Ariel E. Marcy, Thomas Guillerme, Emma Sherratt, Kevin C. Rowe, Matthew J. Phillips, and Vera Weisbecker (Dec 2020)
A size-shape pattern going back ~10 million years in Aus rodents: give me the mouse size, I’ll give you the skull shape!
Douglas F. Makin, Burt P. Kotler, Joel S. Brown, Mario Garrido, and Jorge F. S. Menezes (Dec 2020)
The behaviorally mediated indirect effects that endoparasites have on their host may be as large as the direct effects
Benjamin G. Freeman, Micah N. Scholer, Mannfred M. A. Boehm, Julian Heavyside, and Dolph Schluter (Dec 2020)
Nest predation in birds is thought to be highest in the tropics—but new research shows this is not true, likely because of adaptation
Ana Angela Romero-Haro and Carlos Alonso-Alvarez (Dec 2020)
Transgenerational effects of sustaining low antioxidant (glutathione) levels during early life
Junnosuke Horita, Yoh Iwasa, and Yuuya Tachiki (Dec 2020)
Positive feedback loop between competition and hormone synthesis induces the alternative life-history tactics
Michael H. Cortez and Meghan A. Duffy (Dec 2020)
Louis Paul Decena-Segarra, Lilijana Bizjak-Mali, Aleš Kladnik, Stanley K. Sessions, and Sean M. Rovito (Nov 2020)
Miniature salamanders have reduced genome sizes compared to larger species
Nobuaki Mizumoto, Paul M. Bardunias, and Stephen C. Pratt (Nov 2020)
Study of termite building detangled the complex relationship between individual behavior and collective patterns
Jessica F. Stephenson, Martin Stevens, Jolyon Troscianko, and Jukka Jokela (Nov 2020)
Male guppy ornaments indicate parasite resistance before infection, but males may ‘fake’ quality with dynamic traits!
Ryan Chisholm and Tak Fung (Nov 2020)
Modeling indicates that Janzen-Connell effects maintain little diversity in the presence of intrinsic fitness variation