(cache)ELF - FILM SCHOOL FOR KIDS | British Board of Film Classification

ELF - FILM SCHOOL FOR KIDS [Additional material]

ELF - FILM SCHOOL FOR KIDS <span>[Additional material]</span> artwork

ELF - FILM SCHOOL FOR KIDS [Additional material]

Type VAM

Approved Running time 20m 37s

Genre(s) Additional Production Material

Director(s) Jon Favreau

Cast includes Will Ferrell, James Caan, Bob Newhart

Cut This work was passed uncut.

  • Suitable for all iconU


Components List

This work is made up of a number of separate components. Note that since February 2001 the BBFC has measured each component separately, but older works may not have the exact details, only a list of titles

Rating information

The version of this work detailed above is rated by the BBFC under the Video Recordings Act 1984 for use on any Packaged Media format (including DVD, Blu-ray and VHS). This classification may also be used when the same work is made available on Digital Video Platforms (including Video On Demand) provided that the platform is licenced to use BBFC ratings.