Jeffrey Peterson🇺🇸+ Your Authors @realJeffreyP Fmr. Founder/CEO Quepasa (now MeetMe) Nasdaq Stock Market: MEET / Proud U.S. Citizen🇺🇸 Technology entrepreneur💻 #USA #Independent #Freedom Aug. 22, 2019 1 min read + Your Authors

THREAD. A year ago today, I published a controversial thread about a time I overheard individuals talking about cloning experiments at a Democrat party fundraiser. At the time I did not disclose the identities of the individuals involved in such endeavors however I will ...

name them tonight. First of all, here is a link to the thread i published a year ago today about overhearing conversations related to cloning.


Although at the time I published the above thread, many people were skeptical, I said at the time it was a true account. And it was. One of the specific individuals I overheard speaking with Nancy Pelosi regarding cloning experiments was John Sperling

Sperling was the founder of the University of Phoenix, one of the largest (if not the largest) for-profit universities in the United States.

I clearly overheard Sperling speaking with Pelosi about advanced cloning experiments on living beings, including animals and humans.

The other individual I heard both Pelosi and Sperling speaking about relating to cloning experiments being done on remote islands, was Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon.

Bezos was not there. But they were talking about him. And Pelosi kept saying, "He's doing mine." "He's doing mine."

I understand that sounds completely insane. That is what I heard. I will also note that Pelosi was drinking and seemed tipsy to me. But it didn't sound like a joke to me. On several occasions when I was around her she was drinking a lot.

I will write more about this in time.

You can follow @realJeffreyP.


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