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All or Nothing このプロジェクトは 2020年8月29日 (土曜) の16:00 UTC +00:00 までにゴールを達成した場合のみファンディングされます

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes

An epic experience from the creators of classic JRPGs, with an intricate story and a gigantic cast of characters!

アップデート #11

Architect’s Office #3 - Minigames

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Rabbit & Bear Studiosクリエイター


Hey everyone!

It’s Monday, which means it’s another jaunt over to the Architect’s Office for a spotlight on game systems. This week, we’re taking a look at the different minigames we’ve unlocked throughout the campaign. It’s sure to be a good one!

We have a lot of ground to cover in today’s update, so let’s get started!

Let’s start with an exciting reveal!

Fan Chosen Stretch Goal

Although we traditionally only reveal the next two stretch goals, because the 3.125 Million goal is very special, we’ve decided to reveal it in this update. We mentioned this campaign having a lot of backer and fan participation, and now is the opportunity for us to make good on that promise. This goal will be the 9th character to join the crew, bringing the total number of heroes to 109.

We know that #108 is significant for many reasons, so we’d like to have Murayama-san explain this design choice in his own words:

“Our 108th hero has been born through a new stretch goal. The number 108 is certainly a special number for many people, myself included.

However, that is a number that holds special value for the Genso Suikoden series and we want to show our respect for what that series means by finding our own number and moving forward to something new.

To symbolize that we would like to create the 109th character in the game by allowing the fans to choose between multiple character design sketches that Junko Kawano has created.

It’s my hope that this is a very important evolutionary step forward that we can take with the help of all our passionate fans.”

To that end, the visual design of character 109 will be chosen through a poll on the Eiyuden Discord. Voting will begin Friday 21st at 12 Noon ET (9 am PT). We will be showing off each of the four possible character designs on different platforms: The official Eiyuden Twitter, the official Facebook page, the official Instagram, and the unofficial /r/Eiyuden subreddit, which has been gracious enough to allow us to post the designs there.

We’ll be posting these at random times this week, so keep your eyes peeled, and feel free to collect and share notes with other fans!

The poll will last for exactly 24 hours. May the best design win!

Minigame Explanation

The world of Eiyuden Chronicle is filled with exciting minigames to take your mind off the war that rages across the land. Whether you’re looking to become the very best, or just looking for a diversion, there’s plenty to do!


Once the player reaches a certain point in the game, they will meet a hero who knows how to fish, thus allowing them to access the fishing game. There are many different fishing spots all over Allraan, each featuring different fish. You'll even find some bizarre fish with human faces.

Successfully catching lots of fish will require skill not just as a gamer, but knowledge in terms of selecting the right bait for the fish, and acquiring better fishing rods. Fish you catch can be made into cooking ingredients or sold for high prices.

The fortress town will also eventually acquire strange fishing spots that contain fish from all over the world.


In Allraan, beigoma has been popular with people of all ages for a long time. Shops in town sell beigoma starter kits, customization kits, and other various beigoma-related merchandise.

When you start playing beigoma, various other beigoma players will challenge you to duels. Skill tournaments will also be held. You'll meet up with famous beigoma players, learn different skills, and gain many different opportunities to prove to the world that you're the best beigoma player there is.


Merchants in Allraan travel across political borders to do business, and the player can also acquire trading goods at various trading posts in towns and villages. The price of each trading good will change depending on the time and place. Buying low and selling high can help make your adventure go much more smoothly!

Once you acquire the fortress town and find some heroes with a knack for trading, you can open a trading post in your own town.

Eggleg Racing

Eggleg races provide another source of entertainment in Allraan. Races are held in large towns, and lots of people gamble on the eggleg they think will win. Players can also take part in the gambling.

Once you acquire a fortress town and find an eggleg trainer, you'll be able to raise and breed your own egglegs, then send them out to race.

Eggleg Trainer

Once you acquire the fortess town and find an eggleg trainer, you'll be able to raise your own egglegs. Egglegs can be found on your adventure or bought directly from breeders.

Aside from raising and breeding your egglegs, you can also send them out to races. If you raise up a talented eggleg and it wins a lot of races, you'll become world-famous as a talented trainer (and earn tons of prize money, of course).

New Premium Rewards

As this is a Monday, we have a new Premium Reward to unveil! You’ve all wondered what an eggleg is. Here’s your chance to name a rival eggleg that will no doubt cause other players plenty of grief on the race track.

Hatch-It Job

Eggleg racing is a beloved pastime in the world of Allraan, famous for its intense competition. This is your chance to leave your mark on the sport. With this reward, you’ll be able to name one of the rival egglegs players will encounter during their racing career.

Renewed Premium Rewards

Since the Beigoma Trainer premium reward has run out, we’re re-upping it for another five chances, unfortunately without the early bird discount.

New Add-Ons

After talking with the key creators, as well as our merchandising partner, we are happy to let you know that you have been heard. We will be providing a cloth world map as a new add-on. This will be the perfect add-on for the directionally impaired.

To purchase a cloth map, add an additional $25 (2750 yen) to any pledge tier. Again, we apologize for any inconvenience caused by doing add-ons this way. The current add-ons are as follows:

Major Upgrades to Rewards

Since the start of our campaign, a number of things have changed and improved. Some of it has been your hard work on smashing through social goals in Rebuilding the Town. Here is a quick round-up of major changes to the rewards:

  • The Sigil Button reward will now ship with 7 buttons instead of the original 1.
  • The artbook will be 108 pages, and ship in hard cover!
  • The CD Soundtrack now comes on two discs, and will be accompanied by a Sound Effect and Remix album!
  • The Vinyl Album will now ship with a second LP!

That’s a lot of extra value for backers! If you’re still unsure on what tier you’d like to pledge at, perhaps these new additions to the reward tiers will help you make that tough decision!

Figure Prototype Test Print

Speaking of which, one of the Premium Rewards is the figure set, and in keeping with our theme of transparency, we wanted to provide this very early test print video from HIVE. While the video is extremely early, and in no way reflective of final quality, we wanted to share this very early step in the creation process as a behind-the-scenes look of how these figures will be created.

Special In-Game Scene Reveal

We’ve had a lot of backers ask to see more in-game footage. While we normally hold our cards close to our chest, this is something that’s worth getting excited about. While it will only be a minor peek, we feel it will make a lot of people happy. Make sure you tune-in to the Friday update for more!

Second Discord AMA

In keeping with the theme of working together to choose the best character design, there’s no better person than to have Junko Kawano answering your questions directly. She will also be joined by Osamu Komuta, Junichi Murakami, and Yoshitaka Murayama might even be lurking in the Discord shadows (however, Murayama-san wants this to be focused on the other creators, so let’s give them the spotlight).

The AMA will be on the official Discord server, which you can join by clicking here. It starts Saturday August 22nd, 12 Noon ET (9am PT). We will set up a special AMA channel for participants to drop their questions in. Because we expect a high volume of questions, we will engage slow mode in the Discord channel, and limit participants to one question every five minutes. This will keep everything manageable for moderators.

Another Dream Fulfilled!

Thanks to your support, Residual has been funded. This is the third Kickstarter you’ve helped fund, and they’re greatly appreciative. Your incredible support has helped all of these teams make the games of their dreams, and all of us could not be more thankful.

We know that there are concerns that the creators are not making the game they want. We want to make it very clear that they want to follow their vision, but they also want to collaborate with backers to choose select pieces of the game’s design. This careful balance is actually a lot of fun for the whole team, and one of the key reasons we decided to bring the project to Kickstarter in the first place.

Phew! That was quite the update! Thanks for sticking with us through the whole thing. Onwards and upwards!


建築家のオフィス#3 - ミニゲーム


月曜日の今日は、ゲームシステムにスポットライトを当てつつ、建築家のオフィスを覗いてみたいと思います。今週は、これまでのKickstarter キャンペーン中にアンロックされた、色々なミニゲームについて取り上げて行きたいと考えています。これは要注目の内容です!










109人目のキャラクターデザインは、Discord の百英雄伝のアンケート結果で決定されます。

投票は、8月22日(土)の午前1:00 (アメリカ東部時間で8月21日(金)の12:00 )から開始されます。候補となる4つのキャラクターデザインを、公式Twitter、公式Facebook、公式Instagram、そしてReddit(こちらは非公式ではあるものの、寛大にも今回の投稿を許してくれた/r/Eiyuden subreddit )上でもお届けしたいと思っています。



































クリエイター、そしてグッズ関連のパートナーと協議をしてきた結果… 皆さまの声が届きました!新しいアドオンとして、布製のワールドマップが追加されます!方向音痴の方にはベストなアイテムとなるかもしれません!




  • イラスト入り缶バッジ:もともとは1つの缶バッジでしたが、7つまで届けられます
  • アートブックは108ページの大作となり、またハードカバーとなります
  • CDのサウンドトラックは2枚組となります。また、サウンドエフェクトやリミックスまでもが含まれます。
  • レコード盤は、2枚目のLPと一緒に届けられます



プレミアムリワードのひとつに、フィギュアセットがあります。皆さまに出来るだけ多くの情報をお届けするために、かなり初期段階ではありますが、Studio HIVEがお届けするテストプリントをお見せ出来ればと思います。この動画は、制作のかなり初期段階のものであり、最終製品のクオリティーが反映されるものではありません。ただ、舞台裏で進んでいる制作プロセスをお目にかけられればと思いご紹介します。



2つめのDiscord AMA



日本語AMAは、公式Discord サーバーにあり、ここをクリックすることで参加いただけます。開始時間は、8月22日(土)の23:00を予定しています。専用のAMAチャンネルを用意しますので、そこで色々と質問を投げていただけたらと思っています。質問の量が多くなることが予想されるため、Discordチャンネルではスローモードにして、参加者を5分ごとに1つの質問に制限制限させていただけたらと思います。なるべく盛り上げたいと思っているので、よろしくお願いします!




ふっ~とここで一息… 今日のアップデートはこれまでです!最後までお付き合いいただき、ありがとうございました!前向きに、そして上向きに頑張ります!

いいね! がこのアップデートに「いいね!」しました



  • user avatar
    Nicolo Dresp

    I find the add-on prices appallingly high.

    The prices you charge are beyond anything AAA game studios charge.

    2.200¥ for a steelbook?

    2.750¥ for a cloth map?

    3.850¥ for collectible cards?

    You should have designs, sizes and pictures ready for all those items if you want people to overpledge for these them in good faith.

    The fact that you don’t use a pledge manager afterwards for no reason is already shady enough and makes me question if you’re at all familiar with how Kickstarter works.

    If I add to that what happened with Mighty No.9 and Shenmue 3, I don’t really have faith in japanese developers who’re going solo on crowdfunding pages, charging their backers big money while lacking basic knowledge and on how to design a comfortable and user friendly crowdfunding campaign.

    Begs the question if you’re able to properly manage game development if you cannot even manage a Kickstarter project.

    I was interested in the 25.000¥ Trinity pledge, which is already high priced when compared to other game Kickstarters who offer similar trinkets, but I would’ve expected that you give your backers a steelbook, a cloth map and a bunch of cards as a stretch goal for free on top if you collect enough money through the campaign and not charge another 8.800¥ from the very people who’re financing your project. Seems very greedy and not consumer friendly to me.

  • Human faced fish 😂 I love the weirdness of how that sounds.

  • user avatar
    Christopher Young

    I kinda like the egglegs!! i can't wait to raise/race my own!!

  • user avatar

    Rabbit and Bear Studios,

    Sorry, I assumed that since you had looked so heavily into past game Kickstarters that had gone awry, that you knew a bit more about what you can do as a campaign creator. You have the ability to make updates "Backer Only", so that only current backers can access the content of those updates. Many (if not most) campaigns that need to poll a large number of backers post all the pertinent information and a link to an independent polling site in a Backer Only update, thus ensuring that only backers can see it and also not requiring the backers to use any other site than Kickstarter. If they're worried about the link being shared around, the survey can ask for backer number, Kickstarter user id, or Kickstarter email, to reduce the risk of anyone answering illicitly.

  • user avatar
    Melody Violine

    I hope we can customize products and prices in our Trading post in our own town

  • user avatar
    Andrew Hadi Kumala

    I can't find the size of the cloth map anywhere.. i'm very interested but for now ill hold off until further detail (size, photo, etc) of the cloth map is announced. hopefully.

  • Dear Rabbit & Bear Studios,

    As an alternative option for people who do not have social media accounts, you could email all of us Backers an online survey / polls with the character designs to vote on. This is perhaps a neutral ground.

    • user avatar
      Rabbit & Bear Studiosクリエイター

      With 32000 plus backers I don't think we could logistically handle managing all the data and adding up the numbers. I wish there was an easier solution. Maybe we could ask people to just send in a message if they don't have any social media and we could tally that at the end rather than all 32,000 backers. I worry it would clutter and confuse the other non-poll questions although maybe we can have people tag it in a way for those purposes.

    • user avatar
      Keith Lakoduk

      Would be nice if you had the poll here. I've seen several other kickstarters do polls on the site.

      Kind of sucks that those of us that hate social media will have no voice.

  • user avatar

    I'm very disappointed to see Kickstarter being left out as a platform for the new character polling. If the new character is only being included because we, the backers, have pledged so much of our money to the project, why is it being demanded of us that we must also sign up for some other service in order to see the new characters and vote on them? I don't have accounts at any of those sites, and I'm sure I'm not the only backer in this position. I don't like being locked out just because I don't do social media.

    • user avatar
      Rabbit & Bear Studiosクリエイター


      We certainly understand that feeling but right now Kickstarter doesn't support polls. And there is no way to confirm whether someone is a backer or not until after the campaign is over when the survey is sent out. So this is more a logistical issue than anything else.

    • Yes I believe this is logical issue. It would be wonderful if Kickstarter allow polls only for backer. But I am afraid right now it is not the case.

  • user avatar

    Any way you could post the sketches in a Kickstarter update before the poll is done? I mean, you're getting funding for your game through Kickstarter...

    • user avatar
      Rabbit & Bear Studiosクリエイター

      We'd imagine something like that will happen on the Friday update!

  • user avatar
    Otoshigami No. 40723Superbacker

    RIP 108 number. o7 also glad you're using 3D Printer as it saves more time and Resource rather than having people making one manually. :)

  • cute little egg birbz

  • user avatar
    Michael Dunkerton

    Any chance we could find out the maker of those cloth maps? Would love to know what to expect.

  • I will be absolutely shocked if there is not a Suikoden II style cooking mini-game with all the focus on food at this point 😂

    • The cooking mini-game was the first mini-game stretch goal that we hit, it will definitely happen =)

    • user avatar
      Rabbit & Bear Studiosクリエイター

      What Joel Brown said!

  • user avatar
    Alex Kaplan

    Great update. I just updated my pledge for a few of the new add ons. Would be great if we could get the figures from the reward tier as well.

    • user avatar
      Rabbit & Bear Studiosクリエイター

      Unfortunately, they are a premium item that is too expensive to bundle with other tiers and cannot be mass-produced to lower the target cost to the point where it does work. From a financial perspective, there really isn't a good solution to make add-ons for the figure work.

  • user avatar
    Luis Alberto Portillo Acosta

    How do you know the difference between add-ons, for example if I add $50 could mean that I want either the chibichara figure it the snappies, should we send you a confirmation email additional new $50 increment?

    • user avatar

      @Luis: There will be a survey after the campaign where you tell them what you want to spend your additional money on ;)

  • Excellent update!

    It's really clear that you've put a lot of effort into building the minigames into the world. So often, things like this can feel like an afterthought, but it's very refreshing to see that that won't be the case here.

    I'm excited to get a cloth map for my wall, as well!

  • user avatar
    Johnnie Chhuoy

    I hope I can send out people to fish instead of doing it myself. I hate fishing and read that you will be able to send out groups to gather stuff for other things.

    • user avatar

      Minigames are usually optional so you can very likely skip them if those aren't your cup of tea. Having the option though is nice. =)

    • user avatar
      Johnnie Chhuoy

      Yes, but fishing gives you fish for cooking.

    • user avatar

      How about auto mode or skippable for minigame? I mean like this, we can get the result with just pushing one button, but the result will be more randomized than manually playing the mini game

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