03 Oct 14 at 12 pm

-Kazuma Kaneko’s depiction of Moh Shuvuu

Accroding to the book Christian demonology and popular mythology (Demons, Spirits, Witches, vol. 2) Muu shuwuu (harmful bird) is a spirit that is harmful for the family and community, especially for hunters and travelers. She is a woman who died a violent death and transformed into a demon. If a father hides a flint into the hand of his deceased daughter her soul will transform into a Muu shuwuu.

Moh Shuvuu is demon from Buryatian folklore and is also said to the the soul of a girl who died in an early age without knowing love and who turns into Moh Shuvuu. They try to seduce males disguised as a beautiful girl, luring them to an isolated spot. She then reveals her true form attacks the hapless traveler, and cracks open his skull with her beak to suck out his brains.

The picture on the right of Moh Shuvuu is from the game Blood Brothers.

It’s also interesting that birds with the face of a woman became an archetype in Russia. For example Alkonost (the name derives from the demigoddess Alcyone), Gamayun (symbol of wisdom and knowledge and prophetic) and Sirin (based on Sirens).

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