Does a monitor refresh rate limit the max FPS? - Quora

archived 1 Sep 2020 22:07:29 UTC
Does a monitor refresh rate limit the max FPS?
5 Answers
Answered August 29, 2020 · Author has 1.2K answers and 301.7K answer views
A monitor's refresh rate limits your actual drawn frames but not your rendered frames. A 60hz monitor will not draw more then 60 frames/sec or 1 frame every 16.6ms at best where a 120hz will allow for 120 frames/ sec drawn with 8.3ms between frames. However you video card can render more frames then what your monitor can draw. The monitors will drop frames or even double frames to match the monitors call for frames with vsync on. With vsync off the gpu will send frames to monitor when they are ready which can cause visible tearing, especially at lower fps (tearing less noticeable at higher frame rates, especially frame rates beyond 144fps. With vsync on a 60hz monitor for example, frames will be held back until monitor needs new frame. If you go under 60 frames in this scenario frames can be doubled causing a stuttering. Having more frames rendered then what your monitor can draw reduces input lag. This happens because the rendered frametimes can be quite low allowing your monitor to get a frame ontime when it needs it. Sometimes even though you are getting 60fps on a 60hz monitor your game play may not be smooth because your frame pacing may have some frames taking longer then 16.6ms, this can also cause a jitter feel. Higher rendered frames from the gpu will not only improve input lag but also will make your framepacing better. Some people will use Riva tuner statistic program to limit the frame rate at a framerate that they know can be sustained in a game at what settings they have. This can improve frame pacing significantly in games that have poor framepacing making for a smoother experience. Never use vsync unless you have too because you have tons of screen tearing. Using the frame limiter in games menu will result in slightly better input lag over the Riva tuner limiter but Riva tuner keep framepacing (or frametime) more consistent. Using a frame rate limit is better then vsync at times because it will make for better frame pacing and smoothness without as much input lag as vsync. However tearing can happen. If you have a pascal or maxwell nvdia chip you can use Nvidia fast sync instead of vsync which will get rid of tearing and does not have as much input lag as vsync.
, 20 years working with computers professionally.
Answered December 27, 2017 · Author has 1K answers and 829.6K answer views
Yes and no, the refresh rate is generally expressed as the number of times the screen will be redrawn in a specific amount of time, usually a minute.
So a screen with a refresh rate of 60Hz, can show a maximum of 60 full frames a second. If you turn on a feature in games and drivers called v-sync, this causes the graphics card wait until it has a complete new frame before it redraws the screen. In very fast moving games where the graphics card(GPU) can generate more than 60 frames a second, this means the GPU will drop some frames while it is waiting for the screen to be ready to draw the next frame. If you turn v-sync off, then the GPU will begin drawing new frames as they are ready, sometimes resulting in portions of two different frames appearing on the screen at the same time. This is often called ‘Screen Tearing’. Competitive players will some times put up with screen tearing, because it lowers the input lag in gameplay, and lets you see your inputs right away.
A 60Hz monitor won’t prevent your GPU from generating more frames, but it will prevent you from seeing more than 60 of them in a second.
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Answered December 28, 2017 · Author has 137 answers and 223.5K answer views
FPS is not dependent on the Monitor or its refresh rate. FPS is purely dependent on your system specs. That being said, the monitor frequency rate is a factor if you would like a smoother game play. A 60Hz monitor would limit the fps to 60fps cause thats the capability it has to display. a 75Hz monitor would limit it to 75frames and so on. So if you are having a PC spec which can chuck out above a 100fps or 150 fps and if you are using a monitor which is 60Hz, thats really a compromise and i would recommend you to buy a 144Hz monitor for better visuals and amazingly smooth gameplay.
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Answered December 27, 2017 · Author has 63 answers and 23.9K answer views
The refresh rate will not limit the frame rate unless you turn on VSync. It is good to have higher fps than your monitor’s refresh rate because the monitor will choose the best frame to show which can give you a more updated display and less input delay.
Yes, the refresh rate or hz of a monitor determines the max FPS a monitor can display.
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