Your one-stop shop for all files of a "computery" nature, that cover how to rebuild a piece of computer hardware to do something it was never meant to do, or to see someone go really deeply into a computing subject that would cause most people to yawn and look for the snack table. Since BBSes were on computers, it was natural for people who used BBSes to focus on all aspects of these wonderful machines. The evidence of their interest and their experimentation resides below.
Of course, nearly ALL textfiles are computer-related in some fashion, and some subjects might fit here but fit even better in another section. For example, you should most definitely check out the programming and apple sections as well, as you might not agree with what I decided should go where.
Filename |
Size |
Description of the Textfile |
ASTRESEARCH | Technical Bulletins from AST Research | |
CYBERSPACE | Files Concering the Idea of "Cyberspace" | |
DOCUMENTATION | Documentation Files and Instruction Sets | |
HARDDRIVES | Hard Drive Technical Information | |
PRESSRELEASE | Press Releases by Companies Long Forgotten | |
1003v-mm | 4347 | Information on the Western Digital 1000v-MMx Series |
1006v-sr | 4347 | Information on the Western Digital WD1006V-SR1 and 2 |
1080mods | 3610 | Amiga 1080 Monitor Modifications |
1105.txt | 2468 | How to Boot with DR DOS (October 31, 1991) |
144_ctrl.txt | 6819 | Zaphod Beeblebrox' Notes on using PC 1.44mb 3.5" Drives with Atari STs and STEs |
144disk.txt | 6178 | Edited Textfile about 3.5" Diskette Formats, from Kevin Maier of IBM Corporation (May 10, 1989) |
144meg.txt | 13288 | How to Upgrade your Atari ST Floppies to 1.44mb 3.5" Drives, by Robert B. Pegram |
1541.tri | 12170 | Two Rarely Used 1541 Disk Drive Functions, by Peter Weighill (September 1993) |
154xb | 8693 | JUMPERS: Adaptec AHA-1540B |
16550a_n | 5842 | Information on the 16550a UART |
1991-12 | 42275 | What is ISDN Good for? By Mitch Kapor of the EFF (December 10, 1991) |
1pt4mb.inf | 5035 | Notes on the Use of 1.4mb Drives in AT Compatibles |
2310-12 | 4347 | JUMPERS: Adaptec ACB-2310,12 |
2496 | 4891 | How to upgrade your US Robotics 2400 Baud Modem into a 9600 Baud Modem by Death Bringer 06/07/1991 |
24to96x.txt | 7424 | Complaint about a file purporting to convert a 2400bd Modem to 9600 baud; claims it's a Hoax |
25mgupgd.txt | 13929 | A 2.5 Meg Socketed RAM Upgrade for the 1040ST by Barry Orlando (Decmber 28, 1988) |
286 | 6326 | A Review of Compaq DeskPro 286 by Bob McDuffee |
286-2 | 2828 | Part 2 of the Review of the Compaq DeskPro 286 by Bob McDuffee |
28_8khst.txt | 9335 | US Robotics Announces the Last Modem You'll Ever Buy (Press Release, June 8, 1992) |
2ndrs232.txt | 7725 | How to Get a Second RS232 Port For Your Atari (July 15, 1987) |
2w93358a.txt | 4445 | Guide to PGP Operations in a Secure Environment |
386486.txt | 5589 | A Low Cost Performance Boost for Your 386 PC |
400top.txt | 12870 | The SatisFAXtion Modem/400: Solutions to Common Problems |
401bugs.txt | 7387 | Two Suspected Bugs in MS-DOS v4.01 by William S. Ataras III (June 5, 1991) |
450baud.txt | 7296 | On the Topic of 450 Baud, by Scott Loftesness, May 28, 1983 |
486vs040.txt | 15981 | CISC: The Intel 80486 vs. The Motorola MC68040 from Advanced Microprocessors by Daniel Tabak (Scribed by Mike, July 1992) |
4chan8bi.asc | 8688 | Plans for a 4-Channel 8-Bit Analog-to-Digital Converter for PC from Francis J. Deck |
4dostips.txt | 3297 | 4DOS Specific Information and Tips |
500hacks.txt | 46075 | A Do It Yourself Guide to Computer Repair and Modification of the PC and Amiga 500 from Lewin Edwards |
500mm.txt | 6983 | Disk Storage Reaches Molecular Level, from Video Computing November/December 1988 Issue |
68040.txt | 12653 | The New CISC Micorporcessor offers RISC Performance |
86bugs.lst | 13776 | Harald Feldmann's 86BUGS List (November 3, 1994) |
87.set | 15313 | Information about the 8087 and 287 Coprocessors |
8bitcomp.txt | 24445 | The Designing and Building of an 8-Bit Computer: A Personal Story, by Mark Balch (1990) |
8chan12b.asc | 6047 | Chap 12-Bit ADC for IBM PC by Francis J. Deck |
8meg_exp.txt | 8158 | An Amiga 8meg RAM Expander, by John Kamchen (1991) |
9600.inf | 19072 | The Long, Painful Road to a 9600 Baud Standard |
9600data.txt | 30848 | A Comparison of High Speed Modems Compatibility/Features/Differences/Prices (March 3, 1991) |
9600info.inf | 19119 | 9600 Baud Modems: An Overview |
a4000 | 6725 | A Scared Amiga Beta Tester lets the Cat out of the Bag about the Amiga 4000 |
a5000.txt | 11864 | The First Reports of the Amiga 5000 |
a500_1mb | 8312 | Directions on How to Convert your Amiga 501 Cartridge to Chip RAM |
aboutems.txt | 27370 | Memory Expansion in80x86-Based Computers Under MS-DOS by John Wilson of Hyperdyne |
abrash.lst | 20429 | Roll Your Own Minilanguages with Mini-Interpreters, by Michael Abrash and Dan Illowsky (1989) |
accel.txt | 3948 | An Amiga 500 Processor Accellerator Project, by Leslie Ayling |
act-13.txt | 63155 | The Amateur Crackist Tutorial Version 1.3 by Specular Vision |
adapter.txt | 18556 | How to Connect a PC to a VideoCrypt Decoder, by Markus Kuhn (June 19, 1994) |
add5.25drive.txt | 3576 | How to Hook a 5.25" Drive to your Amiga, by Les Ayling |
add512kb | 2438 | How to install a 1mb Chip into an Amiga 500 on the Mothercard |
addcard.txt | 2291 | Hack to Allow an Amiga 1000 or Amiga 500 to expand its 86-pin slot to 100pin |
addictio.txt | 7589 | The Tragedy of Online Addiction, by Steve King |
addrive.txt | 8357 | Generic 3.5 Inch Double Sided Disk Drive for the Atari 520/1040 Series |
aids.txt | 1571 | The AIDS Trojan Horse Program Marches On (March 1990) |
all-help.tec | 36845 | All the Help Scripts from the DESQview 2.26, QEMM 5.0, Manifest 1.0, QRAM 1.0, etc. |
alsnutt1 | 2182 | Big Al's Norton Utilities Tech Tips Volume 1 Number 1 by Al Hansen (1990) |
alt-bin.txt | 49521 | Notes on Decoduing UUENCODEd .GIF Files |
ami-chts.txt | 182700 | Large Collection of Amiga Video Game Cheats |
ami-init.txt | 4080 | The Amiga Boot Sequence and Errors |
amiga_technical_info.txt | 43685 | USENET Postings: Amiga Technical Information (1989) |
amihist.txt | 19261 | Notes of RJ Mical Speaking about the Rise and Fall of Amiga Computer |
amiport.txt | 10617 | More Ports for your Amiga: An I/O Expansion Board |
amscsi.txt | 6497 | Building a SCSI COntroller for the Amiga |
anderson.asc | 130304 | Kermit for OS/2 by Brian R. Anderson (1990) |
anderson.lst | 5622 | C Customized Memory Allocators by Paul ANderson |
andrson2.asc | 135168 | Kermit for OS/2 by Brian R. ANderson (1990) |
anetwork.txt | 3363 | Making a Simple Atari ST to Atari ST Link |
anonymit | 34657 | The Joy of Handles, or Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Me But Have No Right to Ask, 1992 |
antiarq.txt | 1257 | Getting Rid of the ARQ Flashing by Mr. Fone |
anywhere.txt | 4142 | DOCUMENTATION: The Anywhere Scroller Version 1.00 |
appendix.txt | 3866 | A Listing of Modem And Information Standards |
apple.txt | 7253 | The Text of the Apple-Microsoft Agreement |
arcsuit.txt | 56430 | Court Complaint from System Enhancement Associates and PKWARE (July 6, 1988) |
arthayes.txt | 30471 | General Introduction to HAYES Modems and Compatabiles by Ignaat Simons |
ascii | 7504 | Folklore: The Original Uses of the Unusual ASCII Codes, by Douglas Jones (June 2, 1994) | | 1040 | A Short List of ASCII Character Set Definitions |
asm.txt | 101753 | The 8086 Family Architecture |
asmstr.asc | 23451 | Structured Programming Column by Jeff Duntemann (February 3, 1989) |
asp3404.txt | 274371 | Catalog of Products from the Association of Software Professionals (October 4, 1990) |
asp5202.txt | 1219432 | Catalog of Products from the Association of Software Professionals |
asp5301.txt | 1292374 | Official Catalog of Products by Association of Shareware Professionals (Contents) |
asp804.txt | 1933029 | Official Catalog of Products by Association of Shareware Professionals (Contents) |
asp9301.txt | 2212930 | Official Catalog of Products by Association of Shareware Professionals (Contents) |
asp9501.txt | 1978185 | Official Catalog of Products by Association of Shareware Professionals (Contents) |
aspbbs.dlm | 42717 | List of Association of Software Professionals Directory |
atamnesa.txt | 2595 | Hey! These IBM ATs have batteries inside and they're failing! |
auping.asc | 15046 | Making the move to Modula 2 by J.V. Auping and Chis Johnston |
author.lst | 96222 | A List of Email addresses of 255 Reachable MS-DOS shareware and PD authors (December 17, 1995) |
autpub.frm | 5138 | Application to Join the Association of Software Professionals |
autstd.txt | 13029 | Association of Software Professionals Membership Requirements |
award.txt | 2346 | Award BIOS Drive Type Table |
ayers.lst | 29009 | An Object-Oriented Logic Simulator by Kenneth E. Ayers |
babel92a.txt | 79153 | Babel: A Listing of Computer Oriented Abbreviations and Acronyms by Irving Kind, 1989-1992 |
babel94a.txt | 105377 | BABEL: A Glossary of Computer Oriented Abbreviations and Acronyms by Irving Kind Version 94A (1994) |
backdoor.txt | 12384 | Collection of Back Doors to computer games, by George Knochel |
bartle-m | 450025 | Interactive Multi-User Computer Games, a Report by Richard Bartle, 1990 |
basunix.hac | 15360 | Basic UNIX Use by Lord Lawless |
bat&conf.txt | 7401 | Tricks to Use with Batch Files |
batch.txt | 51183 | Batch Files for Efficiency: Getting Real Work Done |
battery.txt | 26055 | Rechargeable Batteries and Laptop Computers |
bauer.lst | 10217 | Optimizing in a Parallel Environment by Barr E. Bauer (199) |
bb | 12057 | Beta Bits by Tim Conner, Jr. (1986) |
bbsnoise.txt | 3251 | Your System Has Noise, by Bill Noel |
begunix.txt | 337256 | A Beginner's Guide to UNIX, from the Denver Office (September 16, 1991) |
being.txt | 38959 | Being in Nothingness: Virtual Reality and the Pioneers of Cyberspace, by John Perry Barlow |
best.cps | 11430 | Get the Best out of JRCOMM and your DUALST 14.4kbps on your Amiga, from The Spirit (May 19, 1991) |
bev105.res | 10421 | The Hack Report Volume 2, Number 3 (March 7, 1993) |
biblio.lst | 28958 | Bibliography of PC Interrupt Fuctions by Ralf Brown (February 11, 1996) |
bibliog.txt | 24448 | Laptop and Portable Computer Books |
bill | 8784 | Bill Gates Interview from PC Magazine | | 16647 | Description and Call to Arms on H.R. 1035 | | 4123 | AMI 286 and 386 BIOS New Release Notes (December 15, 1988) | | 6288 | AMI 286 and 386 BIOS Release Notes (February 25, 1989) | | 4264 | AMI 286 and 386 BIOS Release Notes (March 30, 1989) |
biprint.txt | 9485 | Making your PC Parallel Port Bi-Directional by Mark F. Bower (IBM PC) ((July 1991) |
bitsbaud.txt | 10112 | Bits, Baud Rate, and BPS: Taking the Mystery Out of Modem Speeds, by Michael A. Banks |
blt6 | 21816 | Techniques for Off-Line Mail Reading, by Robert Dionne (May 6, 1990) |
blum.lst | 18024 | Bidirectional Associative Memory Systems in C++, by Adam Blum |
boost.txt | 1670 | An Audio Booster on the Amiga 500, by Chucky of Sargon |
bootfromdf1.txt | 6757 | Saving DF0: by Booting up from DF1: by Les Ayling |
bowling.asc | 11641 | Real-Time Modeling with MS-DOS by David Bowling |
bradbery.asc | 12901 | Porting Fortran Programs from Minis to PCS, by John L. Bradberry |
bright.lst | 3200 | Getting a Handle on Virtual Memory, by Walter Bright |
bugrep.txt | 1582 | Bug Report Form for PKWARE |
buildit.doc | 59591 | Building an IBM Compatible, or How to be a Real Clone, by DJ Elliott (January 1991) |
buildit.txt | 33024 | The Obese Agnus: The New 500 Board and Other Recent Experiences by Andrew WIlson (July 23, 1989) |
buy386 | 7996 | The Developer's Guide to Buying a 386 |
buyguide.txt | 25636 | PC Gaming Sound Cards: A Buyer's Guide v0.34 by Dave Masten (November 4, 1994) |
c64topc.txt | 5646 | How to Connect a Commodore 64 Compatible Printer to an IBM PC Compatible Computer (March, 1995) |
cache.txt | 5795 | Disabling Write Caching in DOS 6 | | 6100 | Comparison of different Long Distance Carrier performance |
cart.txt | 8192 | Turning an Atari ST's Cartridge Port into a Read/Write Port |
cascade.txt | 6784 | Information from Cascade Electronics about Being Ripped Off |
caution.txt | 4613 | Doublespace in DOS 6 |
cbm_dead.txt | 2610 | Eulogy on Commodore as it Goes Under (From Down Under) |
cd-rom | 93046 | An Introduction to CD-ROM Technolgy by Andy Poggio (March 1988) |
chaos.txt | 2432 | Chaos, Strange Attractors and BrainMaker Plots |
cheap144disk.txt | 2996 | Making a Cheap 1.44mb Disk! |
cheats | 40275 | A Very Large Collection of Amiga Cheat Codes |
cleankey.txt | 9856 | How to Clean the IBM PC Keyboard by David R. Bivens |
clinton.sgi | 38608 | Remarks by the President and Vice President to Silicon Graphics Employees, Feb. 22, 1993 |
coemail | 12431 | Formulating A Company Policy on Access to and Use and Disclosure of Electronic Mail on Company Computer Systems, by the Electronic Mail Association, October 22, 1990 |
colors.32k | 9679 | Getting an Atari ST to Display 32,768 Colors by Barry orlando (September 9, 1989) |
colr.txt | 8448 | Guidelines for Effective Color Terminal Usage, from Tektronix |
comdefs.hum | 5121 | Grab-Bag of Geeky and General Humor | | 4175 | An Overview of PC Hardware's LPT/COM/IRQs |
compdev.txt | 12301 | Some Thoughts on the Development of Personal Computers by Duane Bristow |
comphorror.hum | 164912 | A Fantastic Collection of Computer Horror Stories |
compiler.tut | 8576 | Compilers and How They Work: An Overview, by Lou Morgan |
compuser | 9572 | The Gospel according to CompuServe! (Their position) |
conclus.txt | 17859 | The Conclusion of the Courts in the INSLAW Software Case, January, 1992 |
config.txt | 34499 | Your CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT by Barry Simon, 1986 |
convmem.txt | 1078 | JZig's Guide to Freeing Conventional Memory (On a PC) | | 11392 | Copy Protection: A History and Outlook | | 10880 | Copyrighting Public Domain Programs |
courierv34man.txt | 346655 | The Courier V.34 Manual, by U.S. Robotics (1994) |
cpsranno | 2259 | Upcoming Conventions of Computers, privacy and Freedom (1994) |
cpucmp14.txt | 31839 | Performance Comparison: Intel 386DX, Intel RapidCAD, C&T 38600DX, Cyrix 486DLC by Norbert Juffa |
crtstuff.txt | 51493 | The Quest for the Ultimate Display System by Steve Gibson |
defrag.txt | 2291 | Defragmenting a Doublespace Drive in DOS 6 |
designer.txt | 9653 | Sapphire Designer Notes, by Tim Campbell |
dhalf.txt | 63489 | All You Need to Know about Digital Halftoning/Dithering, by Lee Daniel Crocker (June 20, 1991) |
diagnose.txt | 18306 | An introduction to Troubleshooting your IBM PC by Jerry Schneider of the Capital PC User Group |
diagrams.txt | 36835 | Listing of Different Drives and Controllers for TheRef |
disks1 | 15882 | The Technology of Magnetic Disk Storage by Steve Gibson |
disks2 | 16889 | A Hard Disk Drive for Steve's Dream Machine by Steve Gibson |
disks3 | 28492 | The Logical Structure, Organization and Management of Hard Disk Drives by Steve Gibson |
dma.asc | 18432 | DMA Techniques for Personal Computer Data Acquisition |
docwaste.txt | 1033 | George Gutman's Call for lack of spaces in DOC files |
dodont.txt | 12638 | How To Get The Most Out of Your New PC |
dos-user.s-g | 3605 | The PC User's Guide to UNIX |
dos6tips.txt | 1957 | DOS 6 Tips and Tricks: Review |
dos_err.txt | 3456 | Dos 2.0 Has Problems with Redirection of I/O |
doshist.txt | 41430 | The Development of DOS |
dosmem.txt | 13205 | The PC Memory Management Overview |
dosmnual.txt | 42543 | PC/MS-DOS: The Essentials, by George Campbell |
drives.txt | 5060 | Driving Us Crazy, but For a Reason (Hard Drive Overview) by Alan Brenden |
dvinter.1st | 8430 | The DESQview Interrupt List, Release 90.3, 07/15/90 |
dvscript.txt | 2432 | Creating and Using Scripts with DESQview |
ea.iff.85 | 63215 | EA IFF 85: The Standard for Interchange Format Files by Jerry Morrison of Electronic Arts (January 14, 1985) |
earlybst.txt | 6529 | Timo's Subjective Choices of the Best Public Domain and Shareware MS-DOS Early Material (September 13, 1995) |
echtutor.txt | 17437 | A Tutorial on the New Phenomenon of Fido Echomail |
eight.lws | 14297 | The Adventures of Lone Wolf Scientific: The House Where Andrew.BAS lived, by Michy Peshota |
email | 21201 | A Large Suggested Summary of Policies on Electronic Mail |
equip.txt | 45113 | Hints on Purchasing a Laptop Computer |
errors.txt | 8182 | A List of Errors by Hard Drives Under DOS |
esdi.txt | 8326 | Basic Installation Procedure for ESDI Drives by Ruan Ramsey (July 3, 1992) |
essays.txt | 263347 | Art in the Age of Digital Dissemination: Class Essays from an Art and Technology Course, 1993 |
execnois.txt | 3889 | If You Are Getting Garbage On the Screen (Modem Diagnostics) |
ext-ram.txt | 14198 | An Extended RAM Tutorial for MS-DOS by Raymond Dunn |
fangrev3a500 | 3372 | Making a Faster Agnus Chip, by Hans Van Der Werf (October 30, 1989) |
faq.txt | 52582 | FAQ: OS/2 Frequently Asked Questions List: User's Edition Verison 2.0 (April 25, 1992) |
fbi.sys | 5192 | Summary of FBI Computer Systems, by Ralph Harvey of Full Disclosure |
fcc.txt | 12545 | Computer and Software News Part 1 by Tim Elmer |
fd_ref42.lan | 36874 | A Large Floppy Drive Directory Version 4.2 (October 1, 1991) |
fd_ref42.por | 23264 | Floppy Drive Directory by TheRef Version 4.2 (October 1, 1991) |
fdd | 11750 | teria, by Bud Leroy |
fileid.txt | 18022 | Information on Why You Should Use FILE_ID.DIZ |
filename.txt | 21870 | File Names and Extensions: The Keys to the Kingdom |
flop.txt | 3194 | Using Doublespace on Floppy Disks in DOS 6 |
floppies.txt | 15744 | Everything You've Ever Wanted to Know Abut Floppy Disks by Ted Jensen |
format.txt | 2510 | Photo/Digital Specifications for GIF Files |
forums.lst | 20327 | A Complete List of Public Forums on Online Services by Ed Girou of the CompuServe Practice Forum (June 1, 1993) | | 6068 | Must We Declare an Electronic Declaration of Independence |
freenet.cap | 13691 | The Concept of Community Computing |
fricc | 2296 | The FRICC Policy on Interocnnectivity and Resource Sharing |
ftp2uk23.inf | 71087 | Notes for PC/MSDOS users at UK JANET sites (April 27, 1992) |
ftxt | 19014 | Information on FTXT: A Text Standard for IFF Files from Steve Shaw and Jerry Morrison, Electronic Arts (November 15, 1985) |
fyi-8 | 253367 | The Site Security Handbook, a guideline for computer systems, July 1991 |
galileo.txt | 93697 | The STS-34 Press Kit (Exploratory Spacecraft) |
gameport.inf | 3231 | Specifications for the IBM/PC Game Port Connector (April 6, 1990) |
genderol | 25452 | Gender Issues in Online Communications by Hoai-An Truong, 1993 |
genlock.txt | 19649 | The Genlock Circuit Operation Description |
gfxhints.txt | 30197 | Some Hints on Improving your Computer Graphics |
gifstd.txt | 31874 | The GIF Specification |
glossary.lst | 35647 | Glossary of Computer Terms |
glossary.txt | 3311 | Yet Another Computer Glossary |
gnu | 23949 | The GNU Manifesto by Richard Stallman (1985) |
hack_pom.txt | 2215 | Casey at the Byte (Parody of Casey at the Bat) |
hacktest.txt | 8497 | The Hacker Test Version 3.0: Another 'Adventure in Software' from SuperNova Software by Rich 'Crash' Lewis, Jr. (1992) |
hallfame.txt | 100594 | The Freeware Hall of Fame by Rey Barry (June, 1992) |
handles.txt | 33215 | The Joy of Handles (or, Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Me but Have No Right to Ask) |
hayes.txt | 322645 | Technical Reference for Hayes Modem Users, Version 1.0, November 1990 |
hd.txt | 28948 | Hard Disks: The Essential Accessory |
hd_mfr41.dir | 23897 | Hard Disk Drive Manufacturer Directory (January 3, 1991) |
hd_ref41.lan | 404370 | Hard Disk Drive Directory Version 4.1 (January 3, 1991) |
hd_ref41.por | 309167 | Hard Disk Drive Directory Version 4.1 (January 3, 1991) |
hd_ref43.lan | 692412 | Hard Disk Drive Directory Version 4.30 (May 1, 1993) |
hd_ref43.por | 587412 | Hard Disk Drive Directory (May 1, 1993) |
help.txt | 3737 | The DOS 6 Help File |
hint89.txt | 2945 | Configuring Autoexec.bat and Config.Sys Files (December 1, 1991) |
history.txt | 17081 | A Little PC History: Where We've Been with No Idea Where We're Going! |
hoagco.cis | 37883 | Transcription from Compuserve of Various Information by Hoagland Mars Mission |
hoagland.let | 29828 | Letter from Richard Hoagland (December 1, 1989) |
honey.txt | 4144 | Honey, Can the Computer Do This? By Wayne Garrison |
how2mnp.txt | 30321 | How to do MNP Modem Protocol |
hsdiag.res | 6557 | The Hack Report Volume 2, Number 5 by Lee Jackson (April 10, 1993) |
i4004.txt | 3213 | Before the Great Dark Cloud: Information on the Intel 4004 |
ibm.fu | 6757 | OS/2 Is Still Vaporware (June 4, 1988) |
itcfree.800 | 3563 | Information on the ITCnet Toll Free Communications Network by Jack Reece |
jadu13.rvw | 3983 | REVIEW: Just Another Disk Utility Version 1.3 (October, 1989) |
jargn10.txt | 1128344 | Eric Raymond's Jargon File, Version 2.9.10, July 1992 |
jrquiet.txt | 468 | Silencing the pesky IBM PCJr hard drive | | 6120 | Karpov vs. DEEP THOUGHT: The Overview, by Darren Bedwell |
kcah-1 | 32102 | KCAH Volume 1 |
kcah-2 | 17440 | KCAH Volume 2 |
kildall.txt | 11552 | The Gary Kildall Legacy, by Sol Libes (1996) | | 3056 | Killer DOS Stalks Software |
language.lis | 390367 | The Language List, Version 1.9, Jan. 13, 1993: Collected information on about 2000 computer languages, past and present |
licence | 12488 | The GNU General Public License Version 1 (February 1989) |
lrplan.txt | 2924 | The Long Range Plans of the University of Pittsburgh for their Computing Facilities |
mac2tel.v2.txt | 8864 | How to Get Digitized Macintosh Sounds Into a Modem |
mac_oscillators.txt | 28179 | A Macintosh Crystal Oscillator Speedup, by Marc Schrier (April, 1994) |
maccrack.txt | 7038 | A Collection of Macintosh Unprotect Schemes |
mactricks.txt | 5942 | Some Mac Tricks for Novices by Steve J. McAllister (February 28, 1995) | | 2825 | Really Angry Complaining Letter |
manners.txt | 7464 | Computer Etiquitte, by Mel North |
manyhint.txt | 15640 | ATARI ST Guaranteed Cheat Codes and Strategies |
may-bust.txt | 6617 | Busted! By the Leviathan |
mdic150.txt | 136696 | The Modem Dictionary, by R. Scottt Perry, 1993 |
mdic200.txt | 155549 | The Modem Dictionary Version 2.0 by R. Scott Perry (1993) |
mism16.hac | 28288 | The Kromery Converter/Free Electricity by John Bedini, Eike Mueller, and Tom Bearden |
mism18.hac | 42496 | The New Tesla Electromagnetics and The Secrets of Free Electrical Energy (Part 1) by T. E. Bearden |
mnemonic.txt | 6705 | An interesting Collection of Helpful Mnemonics |
modem.txt | 2016 | Some Modem Specific Information: AT Command List |
modemlif.hac | 11074 | The Modem Life: Is it Really Worth it? By The Nomad |
modprobs.txt | 13312 | Modem Communication Problems by Graham Newton |
morph.txt | 9597 | Several People Discuss that new Morphing Technology, 1991 |
mrdos1.txt | 9381 | If You Have Never Used Computers Before... An Introduction |
mrdos2.txt | 5753 | If You Have Never Used Computers Before... An Introduction (Part II) |
mrdos3.txt | 8562 | If You Have Never Used Computers Before... An Introduction (Part III) |
mrdos4.txt | 5527 | If You Have Never Used Computers Before... An Introduction (Part IV) |
mrdos5.txt | 8148 | If You Have Never Used Computers Before... An Introduction (Part V) |
mrdos6.txt | 11242 | If You Have Never Used Computers Before... An Introduction (Part VI) |
mrdos7.txt | 10060 | If You Have Never Used Computers Before... An Introduction (Part VII) |
msbbs.txt | 35293 | Microsoft Windows Version 3.1 Windows Driver Library (December 9, 1992) |
msdos.txt | 8827 | Some MS-DOS Specific Information |
muck.txt | 12965 | The MUCK (Multi User Coding Kludge) Commands List |
muck_edi.hel | 1457 | The MUCK MUF (Programming Language) Reference |
muf161.txt | 3044 | The Fabulous Microsoft Undocumented Features Volume 1 Number 6 |
net_horm.txt | 19189 | Net Hormones: Infection Control assuming Cooperation among Computers by David Stodolsky |
newkbdhack | 18258 | A New Keyboard Hack for the Amiga, by Dana Peters | | 4117 | PC New Technology Digest |
noise.txt | 7717 | The Modem Noise Killer, Alpha Version |
noise_1.txt | 6020 | Creating a Modem Noise Killer |
ohs-rcs.txt | 58850 | Information on the Orbital Manuvering System |
opcodes.lst | 32788 | Undocumented Instructions and Documented Instruction of Processors, by Potemkin's Hackers Group (October 23, 1994) |
opt_wagr.txt | 8561 | Mathematic Formulas: Optimal Wagering by Michael Hall, 1991 |
org-anal | 67829 | Organizational Analysis in Computer Science by Rob Kling (June, 1993) |
p6fact.txt | 1921 | An overview of the P6 Processor |
paging_g.ame | 4275 | The Paging Game, by Jeff Berryman describing how Memory Paging Works | | 4499 | Paranoia Runs Through Computer Community, by John Dvorak |
password.txt | 11460 | Some Very Good Advice about Choosing a Password |
pause.txt | 1858 | Making a pause on the 68000, by Chucky of Sargon |
pc1hrdsk.add | 4388 | Some Solutions for Old PC's and Hard Disks by Paul Vojta (February 28, 1988) |
pc869kb.txt | 9847 | What is High Memory, and Why do I care, and How Can I Use It? By Cy Atkinson |
pcg102b.txt | 15745 | The PC Gazette Volume 1.02 (Section b) (April, 1986) |
pcgnet | 20716 | The I/O Port: Communications with the PC Gazette (August 21, 1986) |
pcjrmem.txt | 4224 | Altering the IBM PC-JR 128 Memory Module to 512K by David James (July 20, 1986) |
pcjrtopc.txt | 3712 | Instructions to Convert an IBM PCjr Color Monitor to a Standard DB 9 Connector |
pcl100.txt | 20296 | List of HP Printer Escape Sequences (1988) |
pentium.txt | 15939 | Intel Pentium(TM) Processor Technical Backgrounder |
perstest.txt | 9361 | Mind Reader: Do Personality Tests Pick Out Bad Apples? |
phoenix.txt | 2377 | Phoenix BIOS Drive Type Table |
photoscn.txt | 6901 | Photographing TV and Computer Screen Images |
piracy.txt | 8451 | Software Piracy: An Alternate View, by Jim Thomas and Gordon Meyer (March 5, 199) |
pntq&a.txt | 10377 | The Pentium Processor Q&A, March 22, 1993 |
ports.lst | 128622 | XT, AT and PS/2 I/O port addresses (November 6, 1994) |
presizer.faq | 5860 | FAQ: The Partition Resizer |
privacy.txt | 5474 | The Rise of the CPSR (Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility) |
qf921124.txt | 8101 | QFACTS: The Representation of Facts and Information |
r4300i.txt | 24340 | R4300i Microprocessor Technical Backgrounder |
raspeed.res | 4949 | The Hack Report, File Test Results, Volume 2, Number 6, May 29, 1993 |
rbrown.txt | 22307 | A List of Public Domain/Freeware/Shareware by Ralf Brown (1994) |
reagen.asc | 7936 | Ram Disk Driver for UNIX by Jeff Reagen (May 2, 1990) |
realaq.asc | 8351 | Real-Time Data Acquisition by Mike Bunnell and Mitch Bunnell |
realhack.txt | 11485 | The Meaning of "Hack" from the Jargon File |
regan.lst | 11153 | LZW Revisited by SHawn M. Regan (January, 1990) |
rehabots.txt | 3290 | Robotics for Rehabilitation from Epitomes-Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation |
remote.asc | 11486 | Remote Connectivity for Portable Terminals Part I by Dan Troy |
remove.ada | 20668 | One Man's Crusade to Remove Ada From the Planet |
renaissance.txt | 22619 | The Electronic Renaissance: A Course in the Ether, by Ellis L. "Skip" Knox (1990) |
replies | 79819 | Why Do Fans Blow Out? A List of Replies (April, 1993) | | 9508 | A really whiny complaint about how users suck |
response.txt | 5623 | Why Live in the Past? (The ARC and ZIP Fight) | | 5120 | Copyright Information for Computer Software Hacks |
ripscrip.txt | 166212 | The RIPscrip Graphics Protocol Specification (May 12, 1993) |
rm-rf | 8879 | The RM -RF Story, by Mario Wolczko (The Recovery of a UNIX System) | | 28003 | A Guide to the Dungeons of Doom by Michael C. Toy and Kenneth C. R. C. Arnold |
rpgrules.txt | 3230 | The Rules of Role-Playing on the Galactic Net |
rs232.txt | 21260 | A Practical Guide to RS-232 Interfacing, by Lawrence E. Hughes |
scavenge.txt | 38319 | DOCUMENTATION: Scavenger-Dialer Version 0.61 |
script.txt | 12079 | How to use uSu Script Formats, by Cyberglitch |
scsi.txt | 9003 | Basical installation Procedure for SCSI Drives by Ryan Ramsey (June 22, 1993) |
scsidefs.txt | 113040 | An Introduction to SCSI Definitions |
sea.txt | 12928 | SEA vs. PKWARE: Shareware Company Threatens BBS World that Gave it Life |
secret.txt | 1217 | A Windows 3.1 Secret |
secrets.jok | 2167 | Users' Guide to Little-Known Facts About Computers (Humor) |
serial.txt | 5207 | Programming the Serial Port |
share.txt | 55380 | The Shareware User's Guide to Shareware, Public Domain, Freeware and Commercial Software |
sharew.txt | 4373 | The Definition of Shareware, by Paul Mayer, Author of GRAB Plus |
sharewr.inf | 5813 | What is Shareware? By Richard Martin (January 1994) |
smus | 47165 | SMUS IFF Simple Musical Score by Jerry Morrison of Electronic Arts (February 5, 1986) |
softshop.txt | 63378 | Software Shopper Online Volume 5 Number 11 (March 1995) |
software.txt | 16512 | Software for Laptop Needs: A Listing of Shareware Vendors |
stereo.txt | 8320 | The Atari ST 520/1040 Stereo Modification |
stips.txt | 9714 | Submissions and Tips and Tricks for DOS Booting v1.23 by Scorpio |
stratari | 29583 | People Are Talking (About Atari ST Stuff) by Joe Mirando |
supdev.txt | 5654 | Supported Devices for Various DPT Drivers (November 21, 1991) |
support | 7873 | Programmer's Technical Reference for MSDOS and the IBM PC Version 2.2a |
taeis.lng | 63557 | A Collection of Artifical Languages from the Taeis Worlds | | 18515 | The Tao Of Programming, Short Version. | | 27266 | The Tao of Programming, Translated by Geoffrey James (Formatted) |
tcad | 11547 | Computer-Aided Design of Tesla Coils, by Toby Grotz |
tec001.txt | 1803 | STAC Technical Note: Third party defragmentation programs and STACKER 2.0 and 1.x (February 20, 1992) |
tec002.txt | 4131 | STAC Technical Note: QEMM386 and OPTIMIZE (September 18, 1991) |
tec004.txt | 1396 | STAC Technical Note: Backing up STACKER drives (February 20, 1992) |
tec005.txt | 2564 | STAC Technical Note: Miscellaneous STACKER Notes (May 24, 1991) |
tec006.txt | 2403 | STAC Technical Note: LoadHI Information with Stacker (July 9, 1991) |
tec007.txt | 1886 | STAC Technical Note: Removing STACKER (May 24, 1991) |
tec008.txt | 3285 | STAC Technical Note: Stacker Coprocessor Installation Checklist (February 20, 1992) |
tec009.txt | 1572 | STAC Technical Note: Stacker and Disk Cache Programs (May 24, 1991) |
tec010.txt | 2476 | STAC Technical Note: Performance Differences Between Stacker Software and CoProcessor Versions (February 20, 1992) |
tec011.txt | 2355 | STAC Technical Note: Scheck and Stacker Space Reporting (February 20, 1992) |
tec012.txt | 2073 | STAC Technical Note: DR DOS and STACKER (February 20, 1992) |
tec013.txt | 2131 | STAC Technical Note: Miscellaneous DOS and BOOT Issues with STACKER (June 26, 1991) |
tec014.txt | 4864 | STAC Technical Note: DOS5 Information (June 18, 1991) |
tec015.txt | 2674 | STAC Technical Note: DOS 5.0 Information (June 28, 1991) |
tec016.txt | 4129 | STAC Technical Note: QEMM386 OPTIMIZE and STACKER Version 1.x (February 20, 1992) |
tec017.txt | 3907 | STAC Technical Note: MAXIMIZE by Qualitas Corporation (September 6, 1991) |
tec018.txt | 3214 | STAC Technical Note: Windows 3.0 in Enhanced Mode and Stacker (September 18, 1991) |
tec019.txt | 1266 | STAC Technical Note: Finding SSWAPed Drives in C |
tec020.txt | 2002 | STAC Technical Note: Installing STACKER on an IBM PS/1 (February 20, 1992) |
tec021.txt | 5550 | STAC Technical Note: Installing 386MAX and BlueMAX on a STACKER System |
tec022.txt | 5341 | STAC Technical Note: Using Stacker and QEMM by Robert Ngan |
tec023.txt | 9441 | STAC Technical Note: Upgrading to DR DOS 6.0 with STACKER Installed (February 20, 1992) |
tec024.txt | 2383 | STAC Technical Note: STACKER 2.0 Device Driver Memory Requirements (February 20, 1992) |
tec026.txt | 1818 | STAC Technical Note: Stacking the Harddrive on a Floppyless Notebook Computer (February 20, 1992) |
tec027.txt | 2932 | STAC Technical Note: I Stacked my PS/1 Before I reconfigured the Way It Starts, Now What? (February 20, 1992) |
tec028.txt | 1812 | STAC Technical Note: Stacking the Hard RAM Drive of a Palmtop (February 20, 1992) |
tec029.txt | 3861 | STAC Technical Note: Stacking Up the HP 95LX Palmtop Computer (March 6, 1992) |
tec030.txt | 2963 | STAC Technical Note: QEMM386 Optimize and Stacker 2.0 (March 6, 1992) | | 3145 | An Archive of Writings and Files Related to Steven K. Roberts, the Techno-Nomad |
techtip.txt | 4090 | Some Tech Tips from the Micropolis BBS |
teletype.his | 28523 | History of Morkrum Company - Ancestor of Teletype Corporation |
the_dark.er_ | 448695 | Extremely Large Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction Story |
theory1.hac | 28850 | Wireless Transmission of Power: Resonating Planet Earth by Toby Grotz |
theory2.hac | 3560 | Tesla Coil Theory Information |
tips.txt | 42380 | Computing Tips, Tricks and Traps plus Comments Regarding Environmentally Safe Computing |
tips0792.asc | 25771 | TIPS by Craig S. Stevenson of The Bertha BBS (July 1, 1992) |
tjhelp.txt | 7637 | Tips and Tricks fromT & J Software (August 7, 1994) |
travel.txt | 18107 | Information on Travelling with a Laptop Computer |
trivia.1 | 13294 | Questions and Answers from the Second Computer Bowl, at the Boston Computer Museum (April 1990) |
trivia.2 | 14616 | Questions from the Third Annual Computer Bowl in San Jose (April 26, 1991) | | 13312 | Mark Garvin explains how a trojan horse got him |
tsprog.inf | 10957 | A List of Program and Other Packages by Timo Salmi (February 25, 1996) |
twxhist.txt | 16883 | A History of Telex and Fax (Very Complete) |
udcnew.txt | 46480 | The Universal Data Converter, by Hannibal Lecter of Delamo Labs, Inc. |
udp.txt | 2887 | Installing a DPT Controller with User-Definable Parameters |
ultra.txt | 10212 | Gravis Ultrasound Tech Specs: The Unofficial Dox, by Tran of Renaissance and Joshua Jensen (December 1992) | | 4401 | Collection of Funny Commands You can Enter in UNIX |
unixsec.txt | 157190 | Improving the Security of your UNIX System by David Curry (April 1990) |
unravel.txt | 27343 | The Unraveling Universe from Time Magazine |
ut.sof | 7939 | The University of Toronto Acceptable Use Policy on Computer Software |
v42bis.txt | 12106 | A Layman's Explanation of High Speed Modems, by Stan Simmons April 4, 1991 |
vcbackup.txt | 8064 | How to Back-up your PC VisiCalc disk |
vendlist.txt | 3703229 | The Vendor Phone List and Other Miscellaneous Info by Dan Kyburz (July 18, 1996) |
vendors | 3275 | VENDORS: Mapping of the First Three Bytes of an IEEE Mac Address Into Venfor's Name |
vguide.txt | 118853 | A Disk Vendor's Guide, by the Association of Shareware Professionals (March 15, 1993) |
vidtrix.txt | 3800 | Tricks You Can Do With Your Video Camera |
viewers.txt | 11245 | Information on Different Picture Viewing Programs (October 5, 1991) |
visio.txt | 8234 | Visiophones: French High Tech Security by Pierre Marie Bourniquel | | 10306 | Bringing Theatre into Virtual Worlds |
wacky | 3042 | Introduction File for the FidoNet WackyNet Network |
weird2_1.txt | 101705 | The high weirdness by email v2.1 |
weirdstf.ans | 33410 | The Weird Stuff Source List, 08/01/1993 |
weiskamp.lst | 15441 | An Icon Editor by Keith Weiskamp and Loren Heiny |
wellman.hac | 77936 | The Complete Guide to the WELL (Whole Earth 'Lectronic Link) |
whatis.txt | 4274 | What Is a Modem? (Introduction File) |
win31.txt | 19333 | General Compatibility Issues with Windows 3.1 |
winthere.asc | 3537 | Winthere, a Program to Test for the Presence of Windows 3.0 by Ben Meyers (1990) |
xdi.tec | 8904 | XDI Specification for DESQview: Quarterdeck Technical Note by Daniel Travison |
xga.doc | 6887 | How the XGA Graphics Settings are Achieved |
xmodem.txt | 6005 | The Xmodem Protocol in General, by Lightning House Software |
xt-640k.upd | 6940 | Upgrading an Old IBM PC/XT to 640k, by Tony Movshon (March 2, 1988) |
xt286.txt | 7296 | Some Highlights of the New PC XT Model 286 |
xtformat.txt | 3456 | Modifying the FORMAT Utility on an IBM-XT running Dos 2.0 |
yapnet | 4532 | Overview of the Yapnet Echomail |
youth | 2468 | Introduction to YouthNet: A Communications Network for the Young and Young-At-heart |
zoom | 14561 | Overview of the Hayes AT Command Set for the Zoom Modem |
zork3.txt | 1549 | How to Backup and Unprotect Infocom's Zork III Game for IBM PC |
There are 430 files for a total of 26,445,637 bytes. |
There are 5 directories. |
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