College Station Police Dept

The College Station police disbanded a gathering of around 200 people at a residence located on Carolina Street near Lincoln recreation center on Sept. 3 according to WTAW News.

During their responsec CSPD arrested two Texas A&M students, general engineering sophomores Samuel Nicknish and Jace Johnson, for supplying alcohol to minors. Both have posted their $5000 bonds. Police officers were unable to identify the ages of others due to the number of attendees.

A Brazos County mandate issued on Aug. 13 requires all gatherings of ten people or more to be approved in advance by local authorities.

The College Station city manager's office said the gathering was not permitted, according to WTAW News. Mayor Karl Mooney told WTAW News that permission was only issued to one location, 1900 Anderson, for Thursday.

Police reports did not specify if the attendees were wearing face coverings or social distancing.

From the week of Aug. 8 to Sept. 1, there have been 747 positive cases among students, faculty and staff, according to A&M’s COVID-19 dashboard. If you have been infected or been exposed to an infected individual visit for more information.

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