSHADER_FILENAME] if bmp_tex else "none" nrm_tex = mats[a][c4d.OCT_MATERIAL_NORMAL_LINK] nrm_tex_path = nrm_tex[c4d.IMAGETEXTURE_FILE] if nrm_tex else "none" dsp_tex = mats[a][c4d.MATERIAL_DISPLACEMENT_SHADER] dsp_tex_path = dsp_tex[c4d.BITMAPSHADER_FILENAME] if dsp_tex else "none" opc_tex = mats[a][c4d.MATERIAL_ALPHA_SHADER] opc_tex_path = opc_tex[c4d.BITMAPSHADER_FILENAME] if opc_tex else "none" ObjLink = mats[a][c4d.ID_MATERIALASSIGNMENTS] myCount = ObjLink.GetObjectCount() for b in xrange(myCount): tag = ObjLink.ObjectFromIndex(doc,b) #Gets the tag that's on the object obj = tag.GetObject().GetName() sel = tag[c4d.TEXTURETAG_RESTRICTION] rowList[a] = [matname,obj,sel,df_tex_path,spc_tex_path,bmp_tex_path,nrm_tex_path,dsp_tex_path,opc_tex_path] csvWriter.writerows(rowList) f.close() # Execute main() if __name__=='__main__': main()